The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 22

“As you have all been with child before, minus the men of course, do you not find it suspicious that her belly is see thorough, would you not have heard that she had another heartbeat,” I shout, in hopes they are not spelled,

“She informed us that she has been using a shield to protect her womb for you, which muffles the sound, as you were unhappy that Alaric had chosen her over you,” A woman similar to Damien says,

“Well, listen to me, I have never touched her with any part of my body, not alone inseminated her,” Alaric shouts,

Everyone looks around, discussing me clearly and what was just said,

A couple step forward, I would say they are Alaric’s parents, “we knew Alaric would not lay with her, but no one dared to cross this enchantress, she took our boys away from us, and no one seemed to care,”

I remove my jumper, showing my off the shoulder top, which shows my beautiful claiming marks each of them have given me, “I have been claimed by all three of your boys, through loving them, and not by tricking them,”

“She lies, there is no way she has had them all claim her,” Vera shouts,

The boys growl from behind me, “She is not lying we have gifted her our marks, through love,” Cassius says, while the others nod,

She growled and came at me swinging her arms, unleashing claws that scratched up my flesh, before I retaliated slamming her into the wall, where her fake belly simply slid off, with a bit of magic on my part.

That made her even more angry, as everyone gasped, he magic filled the room, even though I was not sacred of her, fear filled me when I thought of baby I was growing.

A growl left Alaric and Damien’s throat, shit they heard my thought, she attacked again, with no control or order which was easy to dodge,

“You dare stop this either of you, and she will not stop chasing us, making this baby unsafe for the foreseeable future,” I shout through my mind at them,

I watch them talk to each other, their fear and worry fills me, and spread across their faces, but I felt Cassius magic fill me, and cover my abdomen, which gave me the confidence so I could end this without hurting the baby,

“Wait, let us take this outside, I do not want to damage the house, we must live in it after,” I say chuckling,

She flies at me, grabbing my shoulders and tackling me to the ground, I manage to kick her off, and out the back door, I know I can beat her, she is way too reckless with her attacks.

“Thank you for not stopping it,” I say to them through our minds,

“This conversation is not over though,” they growls through my brain,

“You whore, they were supposed to be mine, mother promised you were dead,” she shouted,

I froze as my mind went blank, allowing her to get in a few hits,

‘‘Tell her sorry, I could not die where she left me when you see her in hell,’’ I shout delivering a hard blow to her abdomen and chest,

She bloodied up the left side of my face with those damned claws, so I cut them off, her screams off kilter me, causing me to stumble to my knees, but I blocked her attacks and she continued, to block mine, I take a few hits, but I managed to see a weakness, an opening that I knew I could hit and end this if I threw one last attack at her.

I waited and waited, blocked and blocked numerous attacks, until I delivered the strongest blow I could, I knew it was going to hurt me with the power I pressed into the attack, but it was worth it, to see the shock as it hit her taking a massive chunk out of her abdomen.

She was dying, no return which means I won, but I was fucked, tiered was an understatement, as I stay on my knees unable to move. Damien and Alaric head to my side, her groans and clicking of her body was all I could hear, hoping it was the end.

I stand to watch her last breaths, but she just was not dying quick enough, coming at me one last time, but Damien was faster ripping her head off, ending her pathetic life, I burnt the remainder of her body, Cassius brought me one of his magic teas, while they all fussed over me,

“I am fine, everything is fine, we are free,” I say, turning to smile,

They were not completely happy, but that was to be discussed later, my body ached and now I had to deal with the in-laws.

The in-laws were gathered around the table in the kitchen, glad that Vera was dead, but not sure of me, so I interrupt them,

“Hello, everyone, I’m Willowmina, I’m your sons mate, I guard and protect each one, keep them happy and will maintain the family line, I am headed upstairs to clean up and heal myself, I suppose the boys have a lot to talk to you about,” I quickly say, before the boys enter,

I portal myself to the bathroom, where I lock the door, and fill the bath, adding in the magic healing elixirs, and anything else I think will help heal myself.

My body is starting to feel the battle, aching as I lower myself into the warmth, making sure every part of me is covered and healing, hopefully quickly, as I can hear my bedroom door open.

I listen intently as the footsteps come closer to me, then I see the door handle turn, he growls in frustration when he realises its locked, the Alaric growl gave him away,

“We need to talk, unlock the door,” he growls, trying the door again,

“No, not right now, I am a little busy, I will be down in a minute to entertain your parents, and then maybe tomorrow we can talk,” I reply,

It was not a good enough answer as he tries over and over again to break down the door, I get distracted when a sharp pain runs over my shoulders, causing me to gasp, pain is something I can cope with well, but I worry for the tiny creature,

“Are you okay?” he says, worry spread from him through me,

“The baby is fine,” I growl,

I can hear him trying harder to get in now, as I run a quick magic check over my body, paying close attention to my abdomen, other than a baby growing within me, an array of burses and cuts everywhere, everything is fine, I may ache after today, for a while but the creature is healthy and happy.

