The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 2

The food looks divine, each plate is prefilled, the label says they are charcuterie boards, whatever that means, all I know is I cannot wait to eat it, I grabbed the one with fruit pilled on it as well, then headed to find a seat,

I looked around at the now filling room, and notice Theo beckoning me to go sit next to him,

‘‘Thanks so much, I was not sure where I was going to sit,’’ I say digging into my lunch,

‘‘Your welcome, we need a person like you who isn’t melting at the sight of the trio, hanging off them, and doing exactly what they want,’’ Theo says, ‘‘Oh and the red head is Mary, her not magical partner is a Satyr called Chip, they are lovers as well, a very cute couple,’’

They wave at me as I continue to devour my food, trying not to make it look like I am an animal, A large piece of food comes flying toward me, luckily I saw the piece, to deflect away, wincing at the reminder that every time I use magic my arms burn, Damien was sitting in line of where the item of food came from,

‘‘What are the rules on fighting,’’ I ask Theo,

‘‘The only one is, that we do not kill each other, why,’’ he replies,

‘‘No reason,’’ I embrace the burn,

Casting a water ball to form over his head, an impressive 30cm that nobody seemed to notice, until I dropped it over him, drenching him from head to toe, I feel the rage coming off him, as he stands abruptly knocking the table and chair, his cute sandy blonde hair is now flat to his sharp featured face, his white tee-shirt, is not see through showing off his intricate abbs, and chest muscles, the girls all swoon, all the while, his eyes go wild with furry, from an Amber to a dark green with spikes of neon green glow.

He is a tall man, about six five, this is going to be an interesting standoff, I am only glad that even though I do not look it, I am strong, under fed but I recon I could take him in a fight, which was until he shifted into his lion form,

My memories search frantically for the shifting spell, while he charges toward me teeth bearing, he pounces on the tables as fast as he could, he was expecting me to piss myself, but I never moved away, other than standing, and bracing myself.

I was ready for him, the spell was cast for when he broke my circle, which he did as he lunged the last distance at me, his shift was easier to tap into than I thought, a trick Mrs. Langdon had taught me, which shifted him to human just as he latches his mighty jaw onto my arm, luckily only piercing it with his teeth. I am not completely mean, as I make sure I lace his nakedness with the clothing he had shredded earlier,

He growled wildly as he shook his head, the magic had already burned me, where the black tattoos rest upon my arms, a nuisance but something I could not undo, his k9 pierced through my jacket, drawing blood, to pool on the table. His eyes froze over, as realisation hit him, he was no longer a lion and unable to shift back into his lion, he released my arm, growling at me, more,

‘‘Why cannot I change, witch, your using old magic, you should not be able to control shifts,’’ he growled further,

He swings punches at me, I block or doge his every move, smiling as we dance, I haven’t danced with a worthy opponent in a long time, I notice a shift in his mood, he too starts to enjoy the challenge, getting faster, and changing up his moves, everyone is gathered watching us, we held up the battle for what seemed like forever, we had quite a gathering, watching us now, his brothers were smiling, but my wrists ached as the magic burned me, an unfair fight, but one I would hopefully win one day.

A gust of strong wind separated us, while everyone erupted in a round of applause, grateful for the intrusion, I bowed grabbed my bag before escaping toward the door,

‘‘Where are you going,’’ one of the other trio’s shouts, the one with the short black hair with lines shaved into his head, he has a scar across his face which I think accentuate hid beauty,

‘‘This programme, finishes at five, that clock says six, I must flee before seven or I turn into a pumpkin, fear not I shall be here tomorrow to play again,’’ I say winking at him playfully,

I manage to get to the library before passing out, I had not realised quite how much pain my magic would cause, unfortunately I had taken too much of the pain within my arms, causing me to pass out in front of Mrs. Langdon,

‘‘It is your first day and you are already getting yourself into fights,’’ she says through gritted teeth,

‘‘They are shifters, you know how dominant they like to be, I could not let him get away with it, besides, I won the lion lost, your little magic trick works well, shifting them back into their human state, they are still strong as hell though,’’ I say,

