The Other Side Of The Story

Chapter 3 - Diagon Alley

"All students must be equipped with one wand , one standard size two pewter cauldron, one set glass or crystal phials ,one telescope , one set brass scales and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad" i read from the other piece of paper that came with hogwart's letter

as i was walking with one of the professors from Hogwarts ,his name was professor gape or something, anyway he was sent by professor Dumbledore to help me get my school stuff, but to tell the truth he was being unbearable

"tell me again how we are suppose to find all these things in London?" i asked looking at him for explanation and i could feel him roll his eyes as he answered "you'll find out when we get there so shut up"

"what ever you say" i replied then added "someone seems grumpy today" i sing songed trying to annoy him and guess what i succeeded as he stopped in his track, turned to me with a death glare and if looks could kill , i would have probably been six feet under by now, but me being me simply gave him a innocent smile

and just as i though he was going to explode at me , his expression softened and he turned back around "let's keep going" and his voice wasn't in an angry tone but that of a hurt person,weird i thought but simply did as he said

soon we were in front of pub and just as he was about to enter i stopped him " you know that an eleven year old girl such as myself aren't allowed in there ,right?"

"can you simply follow in silence?" he said back to his annoyed tone then entered , i rolled my eyes but followed

we were walking through the place towards the back door or at least i think when the Barkeeper noticed us "hey everyone look who just entered ,if it isn't the great Severus Snape, what brings you out of your underground dungeon and to our humble pub?" he said in a mocking tone , causing everyone to laugh ,but what shocked me was how calm professor snape replied "very funny"

"i know but seriously what brought you hear , come on i'll pour your usual and we could sit down and... , oh right i forgot you don't have a usual considering that your always locked down in there" everybody laughed again and i was really starting to lose my temper , why in hell isn't he defending himself

"or did Dumbledore finally realize how exchangeable you were and decided to get rid of you " this time they kept on laughing and i couldn't control myself who dose he think he are , i turned around and moved to where this barkeeper was

"hey you , WHO THE BLOODY HELL GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TALK TO HIM THAT WAY ?" i snapped at him causing the laughter in th place to die out , he started looking around until his eyes fell on me

but before he could respond i went on "who do you think you are? just poping out of no where and making fun of him as if you were so much better ,while in fact you are nothing compared to him, cause come on as you work here as a barkeeper who could easily be replaced in a matter of seconds by someone who might not be able to spell his own name, he has a great job as a professor in such a great school like Hogwarts and as you waste your time making fun of people just cause you know they are much better than you are ,he spends his time teaching kids as myself how our magic is great gift that we should use in good, and i can tell in a matter of ten years or so he could be at better position in Hogwarts ,he would have a happy family and maybe open his own school or who knows what other great things he will be doing , while as for you you would probably get fired , have no one by your side and all those who are laughing at your so called jokes would pass you by as you work as a beggar in the streets"

a "oh" and "wow" sounds filled the crowed that was now looking at him waiting for his respond which never came , so i turned to them "and don't think that you all are better in any kind of way cause even if you didn't laugh you stood there watching someone being laughed at and one day those laughs will be at you and no one will stand up for you just like now" with that i turned back to professor snape and walked through the door which he was standing in front only to come to a brick wall

"great" i turned around and came face to face with professor snape who was looking down at me

"so how are we suppose to get past this wall " he didn't reply but only walked around me and took his wand out pressing it against a set of stones in the wall, causing the stones to move and reveal a street full of shops and people entering and buying things

"welcome to diagon alley" was all he said

"wow" i said admiring the road "you're definitely gonna teach me that" now my mood lightened up and i could feel the smile grow on my face

he started to walk and i followed him as soon as i came out of my admiring faze and all i could say that it was an amazing place ,it was full of owls ,witchcraft stuff and all you could ever imagine

anyway we were walking through the road looking for the things on the list in different shops neither saying a word ,but suddenly i heard him say "you know you didn't need to defend me in there"

"i know"

"then why did you do it?"