Alaric eventually breaks the door in, but growls as I am in the wardrobe drying myself slowly, finishing off with some clothes and light makeup, I obviously want to make a good impression.

“Are you coming slow poke I shout to him,” from downstairs,

He was pissed at me, his face angry when he gets to me at the island, he stands close, placing his hand over my right hand which has his horned vampire skull on, Cassius appears on my left and Damien trails his hands over his lion on my back,

“Hello Willowmina, was it,” a grumpy blonde woman says,

“Yes, it is, and you are,” I asked matching her tone,

“I am Tory, and this is Harold we are Damien’s parents,” Tory was a short blonde woman, very fierce looking with golden locks, green eyes, and a scar across her face she is clearly trying to hide, Harold is the spits of Damien he has blue eyes though and a lot older,

“Hello, welcome to our home, I suppose you have been in the dark as to where the boys have been all this time, while they were hiding from Vera,”

“Your sister, is, I mean was a very spoiled brat, she took what she wanted rather than earned it, and wanted nothing more than to destroy our boys,” Tory says,

“She may have been my sister by blood, but I never knew she existed until today, but I promise you I have earned my stay here and want nothing more than to see the boys thrive,”

“Good, we have decided to stay to talk to you, the pizza will be here shortly,” I am assuming Cassius mother says,

“Of course, and you are,” I ask,

Cassius grabs some plates, Damien grabs the glasses and Alaric grabs some champagne filling everyone’s glasses and grabs a tea for me, before they all returned to my side,

“I see you have them well trained; we are Cassius parents, I am Serila, and this is Castell,” Serila says, Cassius looks like his mother, but has the build of his father, same eyes, and hair, even matching pointy ears,

“We are mates, we were fortunate enough to link minds when we claimed each other, making it easier to communicate within our minds,” I say, as pleasantly as possible,

Pain laces through me, forcing me to use the island to stable my balance, the boys must have seen me shift, luckily the pizza is at the door, which Damien grabs, and guides everyone into the larger table in the living room,

I sit leaning into the chair, the tea is not working as it usually does, but I think I need sleep and that is a worry, I try to eat but I am struggling, at least the weight off my feet, which has certainly helped, Damien stood behind me and the boys sat either side of me,

“And last but certainly not least, you must be Alaric’s parents,” I say, trying to keep my mind occupied,

“Yes, we are his birth parents, but all the boys are our children, we made sure they stayed together all their lives as they were born on the same day, and time, we shared them equally and gave them as much love as we each could,” she says,

“I am sorry to have assumed,”

“It is okay, I am Enola, and this is Sebastian,” Enola says, Sebastian grunts, he is an older version of Alaric, but his mother’s features have softened him thankfully,

“Amazing, is there anything else you would like to ask me,”

“We do, tell us your life story, spare no details,” Enola asks, eyes filled with anticipation,

So, I do, from before I lost my memories to after, to killing the lonely fairy queen, I leave out the sex and tell them about our business and pack we have started as well, which come down with the smell of food, the in-laws seem to know the rest of the pack well as they great them with hugs.

“Are you sexually active,” Harold asks,

“Father, not appropriate,” Damien shouts,

“What, we need to know if we should be expecting grandchildren, we will need to prepare a room for them,” Harold says,

“What is that supposed to mean, we will be looking after any baby I produce not you,” I seethe, a little too much anger on my tongue,

“Harold is excited for grandchildren, what he means is we would love to have them over when they are old enough,” Tory explains,

I calm, with Alaric’s touch, “sorry, I should not have jumped to conclusions, my mother informed me that her children were removed from her, and she had no aid in their upbringing,”

“Yes, but that is in fairy, which has now been completed destroyed, we just cannot wait till you have little ones,” Tory says,

“We are looking to have a mating ceremony making our union official in the next couple of months, if you would like to help,” Alaric says,

I turn to gaze at him, “is that soothing we should discuss first,” I mind link him,

“Ohh, like your pregnant,” Alaric mind links back,

“You knew she would win I take it,” Enola purrs, thankfully stopping that argument,

“Yes, we had every hope she would win, and when we saw her shine, we knew she would without a doubt,” Cassius said.

