The Prodigy Antaris - a secret World of magic #1

Chapter 12

It has now been 7 days since we got to Devas.

He left the day we arrived and hasn't come back since. Aidan wanted to go back to the mansion after two days, but Avery knew Devas could help me, so we decided to wait. Eventually he'll come home... I hope.

Aidan spent the 7 days exercising or cooking to keep himself busy. He spent the evenings with us talking and laughing and then he retired to his room. I understood that the separation from inna was difficult for him and felt guilty about it.

Avery and I spent those days together, inseparable. But it felt so natural being with him. As if we were never apart and he made me feel like everything was as it was meant to be.

We talked a lot about our lives and the whole situation. It was only after we were alone here with Devas for a few days that I was able to process everything.

I was able to grieve for my family that I lost. Avery told me everything he knew about my parents and grandparents. And all the other beings that lived on Antaris. About his friends who were now mine too.

Avery was very patient with me and showed me his love every day. He also knew it would take time for us to fill our mate bond to the full. Everything is still foreign to me and I had to get used to everything. I felt Avery's love, every day it grew stronger and it filled me with strength and hope. Every gesture he made was loving and he showed me nothing but pure emotion and affection.

Our touches and kisses were very gentle but also innocent. I was in love with him, I knew that...but I lacked the connection with my magical powers to be on the same level as him. And he was understanding, and patiently and respectfully waited for me to regain all my power and feel the true love of kindred souls.

We slept in the same bed, I knew he needed that closeness to me. But he never touched me in any way that made me uncomfortable. And that just showed me even more how much he loved and respected me.

On the morning of the eighth day, there was a loud knock on the door of our room and we woke up immediately.

"Get up lovebirds we have a lot to do!" called Devas from the other side of the door.

We heard him call Aidan too and got ready to leave. Avery was the first to leave the room while I was still changing in the bathroom.

When I walked into the living room, Aidan and Avery were standing in the room with Devas and another man. The mood seemed tense and everyone looked very stressed.

"Now everyone calm down and come down. Sit down and I'll explain," Devas said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Why did you bring him here?" Aidan asked angrily.

"Because I need his help to prepare your sister!" Devas replied angrily.

"Does the king know he's here?" Aidan asked while standing in front of Devas with an angry face.

"He came through the you know he has no evil intentions!" shouted Devas into Aidan's face.

I stood in the room and watched the two of them argue until Devas noticed me. He looked at me and took a step back to make room between him and Aidan.

"Iris ...nice you are here too" Devas said to get Aidan's attention.

And that seemed to be enough, because Aidan turned to me and calmed down.

"How about we all sit down and Devas explains everything to us." Avery said, stepping protectively next to me.

The tension was still there even as we all sat down.

" What's going on here?" I asked while looking from Aidan to Devas.

"This is Bael," Devas said while pointing to the man sitting next to him.

Bael gave me a friendly smile and his black eyes showed no glare. His long black hair was braided back and with his Asian features he looked like a samurai. He had a young face and seemed like a model from the magazines.

When Avery noticed me watching him, he looked at me and I had to smile at his jealous manner.

"Bael is a banished demon. He helped me escape back when the princes of darkness knew I was defecting to the good side. I've known Bael since he was a child and I always thought of him as mine because I raised him. He helped me escape and also had to hide as he was banished as a traitor. While he came to me they would have attacked Antaris he stayed hidden in the human world." Devas explained while shooting a venomous look at Aidan.

"Your brother here thinks Bael is a danger, but I assure you he won't harm anyone." added Devas, looking into my eyes.

"My father trusted you, so I will too." I said to Devas.

Aidan and Avery both looked at me but quickly understood that I meant what I said as I raised my hand to show them the conversation was over.

Devas nodded, seeming relieved that the tension was gone. At least for now. And Bael hadn't spoken, not a word, since his arrival. After breakfast we went behind the house to a training ground.

"I need to see how far you can control your powers." said Devas as he stood in front of me.

"Control? I can't even use my powers!" I replied while glancing at Aidan and Avery at the edge of the ground.

"What do you mean? You used your power a few days ago, didn't you?" Devas asked confused.

Avery walked up to me and explained the whole situation to Devas, my amnesia and the magic that had kept my powers in check for years.

"I see what the problem is now," Devas said while looking at Bael.

"You must remember in order to harness your powers," Devas said.

"I know that, but this seems to take time," I replied.

"Yes.. It takes time. But we can also speed this up." said Devas with a smirk.

I looked questioningly at Avery who was standing in front of me, his purple aura shining brightly while Devas rolled his eyes.

"You can of course wait my prince...But I don't know how much time we have. As I searched for Bael, I noticed strange dark forces everywhere. They search for Antaris. They search for her. And when they find Iris, without her powers, she is ruthlessly at their mercy." added Devas as he sat on a log.

He raised an eyebrow at Avery and looked annoyed because of his protective behavior.

"If we use magic to affect her memory, Iris could be seriously damaged." said Avery angrily.

"Yes, my prince. But our Bael here is a demon a trickster, and he can affect your memory without using elven magic to remember." said Devas triumphantly.

"Iris I don't like this. What if something goes wrong." said Avery worried.

I saw concern and fear for me in his eyes, but I had no choice.

I am vulnerable and defenseless without my powers.And to do so, I endanger all beings on Antaris. How is Devas supposed to teach me something if I don't even know how to use my powers.

"We could also do this step by step over the next few days. What do you think?" Devas asked looking at Bael.

Bael looked from me to Avery and nodded to answer the question.But Aidan was upset and paced to keep himself in check.

"I've lost her before. I don't want to lose her again." Aidan said angrily.

It wasn't until I stopped him that his anger seemed less.

"You know I have no choice. The king brought me here to help me. He said Devas will know what to do....and our father trusted him." I reassured my brother.

He looked from Devas to Bael ,and back to me and nodded in confirmation.

"Now that the drama is over, how about you let me do what you're here for." said Devas mockingly.

Avery and Aidan looked at each other like they weren't sure what the right thing to do was. But I was sure. The only way was to get my memory to have my powers. To the fullest.

I placed myself in front of Bael and he looked at me. He raised his hands and touched my head.

"Don't be afraid of me Iris. I won't do you any harm. Just close your eyes and let me help you." I heard a rough male voice in my head.

I met Bael's eyes and he nodded to confirm that this was his voice in my head. And so I closed my eyes and was at his mercy....

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