The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 20

The next morning, I wake excitedly, I get groaned and moaned at with my sudden movements,

“It is my first Christmas, as your mate, get up now or I will jump on your aching bodies,” I shout,

Alaric rolls off the bed onto his front, “feed me and I am yours,” he says, sitting up,

“Fine, but you are mine regardless,” I say sitting between his legs,

He chuckles, then attaches his teeth to my neck, “move,” I mouth to Damien who peaks through the covers at me,

“What do I get if I move,” he groans, stretching his aching body,

I smile, waiting for Alaric to finish, which was not long, I reached for Damien’s neck, fire blazes though his eyes, I grip his colour through to his human form, pulling his ear closer to my face,

“You get no sex if you stay in bed,” I whisper,

He growls, moving off the bed as quickly as he can,

“I am up, I would not want to miss our first Christmas,” Cassius says with a smile,

I portal him to the nook, so he did not have to walk down the stairs, Alaric seems to be energised and helping me make everyone the magic tea, to heal them and hopefully give them some more energy,

“Before we start, we are sorry we took so long with the mission, I calculated it would only take a day, but did not realise the extent of the individual challenges,” Cassius says,

“Will I ever know why you had to do a mission without me, that could have killed you all,” I ask,

“One day, but for now open up your gifts,” Alaric says,

We all sit inside the nook, with the gifts, the boys look more comfortable now that they have had their tea, Alaric was the first to hand me a gift, it was a small box which opened to reveal a similar ringed band to my other ring,

“Thank you,” I smile, hugging him,

“This one is for your other thumb, i liked the other one so much I had to get the matching one for the other side,” Alaric says,

“It is beautiful, thank you,”

I grab out my gifts for the boys, “these are something special, I have made you one each, just to make sure you all stay alive,”

I hand them each a box, which each of them open together,

“These are magic bracelets, which has spells infused into them, they have three different buttons on them, one is for healing, one will portal you home, and the last will shield you long enough for me to get to you,”

“We could have used these Thursday,” Damien chuckles,

“Yes, had I known I would have given them to you sooner, it will help you greatly Cassius when you use all your magic up, like today,” I smile,

“Thank you,” they each say, placing them on themselves straight away,

“I have given each of our pack members one as well, talking about our pack members, they have bought you gifs as well,”

I hand each of them their gifts from our pack, and grab mine, we opened them together, mine is a photo album of all of us from the past four months,

“Aww, this is so cute, when did they have time to take these photos,”

“These are so nice,” Cassius smiles,

I hug it tightly, and grab my phone out sending a message to the group, thanking them for it,

“What is this,” Alaric says, making me lift my head from my phone,

He was holding up an orange stringed outfit, Cassius laughed as he has a green one and Damien held up a pink one, they are luminous in colour,

“It is a Borat outfit,” Cassius giggles,

I look up Borat and instantly see what they mean, laughing hard at the thought of them wearing it,

“Please wear them one day for me,” I giggle,

Damien rolled his eyes, while handing me his gift,

“One day, and then they will be burnt,” Damien said,

I untied the green bow, then opened it, inside was a metallic voucher, for a tattoo,

“I have booked you in for the 12th of January, you can have whatever you want,” he says,

“Omg, thank you so much, I have always wanted to experience a tattoo,” I say,

“It is the modern style, infused by magic, so it does not hurt, lasts longer, and does not run the ink into your blood stream, it also turns a five-hour tattoo into an hour,” Damien explains,

“Wow, even better thank you,” I finish, hugging him tightly,

Lastly, I had a gift from Cassius who looked nervous, it was small box like the others, which I opened, I gasped at its beauty, inside sat a bracelet with each of their prints on it, and another plain bangle to match my other one he had bought me,

“This is super cute, thank you Cassius,” I smile, hugging him,

“I am starving,” Damien says,

“Brilliant I have cooked everything, go sit at the table and we shall dine together,” I say excitedly,

I played Christmas music through the house, we pull crackers and tie hats on, which they love they laughed at the jokes, which when said out loud were not that funny, but it made them funnier, then toasted with little bottles, mine was water, before the food,

“This is amazing, well-done Willow,” Alaric says, eating like he has not seen food for years,

“This tastes good,” Damien says eating like an animal,

Cassius nods, doing the same, which means they have not eaten while they were away.

I hide my annoyed expression and enjoy what I have made, “I have made dessert as well,”

I place the strawberry cheesecake in front of them, which they also devour, I am too full for dessert, we clear the dishes which they all want to help with,

“We have one more gift for you, it is waiting on your bed, but you must wait two minutes until we go up their first,” Damien smiles with a wicked grin,

I furrow my brows, “Okay, up you go then,” I smile, and they all trot off together,

They are obviously wanting some fun, why not, I have missed them dearly, I am not going to tell them about my little secret yet, their birthdays are in forty-two days, I should get away with it until then, so I can give them a gift to open, I make sure to place a shield over my womb, and there is where it will stay from now on.

