The Perfect Fit

: Chapter 10

My head throbbing, I blink my eyes open. Sunlight streams through the gap in the curtains in Jen’s bedroom and blinds me. She sent me a text at 3:00 a.m. to tell me she was spending the night at Trey’s hotel suite, so I slept in her bed instead of the sofa. My back already thanks me for it as I stretch out beneath the duvet.

My phone pings, signaling a text. I roll onto my side and grab it from my nightstand.

Hey shorty. Be ready at seven. No need to dress fancy, we’re eating in. Bring an overnight bag too. But don’t worry, we have a guest room. Your virtue will be safe with us. Xander x

I try to swallow, but my mouth is too dry. Xander? How did he even get my number? Did I give it to him? A vague memory of drawing it on his arm with my black eyeliner in the car returns. God, I made such a fool of myself. I invited him in. I kissed him.

But oh, what a kiss. Butterflies swirl in my stomach as I remember his lips. His tongue licking mine. His hands on my ass. Dear lord, how will I have dinner with all three of them?

Throwing the covers over my head, I kick myself for getting so drunk last night. Why on earth do they want me to come for dinner? What the hell is that even about? And taking an overnight bag? Like that’s ever going to happen.

I shake my curls, watching as they fall over my shoulder. “Do I look okay?”

Jen comes up behind me and wrinkles her nose at my reflection in the full-length mirror in her bedroom.

Lips pressed together, she assesses my outfit. “You look cute.”

I glance down at my knee-high boots, skinny jeans, and tight turtleneck.

“You couldn’t be just a little more covered up though?” she says sarcastically.

“It’s cold out and it’s only dinner.”

She pulls a face in the mirror. “Yeah, right.”

“It is just dinner,” I insist, even as nervous excitement and trepidation curl in my gut. I glance at my overnight bag. The one I swore to myself that I wouldn’t take. But it’s just a precaution, right? It never hurts to be prepared. I can still leave after dinner if things get weird. “Do you think I’m crazy going to this thing? I mean, I don’t even know them.”

She arches an eyebrow. “Everybody knows them. They’re the three most powerful men in New York.”

“Exactly. They could sell me to a drug cartel or something and nobody would be able to prove anything because they’d buy everyone off.”

The spot between her brows pinches in a cute frown. “Why on earth would they sell you to a drug cartel?”

“Dunno.” I shrug. “Maybe that’s how they got so rich. Selling the unsuspecting women they invited for dinner.”

She looks at me like I’ve grown a second head. “Pretty sure they got rich taking over failing companies.”

A pang of guilt gnaws at me. One of those companies is the one that’s about to give me my big break.

“Also pretty sure one of them just wants to fuck you,” Jen adds with a giggle.

I shake my head and look over my outfit one more time. Maybe I should change.

“You think the other two like to watch?” she asks, her wide eyes locked on mine in the mirror.


She wraps her arm around my shoulder. “I’m playing with you, girl. And if they do harvest your organs or sell you off to some cartel, trust me when I say that no amount of money will buy me off. Pinkie swear.” She holds out her little finger, and I laugh. But I still can’t help wondering what the hell the Unholy Trinity wants with me.

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