The Perfect Fit

: Chapter 61

Our driver holds the car door open, and West and I climb inside. My ass has barely touched the seat when he gives me a smile that I haven’t seen in a long time.

“So, how do you feel about meeting Nico and his buddy, Dean? I think we could have some mutual interests.”

I grin back at him. Oh, how I love dangerous West. I’ve missed him. “I thought you’d never ask.”

“When do you think you can get it set up?”

Sucking on my top lip, I mentally sort through my Vegas contacts. I know just the man who can get me a call with Nico Constantine. “Give me until the end of the day, and I’ll have a meeting sorted. If he’s the kind of guy Lily seems to think he is, he should be desperate to speak with us as soon as we mention her name.”

West offers me a faint nod, but he’s distracted.

“You okay?” I ask.

He licks his lower lip. “Thinking about last night.”

My lips curl. “I thought about last night twice in the shower this morning.”

That gets me a laugh, but then he’s serious again. “Thank you, Z. For whatever you did to bring her back to us.”

I shrug. “I figured it was about time I fixed something for a change instead of fucking it up.”

He slides his hand to the back of my neck and forces me to look him in the eyes. “You don’t fuck anything up. Ever.”

I look away, unable to handle his gratitude.

Grabbing my jaw, he turns my face back to his. “You fix everything, Zeke. When are you going to realize that? Why is it you’re the one I always ask to get shit done? I never have to question your methods because you always fucking come through for me. No matter what.”

My throat’s too clogged with emotion to offer a response.

“And that’s why I know I’ll be talking with Nico Constantine by the end of the day.”

I clear my throat. “You’re a smooth fucker.”

Leaning back, he runs a hand over his jaw and stares out the window. I can hear the cogs turning in his brain. Lily’s father thinks she’s dead. With her dating West, or any one of us, it’s only a matter of time before the press gets ahold of her picture from somewhere.

West is cooking dinner by the time I get home. Walking up behind him, I rest my chin on his shoulder and eye the pork chops he’s seasoning. My stomach growls.

He laughs. “Won’t be long.”

I press a kiss between his shoulder blades and take a seat at the kitchen island. “Where are Lily and Fitch?”

“In the den. Making out last I checked.” He glances at his Rolex. “Probably made it to third base by now.”

Lucky fucker. But those two being distracted means we can have the conversation we need to have. “We’re gonna need Fitch to drop her at work tomorrow morning. You and I have a video conference at nine-thirty.”

He turns and arches one eyebrow. “With Nico?”

I nod. “I know a pit boss who works at one of the Constantine casinos. It took some convincing, but I eventually got a message to Nico. My guy confirmed he received it loud and clear.”

Smiling, West wipes his fingers on the dish towel, then crosses the kitchen and steps between my spread legs, placing his hands on the counter on either side of me. “You promised me by the end of the day.”

I snort. “I promised I’d have the meeting sorted by the end of the day, jackass.”

He runs his nose along my jawline and grinds his cock against mine. “You have any idea how much it turns me on when you get shit done like this, Zeke?”

Sliding a hand through his hair, I tug his head back and lick my lips. “Enough to let me fuck you later?”

He grins wickedly. “Not tonight, big guy. I have other plans.”

I yank his hair harder, my fingers digging into his scalp and making him wince. Licking a path along the column of his throat, I smile to myself as a groan rumbles out of him. And when I sink my teeth into his skin, he grinds his thick cock even harder against me.

Gripping the lapel of my jacket, he tips his head back and allows me to bite harder. “Jesus fuck, Zeke. You better not give me a hickey.”

I flick my tongue over the teeth marks I left on his skin. They’ll fade in a few minutes. He doesn’t mark easily, but even when I do take things too far, the man can grow a beard in a day. I pull back and lick my lips. “You taste fucking delicious.”

He twists his head to the side. “Do I have a hickey?”

“No. But you stand there much longer rubbing up against me and I’ll give you one the size of an apple.” He ignores my threat, keeping his fingers tangled in my hair, his body still flush with mine. I growl. “I mean it West.”

He laughs darkly before licking along the seam of my lips and sliding his tongue into my mouth. West’s kisses are rough and dominating. It’s the only time I ever allow him to take control when it comes to my body, and he takes full and frequent advantage.

By the time he comes up for air and gives me a wicked grin, my cock is leaking precum. “Dinner.”

“Fucking tease,” I grumble.

West got me so worked up before dinner that as soon as we were all done eating, I carried Lily to my bed, knowing that he and Xander would follow. Then he and I fucked our little brats together. Now they’re lying between us, and my baby doll’s perfect ass is pressed against my cock. All I can think about is fucking her when she’s this close.

“Hey,” Xander says with a loud yawn. “Seeing as how we don’t keep secrets now, isn’t there something we need to tell Lily?”

I shoot West a worried glance. We’re not exactly keeping our meeting with Lily’s brother a secret, but it’s safer not to involve her until we know that he’s on board with our plan.

She yawns and her eyelids flutter. “What is it you need to tell Lily?”

“You remember when Jen met Trey?” Xander says.


“Well, we kind of paid him to take her off our hands for the night so we could have you to ourselves.”

That sure wakes her up. “What? But she’s … they’re dating now! You paid him?”

Xander offers her a sheepish grin. “I know it sounds bad, but it was only for that one night, shorty. Their relationship is real. He really likes her. He told me.”

“You’re unbelievable,” she says with a shake of her head, but there’s a soft smile on her lips.

“He was also in on the whole apartment thing,” West adds, and I roll my eyes. Why are we telling her all this?

Her eyebrows pinch together in a cute frown. “The apartment thing?”

“Yeah. There were never any roaches,” West admits.

“What?” she shrieks. She sits up, her mouth hanging open and her eyes darting between the three of us. “I had nightmares about roaches for days after. You assholes.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “Why on earth would you do that?”

I pull her back down, and she resists a little, wriggling in my grip, but as soon as my arms are around her, she stops. “You know why, baby doll. Because we wanted you here and we wanted it to happen fast.”

“But …” She presses her lips together. “You could have trusted me to come to that decision on my own.”

“We weren’t willing to take that chance, princess.”

“Do you always get what you want?” she asks, snuggling into me. I guess she’s too high on orgasms to actually be mad at us.

I nip her shoulder. “Always.”

“I knew there was something weird about that whole roach nest thing,” she grumbles. “You’re all insane, you know that?”

Xander kisses her forehead. “Yep, and proud of it.”

“I guess it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever done,” she adds.

West shoots her a pained look. “Not even close, princess.”

I nuzzle her neck, and she purrs like a kitten. “Consider it a reflection of how much we wanted you, buttercup.”

Xander dusts his knuckles over her cheekbone. “From the first moment we met you, we all knew you were something special.”

West runs his fingers over her hipbone. “The perfect fit.”

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