I walk slowly up the stairs, making sure to make them wait a little longer, when I round the door, I find them all sitting on the bed, with Santa boxers and hats on, I giggle at the sight,

“Come Join use Mrs. Claus,” they say in unison,

I groan and run into them, Damien pulls my panty less vagina into his mouth, Alaric removes my dress, then plays with my nipple, Cassius, kisses my mouth, before trailing kisses down my back, it was not long before an orgasm rippled over me.

They position me on my side, Alaric is already rubbing his hardness at my entrance and pushing in slowly, a little tight but I adjust quickly, Cassius, lubes up my arse, as he slowly pushes himself in, Damien monoverse my leg over his shoulder, adds an extra bit of lube, then meets my eyes with his fiery orbs before filling me, to my fullest and happiest position.

Tight was an understatement but the burn always added an edge, especially when the delicious shivers that make my eyes roll start, readying me to roll my hips.

Damien is the only one who moves, but it seems to pleasure everyone, as we groan, Alaric bites down on me which adds to the zinging sensations down below, and Cassius loves playing with my nipples.

I squeeze down on them, which receives a groan, and a growl, Damien’s smirk widens as his speed quickens, an orgasm hits me hard and faster than I anticipated, but he does not stop, they all groan with my fluttering as he continues to thrust away, my insides twitch around them, only for another orgasm to erupt, but this time they could not leave me orgasm alone as they each fill me, Damien re-claims my leg, which only lengthens my orgasm.

We lay together on the bed exhausted, but content,

“I would like to go to the ball, I hope you would come with me,” I say,

“Okay, we should get ready now if we are going to make 6pm,” Damien says,

“I thought it started at 5pm,” I say, dragging myself to the bathroom shower,

“Yes, but it is five-fifteen now, six will be okay,” Cassius says,

We all wash up in the bathroom before quickly changing, I apply my Christmas makeup I had been practicing, and we were ready once they had finished their second round of magic tea.

They stared at me for ages, until I opened the portal, and we head through as together, entering the same room as last time, but this time decorated with trees lights, baubles and hanging decorations everywhere.

The boys did not leave their small table all night, Aiden and Jasper joined them, while I danced with the girls. I had not realised how much I had missed them in their time away,

“We will be back the day the shop opens on January 2nd which is not long away,” Gabby said,

“Okay, I look forward to it,” I reply,

“Tell us what you had for Christmas,” Aria asked,

“Well, I had an amazing photo album, from my favourite girls,” which I hugged them for, “these beautiful bangles from Cassius, Alaric bought me a thumb ring, which I also love, and Damien bought me a tattoo voucher,”

“Aww lovely, we bought our boys Borat costumes as well,” Lyla giggled,

“Thank you so much for our gifts, and for supplying a manual, either wise we would have all been in the house,” Aria said laughing at the thought,

“Your very welcome, I cannot leave my pack members unattended,” I say, hugging them,

We continued to talk more about their family event, which got me thinking why his parents, have not visited,

“Why does the boy’s family not come visit,” I ask,

“They will come after Christmas, as Vera always shows up in their homes, trying to find them,” Gabby says,

An ugly power rushed through the hall, interrupting my thoughts, which came from a portal that opened up at the top of the room, it felt familiar yet strange, which must mean it is Vera, the one I have been waiting to meet.

I opened a portal quickly pushing the boys through with the little power I had left, from healing them yesterday, luckily, everyone was transfixed on the figure emerging from within the portal.

She actually looked tidy, in comparison to her usual dishevelled look, her black hair is tied into a tight bun, her the pale face has some Christmas colours over her eyes, I am a little worried with no power and other reasons, but she does not know who I am and the boys are not here to make a scene.

The rest of my pack surround me in case, I know the boys will try to come back through but Cassius is too exhausted to create and hold a portal, but I do not think she is here to fight me right now, she is looking for information, which I cannot see anyone giving her, so we should be okay,

“I was informed that the trio would be here,” her cold voice emanates through the hall,

Not a word was said, as silence befalls the room,

“I will find them eventually, they cannot hide forever, and do not think I have not heard the rumours of their new whore, which wears each of their marks,” she growls,

Loving the insults, but I suppose I do love sex, I stay silent and watch as she leaves through the portal,

“You better head back, the boys must be furious,” Aiden said,

“Perhaps next time they reserve their energy instead of going on missions,” I reply,

“True but that mission will make you smile when you see the outcome,” he says, pushing me through his portal,

The boys are waiting for me the other side, they check me over and once they see I am fine,

Alaric shouts, “Do not ever do that again,”

“That was a little mean of you, but I understand that you must be out of power just as much as me from healing us yesterday,” Cassius says,

“Where is Damien,”

“He is here somewhere, he was a little worried, so he has shifted into his lion form, to exert some energy,” Cassius says,

“Damien, I am back safe, I understand that you all worried for me, but I knew she did not know what I looked like, but she did know what you looked like, it seemed safer for us all if I removed you too somewhere safe,”

“When you say it like that, it makes it slightly better,” Damien says in my head,

He slowly descended the stairs, brushing up against me with his big lion body,

“Shall we PJ up and watch Christmas movies?” I ask,

Everyone nods in agreement.

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