The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 7

Chapter 7.

“I’m so nervous, I can hardly breathe.” Beth confessed to Oceana in an excited whisper.

“You’ll never survive your wedding day if a simple engagement party already makes you giddy.” Oceana pointed out as she put the finishing touches on Beth’s hairstyle. Oceana had insisted on doing Beth’s hair for the ball. The two girls had been stuck in Beth’s room since early morning readying themselves for the big event.

“Oh Beth, you look like a dream.” Oceana sighed as she gazed at her friend with nothing but admiration. Beth was dressed in a silk gown that looked white, but when the folds rustled one could see that it was actually a very pale purple. Her black curly hair had star-flowers woven into it and her feet were encased in beautiful white shoes.

“If you want to see real beauty, gaze upon your own reflection.” Beth answered with a giggle, grabbing Oceana and leading her to the mirror. Oceana had insisted on wearing green, saying it went well with her completion. Her dress was a lot simpler than Beth’s, but it was the simplicity of the dress that truly brought out Oceana’s natural beauty.

“I still think you ought to have a flower in your hair.” Beth stated as she looked Oceana up and down. “You don’t seem complete without one. I know,” Beth ran over to her dressing table and grabbed an orchid from the vase. Coming back, she gently placed it in Oceana’s hair. “There,” She said with great satisfaction, “just the thing.”

Oceana critically evaluated the orchid in her hair. She didn’t really like it, but it wasn't all that bad and Beth obviously wanted it in her hairstyle so Oceana decided to leave it be. It’s not like she would be looking at herself in the mirror all the time.

“At last the two of us are ready,” Oceana said, “come along Beth, or we shall be late. Miss Patterson is probably wondering what on earth is taking us so long.”

“Miss Patterson understands,” Beth argued, “or have you not noticed how not once has she ever come over to ask us how much longer we plan to be in this room.”

“That may be the case, but I see no reason why we should not go down if we are ready.” Oceana pointed out in a practical tone. Beth took a deep long breath.

“Alright, let us go.”

“I repeat, dearest Beth, you’ll never get through your wedding.” Oceana giggled, taking Beth by the hand and leading her out of the room. “Miss Patterson, is the carriage ready?” Oceana called out as they walked down the stairs.

“Been ready for a good while already.” Miss Patterson replied. “The pair of you sure took forever, but don’t worry, there is no need to justify yourself, I understand perfectly.”

Beth gave Oceana an ‘I told you so’ look. Oceana merely rolled her eyes. The three ladies put on their coats and stepped out into the cool evening air.

Beth was nervous the entire ride to the hall where the ball was to be held. She kept grasping Oceana’s hand and more than once Oceana had remarked that if Beth didn't want to cut off all circulation in Oceana's right arm, she must not grip her so tightly.

“This is it.” Beth gasped as the carriage came to a halt.

“It’s just an engagement Beth; it’s not even the actual wedding.” Oceana was starting to get seriously annoyed.

“I know, I know, but still.” Beth inhaled as much air as her lungs would allow. Slowly she let it all out and putting on her bravest face, stepped out of the carriage and into the grand hall.


“Oceana, I wish you to meet my fiancé.”

Oceana’s eyes lit up. At last she was going to meet Edward Burmmington, the man Beth could never cease talking about. She intently studied his facial features, he had a cleft in his chin and his nose was rather stubby, but on the whole Oceana had to admit he was very handsome.

“Edward, this is Miss Oceana, Oceana, allow me to introduce Edward Burmmington.”

Edward’s eyes had never left Oceana since the moment Beth had led him to her. Try as he might, he couldn’t look away from the young beauty. The skin on her face was smooth and ivory, her lips curved into a hint of a smile, slightly revealing a glimpse of her pearly white teeth. The seaweed colored eyes were filled with mysteries and secrets. Her hands were covered in white gloves that reached all the way up to her elbows, but there was a tiny patch of creamy white skin just between where the glove ended and the dress began. Edward found himself wondering what her skin felt to the touch. What did her voice sound like, was it as beautiful as she was?

“Miss Oceana, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Edward spoke in an awed voice. “I’ve heard from Beth about her dear friend living up in Scotland, but I’m afraid she never quite told me just how beautiful you are. I believe the entire room dims compared to you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Burmmington.” Oceana was not at all comfortable with the way Edward Burmmington was looking at her but she forced herself to be civil and polite. There was no way she was going to spoil Beth’s engagement ball. “It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Beth has been speaking nonstop of you. Allow me to tell you sir, you are a very lucky man in having her.”

“I am indeed.” Edward replied with a smile, while inwardly soaking in the softness of Oceana's voice. It was alluring and graceful, and had a sort of melodic ring to it. He had never met anyone like this before, and he found all he wanted to do was talk to Miss Oceana, listen to her bewitching voice and find out all about her.

“Do you dance, Miss Oceana?”

“Not with you, I’m afraid.” Oceana was still smiling, but a firmness appeared in her eyes, “tonight you only have eyes for your soon to be bride.”

“I didn’t mean for myself,” Edward hastily explained, “I assure you there will be plenty of gentlemen wanting to dance with such a lovely young woman as yourself.”

Oceana hated the way Edward was looking at her and was determined to get away from him. “It was pleasure to meet you Mr. Burmmington, but if you will please excuse me, I wish to ask Miss Patterson something.”

“Oceana, you will play and sing for us today, will you not?” Beth asked just as Oceana was about to leave.

“Miss Oceana sings?” Edward’s eyes brightened, “I should dearly love to hear it.”

