The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 62: Attacking the Yellow City 4

Chapter 62: Attacking the Yellow City 4

From Ruth's point of view, the support technique that Minos was using was so incredible that it certainly had to be at least Silver-grade. And not only this was a first-rate technique, which was probably created by a Spiritual Demigod, or even a God!

Anyway, while Ruth admired the Devouring Art, Minos started to move towards the group of 30 bandits. He held his sword with both hands and then began to make several movements in the direction of those men.



Several blades of air formed while Minos brandished his sword as if he were drawing a painting. His movements gave the feeling that it was, at the same time, smooth and fast.

With every fraction of a second that passed, it seemed that Minos changed focus and attacked a new person. At the same time, the bandits who were completely shocked by the proficiency of this young man with brown hair.

'Damn it! My speed is very slow. I will not be able to dodge this attack!' One of the men thought while he saw a blade of air approaching his chest.

At the same time, many of the other bandits faced a situation almost identical to that man. They could not dodge Minos' attack, so they could only put everything in their defenses.

Of this group of 30 thugs, most were only at level 40, with only 2 men already at level 41. And so, the restriction that Minos had imposed on them was much more difficult to resist.

And even if Minos couldn't have a long fight with such a large group, he would still be able to attack them decisively by using all his strength during the 10 seconds he had.

With Devouring Art and the Spatial Sword, the young Stuart had a great advantage fighting at a distance from his enemies, as he was doing now.

He could keep his enemies at bay with his techniques, creating attacks using their own energy while limiting them with his attack technique!



The sound of the air being ripped increased while Minos continued to unleash his sword attacks. At the same time, some of the previous attacks had finally collided with their respective targets!

Steel Bones!

Earth Shield!

Flaming Barrier!

Several bandits released their defensive techniques with everything they had to defend themselves against Minos' attacks. They quickly consumed all their spiritual energy reserves to get away from this attack.

That's because the strength of each blade was as fearful as an attack by someone at level 42!

'Shit! What kind of monster is this guy?' One of the level 41 thugs thought about it, trying to defend himself.



"Ahhh!" contemporary romance

Explosions sounded, spreading a haze of dirt all over the place, while several bandits were sent flown off the perimeter of the Devouring Art. Most of them were severely injured, to the point that those looking at them would not know if they were alive or dead.

All of this happened in an interval of just 10 seconds!

Minos had used up all of his energy reserves, along with the power of the Devouring Art. He activated his Spatial Sword 10 times in a row while sending attacks in each bandits' direction within range.

He had used all his cards in this attack!


Screams of pain were heard from those who were still conscious, while the dust raised by the explosions slowly began to dissipate!

Upon seeing this, the group finally noticed the grotesque scene where those men were thrown.


There were arms and legs separated from the bodies, heads on the floor, and several bandits with wounds at chest height.


From some of them, someone could see their entrails coming out from the bottom of their bellies, while some crying sounds could be heard as well.

It was really a typical war scene! The horror that each of those men had in their eyes was genuinely expressive.

Anyone looking at this scene would know that those men were scared like never before in their lives!

Although many people thought that bandits were fearless beings, the truth was that they were terrified of losing their lives. That's why they ran away and hid!

Thus, when faced with completely hopeless situations, many of them fall into despair, to the point of even giving up fighting.

When they saw the scene in front of them, the group that accompanied Minos was shocked beyond measure. Even the soldiers, who already knew the challenger techniques that Minos used, could not handle the emotion of seeing such a feat of struggle.

As for Elen, Ruth, and Eduard, they barely had words to express their thoughts. From their point of view, at that moment, Minos looked like a devil who ignored any common sense that existed in this world.

"He can really use that sword..." The bodyguard, Eduard, murmured to himself. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, then he would never have believed that anyone could use a grade-2, low-level, weapon, being only at level 35!

At the same time, Elen's mouth was wide open. She couldn't believe that Minos had such skill, having started cultivating just over a year ago!

"But this technique that he used to attack bandits is almost as incredible as the other support technique. Unbelievable!" Ruth said as she recalled what had happened.

After letting out a big sigh, Minos then said, looking at his soldiers. "Finish off the enemies that are still alive."

After that, Minos kept his sword in his spatial ring and returned to the group.

They then started to wait on the spot while reinforcements from the enemies arrived.


At the same time, inside the mansion, the two men responsible for the Yellow City had already noticed the sounds of battles and were heading towards the mansion's entrance.

"Hmph, nobody in this place has the courage to challenge us. Is it someone behind these traders that we kidnapped?" The muscular man asked as he looked at Dugal.

"Hmm, that must be the only possibility." The thin man said, heading for the mansion's entrance gate.

After some time, not only did the two men arrive at the place where Minos and his group were, but all the other bandits who were in the mansion arrived as well. There were just over 50 people in the group, with the weakest being at level 40.

When the two men at level 43 arrived at the local, they soon noticed the bloody scene in front of them, while a group of 21 people was patiently waiting for them. Dugal, who was the most intelligent, took the initiative and asked.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?" He asked, looking in the direction of Dillian and Eduard. As these two were the strongest in the group, Dugal put more caution on these two.

Minos, standing next to Dillian, then said it out loud. "It doesn't matter who we are. As criminals, you should already be prepared for this type of situation."

Minos then looked at Ruth and Eduard and said. "Remember, don't kill the two strongest on their side."

Upon hearing this, both Dugal and the muscular man frowned. The two probes the enemies and felt that the beautiful girl and the man were at levels 45 and 48, respectively. There was no way for them to fight enemies of this level!

"Shit, they are powerful. No wonder they dared to attack us!" The muscular man said in a furious voice.

"Hmm, but we are not just going to surrender to him. That young man, who is only at level 35, appears to be the group leader. If we can capture him, we may have a chance." Dugal said while looking in the direction of Minos.

He then passed the order on to his men to hold Ruth and Eduard while they both attacked Minos! "Let's go fast. We can't give this level 48 guy a chance to catch us."


And the battles quickly happened again, while Ruth and Eduard killed the many bandits that came towards him. At the same time, the muscular man and Dugal were getting closer and closer to Minos while dodging enemy attacks.

Poisonous Art!

Dugal activated his attack technique, throwing a green ball of spiritual poison towards Minos' body!

This was Dugal's specialization, and he intended to incapacitate Minos to stop the enemy attack.

However, when he least expected it, Ruth appeared almost instantly in front of him, giving Dugal a hard punch in his belly.


He screamed as he was thrown backward onto the battlefield, in a half-passed-out state.

Ruth's punch was so strong that he couldn't maintain consciousness, rolling his eyes and spitting a mouthful of blood while his body flew up to one of the mansion's walls.


At the same time, the muscular man was also stopped by Eduard, while Dillian stopped the poison ball that was coming towards Minos.

Radiant Healing!

A beam of golden lights appeared in Dillian's hand as he positioned himself to receive the poison ball. This technique looked like a small sun, emitting golden threads of light that could be used to heal or defend biological attacks!


The two techniques came into contact, and almost instantly, the green ball disappeared. There was no other way to happen since Dillian was both much stronger than the opponent who had launched this technique, and Radiant Healing was a Golden-grade technique.

There was no way to compete with that!


A few minutes passed, and finally, all the bandits in the mansion were killed, except for only Dugal and the muscular man, who were unconscious.

Minos looked at the soldiers and said. "We are going to take these two to different rooms. I want to interrogate them one by one and find out what's going on here."

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