The Rare Werewolf

Chapter 19


I had a meeting with the council and pack alphas. When I got up I looked around for Ro but she wasn't in the room. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. As I was looking around the living room all eyes were on me. Norman came up to me "dude what's wrong" he asked seeing the worry in my eyes, I looked at him "where is Ro? Please tell me you know where she is" I asked/said. Normans face completely changed and that was all I needed. I took off out the back door and followed her scent. It led me to the middle of the woods, when I saw her my heart broke into a million pieces. She was in tears punching a tree I wanted to go to her, but I know she needs her space, so I decided to just keep my distance in case she needs me.


A few hours go by when I decided to take a break the wind started to kick up. It took a split second for his scent to come to my nose. I turned around and saw him sitting by a tree watching me. He didn't move just stayed still and talked "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be here but I can't leave you alone, not right now at least." He said and smiled, my feet moved before my body taking me to Max. I collapsed in his lap and cried once again all he did was hold me and rub my back. I don't know what I would do without him, he is my home, my safe place.


The moment she fell into my lap her body went numb. I had no idea she was hurting like this, I lifted her head and told her that we could train all day if she wanted but I wanted to be here for all of it. She nodded her head and got up, we started with the basics of fighting and went from there. We were out here for three maybe four hours training non stop. When we stopped Ro was laying on the ground trying to catch her breath. "Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded I laughed and joined her in the grass. "I guess we should head back" she said and I nodded agreeing with her. Before I could get up Ro climbed on top of me placing her hands on my chest, I rested my hands on her hips and looked at her beautiful eyes. "Thank you for everything, for being by my side, I love you" she said with the biggest smile on her face. She leaned down and kissed me, I instantly kissed back. "We should get back" Ro said and got up giving me a hand up.


When I walked in the pack house I was practically tackled by Nelly. "Where have you been" she asked the looked at Max, when he saw her face change, he threw his hands up and everyone laughed. "We were just training I promise" I said, and we laughed some more. "Ok I'm tired I'm going shower then pass out see you guys whenever" I said making my way upstairs.


I watched Ro head upstairs to our room. For the rest of the night, I was pretty much spaced out. After dinner I brought some food up for Ro but when I got to her, she was passed out. I took a shower and layed beside her taking her into my arms and falling asleep. In the middle of the night, I was woken up by Ro moving out of bed. I sat up "hey what's wrong" I asked, and she looked at me "my side hurts" she said with her hand on her side. Ro lifted her shirt to show me, and her side was swollen I looked up at her and she looked away "what happened" I asked. Ro looked back at me before she spoke "I pushed myself too far yesterday" she said and started to cry "I just want to be strong enough to be called your mate and Luna Queen" she said crying as I pulled her into a hug. I held her close and told her "You will always be strong enough to be called my mate and Luna Queen. No one will down on you for this, you lost a part of you that no one will ever be able to live through. But you did you are living through it, and I love you no matter what" I kissed her on the forehead and held her for a little bit longer "I'm going get you an ice pack I'll be back" I said before kissing her and leaving. When I got back, she was passed out once again. I crawled into bed and held the ice pack on her side until it melted and when it did, I put it on the nightstand and went back to bed.

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