‘‘I noticed you battled a beast with the sizeable bite mark on your arm, I have stitched them up as best I could but please be careful tomorrow,’’ she says with a weak smile,

‘‘I am always careful, I believe this will work in my advantage, I may have even made some friends,’’ I reply,

I place my belongings away before heading home. It was later than I realised the streetlights are the only light guiding me home, I heard a familiar growl come from behind me, turning to brace myself in case of a sneak attack,

‘‘Fear not, I am not here to fight again, only to thank you for an amazing battle,’’ Damien says gleaming,

‘‘You are welcome, I am glad you enjoyed,’’ I smiled in return,

‘‘May I walk you to the programme tomorrow, I promise to be on time,’’ he smiles,

‘‘I shall meet you by the library,’’

I watch as he enters his home, which is right next to mine, I had never even known who actually lived there, but now it seems, there are three beautiful men, great, I headed into the garden of my house when I could not see him any longer, I have my cloaking spell on which automatically comes on when I pass the library incase my parents see, I open the door to fine Mother pacing in the kitchen, she is dressed in a blue stained top and jeans with who knows what stains on them, luckily I have a small not so energetic spell that can fix that for myself, but I would not bother using it with the parents as they would be in the same state the next day,

‘‘Mina,’’ she calls,

‘‘Mother, what is it you want,’’ I stop in my tracks to answer,

Father comes around the corner fast, gripping me by the throat, and slamming me into the wall, he is a dog shifter, he is strong but I can never seem to fight him off, his sly moves are the ones that catch me off guard, they are the ones he is known for, he uses his dog form to fight other dogs and creatures, it covers their next high, and perhaps a pizza if they are lucky. Even if I could fight back, I am already wiped from the fight earlier, which means I must make sure he just does not kill me,

‘‘Where did you get money from to buy all of this, and do not lie,’’ mother shouts, seething with anger,

There was a pile of my old things she had obviously found pulling up the loose floorboard in my room, mostly old books, I had read dozens of times, a few things I salvaged from bins, that I had forgotten about and expired crisps,

‘‘What is it too you where I get things from, perhaps if you get a job, you can buy me things, I need instead of me pretending to be a raccoon,’’ I spit,

Father grips me tighter, around the neck causing me to wheeze, I punch out at him, with my free hand which he grabs, but it is the arm, Damien had bitten, the pain of him gripping tighter, made me scream as I felt the blood trickling down my arm again, he drops the rest of my body, still holding onto my arm, pleased with his find, it soils my clothes red which worries me, I press my head into the wall, hoping it would swallow me, but I can barely manage to hold the mirage up, not alone escape,

‘‘I am your mother, you should not speak to me in this way, I am confiscating these items and anything else you have,’’ she pouts, ‘‘have you got anything else mina?’’

Father just watches, I try and get up, he punches me hard in the ribs, the crunch of them cracking made mother wince, I howled in pain, dropping back to the floor, trying to gasp for breath, but he had my arm, holding tight, I am not sure at this point, which was hurting the most, I knew though that the pain was the only thing keeping me conscious, mother just laughs as I struggle,

‘‘Well, are you going to answer,’’ she says,

‘‘You cannot seriously believe, this is how a mother acts, and no that is all the belongings I have you, lowlife piece of shit,’’ I spit, with a smile,

Not one of my best moves, I admit especially now that I am receiving a beating, I try my best to protect my head, as the beat down hard on me, mother is just a human, but she packs a punch, my bitten arm is now broken, and thankfully my face is untouched. Mother gathers my stuff and heads out, I drag myself into my room, where I just lay there in hopes, all the pain just stops.

The room spins as I lie upon the floor, the breeze I usually distaste is a welcome relief as it cools my aching body, I lay fearful of sleeping waiting on the que of mother’s return, I hear the living room door slam and the sound of mother’s sexual moans, a clear sign I will be some sort of safe to sleep now.

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