The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 9

Chapter 9.

“How quickly your feelings have changed, Mr. Burmmington.” Beth spoke in a reserved voice.

“I assure you, it was not me, it was Miss Oceana who played with my feelings. She made me believe she was a rich heiress, she tempted me sorely and I gave in. If I were you…”

“Edward!” Beth’s sad eyes turned angery, but she kept her voice calm. “Do not try to play this game with me. I know Oceana, and I know you don’t have anything she would want.”

“I?” Edward was very much offended at Beth’s statement, “I, who am rich, influential and handsome, don't have anything Miss Oceana could want? Miss Warren, Beth, you know better than anyone else that I have more to offer a woman than any other man.”

“Oh Edward, Edward, this shows how little you know my friend. She is not like the women you and I are used to seeing in society. She doesn’t care for money, she hates it, she hates the kind of life you lead. You have nothing with which to tempt her. I recall now how she hated going anywhere you were. I didn’t understand, I was blinded by my love for you to think you would be chasing other girls."

"So she made you believe, but in reality there is a lot more to your little friend than you know. Why money is all she is after, and she so winded me around her finger, I forgot myself. I was lost in her clutches"

"Edward, how can you be like this. I know Oceana, I have know her since she was a child and if there was one thing she never cared for it was for society and the set of rules by which we live. I kept her in London by sheer force. Trust me, if it were up to her, she would have never attended parties or balls or picnics, but would have spent her entire time here in the prisons or in the slums. Her friends are common, simple people and stuffed-up gentlemen like yourself are exactly what she hates the most. Besides, I seem to remember her being very taken with a young officer in the navy and whenever she was free she was conversing with him. You, on the other hand, you tried to get her attention, but she never gave it to you. But you know what I find even worse? After she rejected you, you are trying to put the blame on her in an attempt to get me back. Did you find out she has neither name nor family nor money and realized no matter what your fancy you could not join with her? No doubt she told you of her mermaid claimed and you were horrified of your future wife telling everyone she is half mermaid. And now you return to me, thinking I will take you back?”

“Which of course you shall, it would be foolish of you not too. Just tear up that note you hold in your hands and throw it into the fire.”

“You wrote  you no longer love me, that you feelings have moved on towards another person, is that not true?”

“I wrote this in the spur of the moment when I was not thinking straight."

“And how many such moments am I to expect from you, Edward? How many more beautiful woman are you going to flirt with?”

“Beth, hear me out…”

“I can no longer bind myself to you because the love I had for you no longer exists. I believe I lost it some time ago, I just didn't know what else to do. Now at last I have found someone I truly love and I wish to be free from my promise to you. I withdraw my offer and beg of you to return the ring I have given you.” Beth read from the note in her hand, “Edward, you can’t do this. You can’t go about playing with hearts this way. You can’t break with me, get reject and then expect me to take you back. That’s not how it is done.”

“Elizabeth Warren, you have no choice but to take me back, unless you want to become the object of gossip. So I fell in love with someone else, so what? Don't you see what a fool you would be if you gave me up? Come, stop being a silly little girl, tell me you forgive me and we’ll pretend this never happened. A man is allowed to flirt a little every now and then, the only thing is not to take it too far.”

“I am very sorry, Mr. Burmmington,” Beth primly replied, “but I am not inclined to take you up on the offer you have only hours ago withdrawn. I think it would be best if you leave right now, oh, and take this with you.” Beth removed the engagement ring from her finger and placed it into Edward's hand. She opened the door and stood firmly while Edward slowly went out.

“Miss Warren…”

“Leave, Mr. Burmmington, before I call for Philip to escort you out be force.”

“You will regret not marrying me.”

“Just go.”

Edward stormed out of the room and Beth shut the door behind him. Walking up to the window, she watched through the partially drawn curtains as he walked away from the house. Only after he had disappeared from her sight did she give way to the bucket of tears she had been holding inside.


“Oceana, where did you come from?” Callum’s jaw dropped in shock when Oceana walked through the front door.