I feel dizzy and sick, as I smile at them all, the pain seems to be getting a little too much for me now, “I am so sorry, but I seem to be rather exhausted, under different circumstances I would love to chat more, but I need rest, thank you for kind visit and introducing yourselves, I will arrange another date for us to get together, where I do not feel like a bus has hit me,” I say, with a smile,

Shaking to my feet, I walk steadily toward the stairs, I am unable to magic myself a portal and the stair do not look as easy as I want them to be, thankfully Alaric scoops me up carrying me to our room, before heading back downstairs,

I struggle to change into the pj’s I left out, the pain pulsates through me, thankfully easing slightly as I cwtch into the sheets, but I feel like I need more as I fold myself into the foetal position, I know I had not told them the news, but I knew it would result in me not being able to defeat Vera, they would over think the whole situation, but now I am alone and in pain, but thankfully sleep is not long away.

The next morning, I find myself positioned perfectly between them just how I like, but I am not liking the ache over my body, I try removing myself slowly, as I need to relieve myself, I am hoping another bath will sooth some of the ache as I slowly lower myself into the fresh hot water, adding in one of Cassius healing bombs.

After I feel a little less achy I scan my body just to double check everything is still okay, everything looks good nothing bad, after all it is just a light that will turn red when something is bad, or purple if there is signs of life, my body seems to healing well, just a few aches which is to be expected.

“How long have you known?” Alaric says, making me jump, as he stands in the doorway with his arms crossed,

I rub my legs nervously, like I am the bad person, which is a little true, but I had good intentions, “only since Christmas eve, eve,” I reply,

“Since the 23rd of December, are you fucking serious, why did you hide it from us,” he shouts, a little too loud at me,

Please do not cry, pregnant mind, please stay strong, “I wanted to surprise you on your birthday with the announcement, I bought cute little gifts, and everything” my mind gives into the tears that stream down my face, blurring my vision,

“That is not good enough, you put yourself and the baby in danger yesterday, and we were unaware and could have lost it,”

“The baby is not, an it,” I shout,

“Okay, what have you been call the secret you have been hiding,”

“Bean, and I said I was going to tell you eventually, I forgot to take into consideration of Vera showing up at any moment, but if I had told you, we might have missed an opportunity to kill her, which would have put the baby in more harm,”

“Again, that was not your call to make, we are a team we should be working together on this,”

“Ohh, like you go on secret missions without me and nearly get yourself killed leaving me a single parent with possibly three babies,”

“There is three,” Damien says,

“How am I supposed to know, I cannot see though the layers,”

“I do not mean to interrupt, but please stay calm,” Cassius says,

“Urgh,” I shout,

Grabbing a towel to change, into something in the wardrobe,

“We will open the shop,” Gabby shouts, heading downstairs,

“Thank you,” I shout down to her,

“I am angry and hurt that you have not told us,” Alaric shouts,

“I am hungry, and like I have told you I was going to tell you but when I wanted, it is my body, if you did not want me to be pregnant, do not fill with your sperm,” I shout at him,

I race downstairs ready for eggy bread that I have been thinking about since I go in the tub this morning, which I made everyone while I chewed on bacon, Cassius took over when he saw me burning myself a few times.

So, I grabbed my helping, sat with tomato sauce, and ate my fill,

“I knew you tasted different,” Alaric said coming around the corner,

“If you knew, you should have said, ruined my plans of surprising you and stopping this whole argument, Ohh and while you are at it, condemning your unborn child to death by the dead lunatic,”

I may have taken it a little too far, but I mean what I said, slamming the basement door as I head to the cinema room,

They did follow me down, they sat around and watched the vampire diaries with me in silence,

“She was safe the whole time, I was not ever putting myself in or the babies, in unnecessary danger, I promise,” words leak with the tears that stain my face,

“Does this mean we are having a girl,” Alaric says rubbing my leg, with a change of attitude,

I giggle, “we could be having two and a boy, but I am only guessing,”

“I like that you have named the bump Boo, making them a surprise when they are born,” Damien says,

“So, you think I am having more than one?” I ask,

“I know, in between your and Alaric’s bickering I was listening for their heart beats fluttering away slightly faster inside you,” Damien says leaning into my belly to listen closer,

Alaric replaces Damiens head so her could listen as well, “I agree now that I am listening, I can hear three definite, maybe a fourth,”

“We can go to the private scan place I know of, which will check to see how many and make sure they are okay,” Cassius says, excitedly,

“Fine, can we go today,”

“Yes, I shall phone them now,” Cassius says,

I could not believe my eyes when I saw the three little beans, neither could the boys, as we hug each other with excitement, they are bigger and more developed than I thought.

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