"cause no one deserves to be treated that way , take it from someone who knows" i whispered the last part meaning every word and wishing that someone would have stood to me the way i did today maybe it would have changed something or maybe everything who knows ,anyway he didn't reply

hours passed and we were almost done only needed the wand and the pet which i already decided on a cat

we reached a shop called 'ollivender' which soon i found to be a wands shop

"you go get your wand ,while i do some errands i need to take care of" with that he left and so i entered the shop to find no one inside but looking around someone came out of the back and climbed down a ladder

"well ,hello there ,looking for a wand Mrs. ..." he said who i guess was the owner of the shop

"Miller , Alex Miller and yeah i do need a wand" i said

"this is the first time i hear of a Miller" he said as he was looking between the boxes on one of the shelves

"well my parents aren't exactly wizards"

"i see " he said finally pulling a box and coming to stand beside me "As for the wand you came to the right place here you go" he hands me a wand

i keep looking at it

"come on give it a wave" my gaze snaps to him and i do as he said

as i did all the things on one of the shelves crash down "sorry" i say , handing him the wand back

"never mind , but looks like a not to me" he goes bring another one

"perhaps this one" i repeat the process only this time a vase explodes

"No, no, definitely not!" he said taking it from me

" well ,I wonder" he looks around then gets another box he hands me the wand in and it

then a glow passes from me to the wand

"what just happened?" i asked

"the wand just chose you, Curious, very curious"

"what do you mean?" i asked really really puzzled

"Mrs.Miller I remember every wand I've ever sold and it happens that the only wizards who happened to carry such a wand were destined to choose a side of either good or evil"

"i don't understand"

"this wand your holding is an ebony it's cable of great things , the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose whither it's for good or evil, so i think that we should be expecting great things from you in either ways " he said whispering the last part , and freaking me out

"okay , thank you but i need to go" i paid him quickly and headed out of there he really scared me

a minute after professor snape came back and we headed to the MAGICAL MENAGERIE sho , where i bought Marvel (a black cat) yeah so Sabrina go ahead and laugh

anyway now since i was done we started to head back home

at the porch of my house professor snape stopped and said " i'll be picking you up at 31 July and taking you to the train don't forget your train ticket , see you then"

"sure" i said and he turned to leave but i stopped him " and thanks for today , helping me and all"

"no need" with that he left


days passed and it was 31 July i had just finished getting ready and packing my stuff when i came down stairs mum and dad were waiting for me with to say good bye s they weren't gone take me to the train not being wizards and all

anyway i ran to them hugging both of them i really will miss them "take care of yourself sweetie and if you need anything just call us okay?" mum said as she hugged me for the hundreds time

"mum don't worry i'll be just fine" i said giving her a reassurance smile

then i turned to Dad who had a straight expression , but then broke in to a smile saying "come here" then pulled me into a hug "i'll miss you little one"

"i'll miss you too , dad" we pulled apart as the door bell rang indicating professor snape arrival "come on i have to go , bye" i said as i took my stuff and headed out the door to him

it was a silent trip to the train station

but when we got there he turned to me "do you have your train ticket ?"

" yeah , here it is" i said taking it out of my pocket "good no you're all set to go ,your trains leaves in fifteen minutes and remember to get to platform 9 3/4 you should pass through the brick wall between platform 9 and 10 you get it "

"yes but how am i suppose to just pass through the wall ?'" i asked but as soon as i did he was already gone to god knows where great

after a couple of minutes i was standing between platform 9 and 10 in front of the brick wall between them and all i could think about is how stupid was what i was just about to do but he was the one who told me i guess i had no other way

so i started running towards the brick wall pushing my cart in front of me , i closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came so i stopped and opened my eye to find that i was in fact on a new platform 9 3/4 to be exact , i could see it now all this was real there stood the train talking me to Hogwarts , it felt like a dream coming true and i felt the smile form on my lips , i was really happy

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