The Other Side Of The Story

Chapter 19 - Saying Good-Bye

My eyes fluttered open only to fall on the white ceiling above me ,realizing that i was lying in a very comfortable bed , i relaxed and was about to go back to sleep...

when memories from the day before flowed through my mind

"Harry" i yelled as my eyes snapped open and i shoot up in my place ,but with immediately met with a a shot of pain that ran through my whole body causing me to groan

"Alex, take it easy" i heard the voice that belonged to none other Cedric say as he pushed me back into bed gently

"no, i have to go back to Harry ,i promised him not to leave him" i said as i struggled against him and tried to get out of bed

"he is fine ,Alex,don't worry he is fine" he told me as he grabbed both my shoulders forcing me to look him in the eyes "just Relax , Harry was brought here with you ,but was placed in another part in the hospital wing so you two can rest"

" why was he brought here?! was he hurt?!" i asked getting worried

"not really he was just unconscious and had a few scratches don't worry" he told me and i relaxed a little

"what about Hermione and Ron?"

"they are fine too"

"so how long have i been out?" i asked

"about a day now" he told as he gestured to me "when you fell on those bottles they broke and your body absorbed great amount of the poisons but thankful each poison slowed the work of the other and they were able to bring you here on perfect timing"he explained and i just nodded in response at actually made sense but that wasn't what worried me... what was that smoke back there i am pretty sure that was no ordinary smoke, but i think i will just have to ask Harry when i see him later... as for now"so how long will i have to stay here this time?" i asked as i sat back up this time taking it easy

"madam Pumfrey said few days, a week if you don't take it easy and knowing you i would say probably a week"

"not again" i groaned as laid back down "just take me back to the third floor at least my death would be better quicker" he just chuckled at me

"well at least you'll be out before the declaring of the house cup winner" he tried to make me happy

"so i could watch Slytherin ,no thank you , i would prefer the third floor" i rolled my eyes as i spoke causing him to laugh even more

"what were you even doing there in the first place?!" he asked

"that's a really long story" i sighed

"with you in here we have nothing but time , don't you think?" he told me as he raised an eyebrow and i nodded and opened my mouths to reply but didn't get the chance as i heard someone clear their throat and both me and Cedric turned around to see Dumbledore standing close by

" yes you do so if you don't mind Mr. Diggory ,i would like to borrow one moment of that time to talk with Mrs. Miller" he said and Cedric nodded and turned to me "i'll be right outside" i simply nodded and watched him leave

then turned back to Dumbledore "Professor"

"Tokens from your admirers?" he said as he approached me , but i didn't get what he was talking about until i saw him walk to a table full of cards and candy

"admirers?" i asked him

"What happened down in the dungeons,is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows." he said with a smile causing me to laugh

"so how's Harry?!" i asked him

"he's fine ,i have just seen him and as a matter of fact he was asking about you , he was one of the reasons i came to see you he ,wanted me to check on you" he explained and i nodded "you are a really bright witch Alexandra , there is A lot of the great wizards but most of them haven’t got an ounce of logic , but you do"

"and that made me sure that one day you will great things" he told me with a smile and i returned it

"and it was a nice move you pulled on professor McGonagall at the beginning of the year" he told me and my eyes widened how did he know about that nobody but Cedric knew it was me "don't worry it will be our little secret" he said with a wink causing me to smile

"But, what happened to the Stone?" i asked turning serious again

"Relax, dear The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around" he reassured me

"But Flamel, he'll die, won't he?" i said frowning my eyebrows

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die" he said as he sat where Cedric was sitting earlier

"so that mans that Harry did get the stone and get rid of the person who was after it" he nodded "so if you don't me asking professor , but can you tell me who was it?! the person helping Voldemort- i mean you-know-"

"don't call him that fearing the name only increases fearing it's owner and you are braver than that ,as for your question it was Professor Quirrell who was helping him and yes Harry have gotten rid of him" he explained

"so does that mean that Voldemort can never come back?" i asked

" Ah, I'm afraid there are ways in which he can return ,but who knows maybe one day we will live and see him destroyed once and for all" he told me and i nodded and he stood up and turned to leave

