The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 4

Their house is now visible as we round the corner, unfortunately to my horror I notice my father on the porch in his dog form, probably waiting for my return,

‘‘Shit, my father is on the porch, I cannot see a way of getting around him, he will sniff me out before we get closer,’’ I say, my words filled with sadness,

Damien throws his jacket over me and guides me into the alley to his back door, somehow, we evade them, and father cannot smell me over the scent of Damien,

‘‘His sniffer is too old to smell you through my scent,’’ Damien says satisfied that I now smell of him,

I smile happily that I have evaded them, and I could not believe that I am inside the house of my dreams, I have always loved the look of the outside of this house, hoping one day I would get the chance to see inside the Victorian era house, and now I am actually in it.

I came through the back entrance, which leads into the kitchen, herbs and spices, pots and pans hang from the ceiling, which has been painted black, but the white iridescent chandelier compliments it beautifully.

White tile’s line the walls where black cupboards are not occupying the space, crystal handles add to the beauty of the room, I love how they used a white quartz counter, making the room brighter and more beautiful. The dinning table matches the kitchen counter, which match perfectly with the large black chairs. Some plants and copies of famous painting made the room complete,

‘‘Make yourself at home, explore everywhere while we make dinner,’’ Cassius says,

Alaric growls but does not say anything, Damien nods and that is what I do.

I slowly made my way over to a side door within the kitchen, leading me to a matching laundry room, glass jars lined the shelves with stain remover, sent booster and your usual wash stuff, that I wish I had.

A toilet and sink fitted perfectly below the window, with the black and white tile flooring flowing through from the kitchen, another door was within the room leading you into a basement.

I found their neatly set up gym below, large weights, a running machine, an exercise bike, and a rowing machine were lined perfectly to ensure enough room was there to use each piece correctly, the lighting was true to the sun which helped when you looked into he mirrors that adored all the way around the room.

I found three mirrors that had writing on them, the first read shower, steam room and sauna written on it, inside the push door mirror, was exactly what was written on the door, written on the second mirror was pantry, which is full with food jars of everything, over flow items like toilet paper, cleaning products and more, the last mirror with writing on read, cinema/games room, inside I found a huge screen and massive sofa’s which I am sure are supposed to be beds.

I could not believe what I had already seen, and this was downstairs, this house is like a dream, I could never hope to make real. I materialised upstairs, where a cup of tea was waiting for me,

‘‘Are you sure your do not need my help,’’ I ask, sipping at the magical tea that tingled every taste bite,

‘‘Nope, you carry on there is far more to this house than meets the eye,’’ Damien says,

I smile, heading off into the hallway, while drinking my tea, I love how the hall ceiling are also black, the huge staircase is as well, and more beautiful paintings, crystals, fairies, plants, and skulls decorate the white walls.

A door to the left before climbing the stairs revealed a large living area, there was hexagon shaped tower, it looks perfect for reading books, even big enough to sleep on, the room also has black ceiling but this time has a sitting area that adorned the lower part of the walls all the way around the room, stopping either side of the tower, the rest of the way up the walls are filled with books.

I find a ladder that is probably used to fetch the higher ones, and I love the lounging possibilities of the large C-shaped sofa that sits in the centre, with a small desk.

The other side of the stairs contained an orangery with loads of fresh veg, flowers and herbs growing, a little overgrown and forgotten, but it does create the perfect atmosphere for reading with the comfortable looking chairs.

‘‘Willow,’’ Alaric shouted, ‘‘foods ready,’’

I jog back into the kitchen and sit at the end of the table, facing the basement door, the table was set with black cutlery, place mats and the food was dished onto a white plate, I groaned with every mouthful, the hunters chicken with BBQ sauce cheese and bacon, was cooked beautifully, the chips fried to perfection and the peas were sweet and juicy,

‘‘This is beautiful, this taste’s amazing,’’ I say, another groan leaving my mouth,

‘‘We can tell,’’ Damien growled,

‘‘Why did you growl for,’’ I ask,

‘‘Because I feel like your deprived of all things,’’ he says, playing with his food,

‘‘Look, do not pity me, I am not a charity case, just easy to please, it is not often I get two meals in one day, and I am grateful for that, this is the most interaction I have had from a long time, enjoy my company and let it be as it is,’’ I say, fooling myself that this friendship will last,

‘‘What film would you like to watch,’’ Alaric says shifting in his seat,

‘‘Anything, sounds good to me,’’ I shoot back quickly, trying to hide that I have not watched any films before,

Alaric’s face stiffens, ‘‘Blade is a good vampire movie,’’

‘‘Never seen it, but sounds cool, I like Vampires in books,’’

‘‘What films have you seen so we do not watch a duplicate, ow!’’ Damien shouted, at Alaric,

Alaric furrows his eyebrows at Damien, shaking his head with it, which enrages Damien, who dives at Alaric, over the table punching him in the jaw, Alaric jabbed him back harder in his jaw, thankfully Cassius stopped them both, sitting them back on the table, with their mouths shut,

‘‘Blade it is then, where are we watching it,’’ I ask,

‘‘In the games room,’’ Cassius says softly,

‘‘I will grab the treats, you go down with Damien,’’ Alaric says,


Cassius stays to help as well,

Damien rubs his head, I feel a really personal question coming on,

‘‘Are you seeing anyone?’’ he blurts out and instantly turns red,

I look at him, unable to open my mouth,

‘‘I am not asking you out or anything, I just wanted to know,’’ he says holding his hands up in surrender,

‘‘Not seeing anyone, single as a pringle,’’ I answer, with small smile,

The other two walk in, with a tray of goodies, and we sit on the large sofa bed, it is so comfortable, I could not help wiggling myself testing different positions out,

‘‘I must inform you its not a true representation of Vampires,’’ Alaric informs me,

‘‘I have read enough books to tell me that vampire come in all different shapes and sizes, some even have tails and horns in their true forms,’’ I reply,

My eyes fixed upon the screen, I finally settle with laying on my front, propped up by my elbows, unaware that I had given them a perfect view of my arse, Alaric sat to my left, Damien to my right Cassius sat on the end, I was so excited to watch the film, I could not take my eyes of it, every scene was like a book reading itself and displaying the images, I had read the blade trilogy which I was grateful for, but still had not prepared me for the scenes that jumped out at me.

Damien and Alaric placed a hand on my leg, as I flung them up every time the scene jumped out at me, I caught Damien in the face and Alaric was fearful after that.

Once the film finished they put on a Disney movie called Snow white, the colours are magnificent as they dance across the screen, I had never imagined, they would but so much singing into a film, but it seems to work well, I had n0t realised just how tired I had gotten, dosing to a shovel and pick and an old man’s stick, I hoe, I hoe, I hoe, I hoe, I hoe its off to work we go,

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