“From the train station, where else could I have come from?” Oceana wearily replied, setting her carpet bag on the floor.

“Well, this is truly a great surprise. I dinna expect you to just show up out of the blue, you could have at least informed me you were coming. I could have met you at the station."

“I didn’t want to bother you, besides, I like a good walk.”

“Is that so?” Callum lifted an eyebrow. “Well, I haven’t had a letter from you in nearly two weeks, when did you leave London? How are Miss Patterson and Beth? Are the preparation for the wedding in full sway?”

“There isn’t going to be a wedding.” Oceana sighed, sinking into a chair.

“No? But you said the engagement ball…”

“The wedding has been cancled. Mr. Burmmington has broken with Beth and they are no longer engaged.”

“Broke with Beth?” Callum was very surprised. “Why?”

“Because of me, why else?” Oceana glumly replied. “I wrote you of Mr. Brummington’s fancy for me, well, he got it into his head that he wanted to marry me so he broke with Beth so he could be free to court me. I turned him down and then that snake went back to Beth to try and patch it up with her. Beth replied she no longer wished to have anything to do with him and so that’s where it all ended. Mr. Burmmington is left with no one, Beth is heartbroken and I’ve returned to Scotland.”

“Oh my.” Callum felt that was the safest thing to say.

“I really should have told Beth about Edward's fancy, I shouldn’t have kept silent.” Oceana shook her head, angry at herself for having brought all this about. “I could tell right away that he was fascinated with me, I didn’t think he would go as far as breaking with Beth, but still, if only I would have pointed it out, perhaps it would have all been very different. I know she was hurt when she realized I  had suspected Edward's fancy for a long time but didn't tell her.”

“Is Beth mad at you, did she ask you to leave?”

“Beth’s too heartbroken to be mad at anyone, she just sits in her room all day and does nothing. I left because I felt my presence would only remind her of Mr. Burmmington. She doesn’t blame me, I know that for sure, she told me so when I returned. I’m glad of that, at least she understands I didn’t encourage Edward Burmmington, but I still feel awkward being there, knowing it is my fault all this came about.” Oceana sighed again. The summer hadn’t at all gone the way she had thought or planned.

Callum nodded his head in sympathy.

"Miss Patterson was very sad too, but they all blame Edward not me. Though of course it is my fault."

"Now lassie, you musn't say that. You are beautiful and you can't help that fact. I know you dinna encourage the man, so you are not to blame."

"But I could have told Beth that he was behaving improper, not how a engaged man ought to behave. I kept the truth because I thought it would hurt Beth, but in the end my silence ended up in her being hurt a whole lot more. I have to say, the only good thing that happened in London was seeing Dr. Wilkens an Stephanie and my acquaintance with Lt. Chesterton."

“Ah yes, the lieutenant in the navy.” Callum's eyebrows knit together. "I remember you mentioning hm in your letter. Is he still in London?"

“Lt. Chesterton has set sail for India,” Oceana replied, “I don’t suppose I’ll ever see him again, but it was nice knowing him, he was very interesting to talk too.”

Callum noticed the wistful look in Oceana’s eyes and thought he had better drop the subject of the lieutenant. He was only glad that Lt. Chesterton, whoever he was, had left when he did and wasn’t around to dabble with the feelings of a young girl. Callum didn’t want to be over protective, but he hadn’t liked it when Oceana had mentioned the young officer and he didn’t like the far-away look Oceana had when she talked about him. Soldiers were never the sort of people he trusted and he didn’t want one playing with the heart of his Oceana. In Callum’s mind, Oceana was still far too young to be thinking of the attentions of young men and the farther away they all stayed from her, the better.


 So the wedding isn't going to happen, Wesley is gone, Beth is heartbroken and Oceana is back in Scotland, probably not the ending you were hoping for, but oh well, that's life....

....Nah, just kidding :P don't worry, this isn't the end of the story, we're only getting to the interesting part, so don't go away :) Chapter 10 will be posted next Friday (September 19th) :)

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