"Professor" i stopped him "thank you for taking care of Harry" i thanked him with a smile and he just smiled back and nodded before leaving and Cedric entered


i walk out of the Hospital wing ,after Madam Pomfrey finally dismissed me , but to tell the truth the week flew by really quick that i didn't feel the time , as i always had either Cedric , the twins or Hermione on my side

so anyway as i walked trough the door i was met by Harry

"Harry!!" i called as i ran to him and pulled him into a tight hug which he returned and once we pulled apart i could see that he was smiling too

"i was so worried about you" he said

"same goes for you, but it's okay now we're all alright" i told him and we walked side by side until we approached a room where up on a stairwell balcony Hermione and Ron were talking,once they noticed us They stopped and lean over the railing smiling and i knew i was smiling too

"Alright there Ron?" Harry asked smiling

" All right ,You two?" Ron replied still smiling

"better than ever" i replied not being able to hold back the smile

" All right. Hermione?" Harry shrugged as he replied

" Never better" she said grinning


In the great hall. All students were seated, and Slytherin green banners with snakes on them were hanged all around the ceiling.

i saw Dumbledore, at the head table, nod to McGonagall and She dings her glass and shutting the chatter that filled the great hall and Dumbledore stood up

" Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points" he says and the sound of Clapping Fills the Room but i notice Harry and Hermione hide their heads "Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points" again the Clapping "In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points" Clapping "And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin House"

then started the immense cheering of the Slytherins

"Whoo! Yeah!" they cheer

" Nice one, Mate!" Draco yelled at Ron who was glaring at him

but suddenely Dumbledore cut off their cheering as he said "Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points" and everyone Applause for her including Harry, Ron and i

"Good job" i pat her on the back

"Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess" Dumbledore said and Ron looked at Harry and mouths 'Me?' Harry nods, and mouths,'You!'and i laugh at them "that Hogwarts has seen these many years...50 points" everyone Applause to him

"And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 50 points" he said and we all applause for him

"it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom" He declared and Immense cheering erupts. Neville is unbelieving and sits there while the cheering got louder

" We're tied with Slytherin!" Hermione tells us and everyone at our table open their mouth's in happiness

"and finally for for breaking many uncountable rules and lying to many but all out of pure love and for teaching us what it really means to be selfless and loyal and showing us how much a person can sacrifice for those he care about and doing nothing but prove how a great Gryffindor she is , i award 50 points to Alexandra Miller" he spoke and i couldn't help but smile as i looked at him and he winked at me and i felt many people pat me on the back and congratulate me as loud applause spread around the hall

"Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of direction is in order" Professor Dumbledore said and Claped his hands causing The green banners change to Gryffindor red and yellow "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" he Declared and the cheering filled the room

we all stand and threw our hats into the air ,then i felt myself being carried over someones shoulder only to see it was the Twins who chanted not only mine , but also Harry's , Hermione's , Ron's and Neville's names

everyone was rubbing each other's hair and jumping around, cheering and laughing and the twins ran around the hall with me on their shoulders causing me to laugh non stop.

"Yeah! We won!!" Lee yelled as he jumped with Harry who was Grinning widely


The outdoor train station, Students are walking around, getting in the train.

i search around the station for the one person i didn't get to say good bye o but he was nowhere in sight , i have been searching for a while now , but still with no use

until finally my eyes landed on him in his usual dark attire

"Professor Snape" i yelled as i made my way to him and at first he looked surprise that someone was calling him as we were boarding the train people usually would run from him i assume

"how can i help you Mrs. Miller?" he asked as his eyes finally fell on me

"i came to say good bye , i am just gonna miss you along with everyone and everything in here , so till next year" i told him as i took his hand and shook it and then walked away but not before waving to him and the last thing i saw was his surprised Expression

i went to where Hermione and Ron were ,just as Harry arrived

" Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione asked us

"I'm not going home. Not really" Harry replied

"well home is where your loved ones are so i don't really think we ever left it" i told her with a smile which they all returned

The train whistled and we climbed aboard. As the train started to leave Hogwarts ,our school , the place where we have been living for the past few months ,where we lived an adventure that we will never forget , in other words , our second Home...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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