“If that is what you wish, Beth. Tonight, your every wish is my command.” Oceana replied and made a hasty retreat into the crowd of people. Edward gazed wistfully as she disappeared, it was a pity he wasn’t free to pursue her and ask her to dance.

“What did you think of her?” Beth asked him.

Edward forced his gaze away from the crowd and to the adoring dark brown eyes looking at him. “I thought her to be very lovely, but not as lovely as you, my dear.” He forced a smile onto his face. Beth blushed from the complement. “Come, there is someone else I wish to introduce you too.”


“Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to make an announcement.” Mr. Charles Burmmington stood at the front of the hall and addressed the guests. “It is with greatest pleasure and deepest joy that I announce to you all the engagement of my son, Edward Burmmington, to the bride of his choice, Miss Elizabeth Warren.”

The hall erupted into applause as Edward and blushing Beth stood up next to Edward’s father.

“I wish you all the very best, may yours be a union of unending happiness.” Charles Burmmington said as he took their hands in his. Edward pulled out of his pocket a little box and upon opening it produced a beautiful diamond ring, which he gently slid onto Beth’s finger. More applause came from the crowd.

“And now,” Charles Burmmington stated once the noise had quieted down. “the dance floor awaits.”

Oceana stood with a smile on her face as she watched Beth and Edward dance. Her thoughts drifted back towards the first time she had met Beth in the orphan asylum. Who would have thought that one day dear little Beth with the shortly cropped curls and ever present smiling face would grow up to such a lovely woman and be only one step away from wife and mother. “It’s scary, how time flies.” Oceana thought.

“Does the mermaid’s daughter dance?”

Oceana caught her breath and bit her lip. That was without a doubt Wesley’s voice. Taking a deep breath she turned around and lifted her eyes to meet his.

“I’ll have you know, two weeks ago I didn’t know anything about how to dance at a ball, but Miss Patterson and Beth put me through an intense course of learning, so my answer to your question is: Yes, she does.”

“Then may I have the honor of the first dance?” Wesley extended his hand towards her.

“You may.” Oceana took his hand and Wesley pulled her to the dance floor, where by now quite a few other couples where already swirling to the waltz.

“I see you came after all.” She pointed out.

“I did. Captain Morrely was kind enough to guarantee an invitation was extended towards me. Permit me to observe, Miss Oceana, that you look lovely this evening.”

“Thank you.” Oceana felt her cheeks color just a little. Somehow, the very same words spoken by Edward had annoyed her greatly, but when Wesley had said that it was all very different.

“And I see you are all dressed up in your uniform.”

“This is a festive occasion,” Wesley chuckled.

“Not very many medals though.”

“Granted, Miss Oceana, I am only twenty five years of age. Medals are things that are collected with time.”

“That’s one part of you solved.” Oceana stated triumphantly. “Now I know your age.”

“Ah, you caught me there.” Wesley laughed, “though it was not like my age is as great a secret as I'm guessing yours is.”

“I have to admit, Lt. Chesterton, you are very perceptive.”

“I seem to recall you telling me this before.”

“And you have a good memory.”

“Also already pointed out by you.”

“A very good memory.” Oceana chuckled.

“Did you meet Miss Warren’s future husband?”

“I did, Beth introduced me.”

“What did you think of him?”

“He’s handsome and seems intelligent, that’s about all I can say, I only spoke to the man for a few moments.”

The waltz came to an end and Wesley escorted Oceana off the dance floor, but he had no intention of parting with her just yet.

“Without a doubt, Miss Oceana, you are the belle of the ball tonight.” Captain Morrely said as he and his wife approached Wesley and Oceana.

“I am not.” Oceana argued, “the belle of the ball is Beth. This is her party and she is the one who deserves all the praise. I’m simply the best friend rejoicing with her. I’m here today and gone tomorrow and no one will remember I was even here.”

“You’ll have to allow us to argue with you on that fact.” Leslie Morrely shook her head. “I’m afraid, Miss Oceana, you are someone very hard to forget. I can assure you that just about the entire male population at the ball tonight is gawking at you and hoping you will dance with them. It’s plain as day they all want to get to know you.”

“They shan’t,” Oceana calmly stated, “I’m determined that they won’t get to know me.”

“What is it with you and not wanting anyone to know anything about you?” Wesley prodded.

“Think of it like this, Lt. Chesterton, when Cinderella came to the ball no one knew anything about her and no one discovered anything about her. Miss Patterson and Beth told me when I came here that I was going to be something of a Cinderella and I figured why be something of her when I can be all of her. I am not like the other girls here, snooping about for a husband and whispering about the latest gossip. I can’t stand society and all it has to offer. I came to attend this ball and when the ball is over, I hope to leave back to where I came from. So when the clock strikes midnight, beware, because I just might disappear.”

“My only request is that you leave a glass slipper by which I shall be able to find you afterwards.” Wesley remarked with a chuckle.

Oceana looked over at Wesley, her eyes sparkling.

“What?” Wesley didn’t quite understand the look in her eyes.

“Nothing really, it’s just for the first time in a long time I’ve met someone who can speak the same language as I do.” Oceana confessed, turning a little red from her statement.

“That is shocking indeed, seeing as most of the time I don’t even understand your language.” Wesley pointed out.

They were interrupted by a young gentleman walking over to them. “Pardon me,” he said in an oily voice, “but if the young lady is free…”

“The young lady is currently occupied.” Wesley cut him off. Taking Oceana by the hand he led her to the dance floor once more.

“That was very presumptuous of you.” Oceana chided. “I never said I wanted to dance with you a second time.”

“I never asked you if you wanted too.” Wesley replied with a wink, causing the two of them to laugh. “I’m afraid I can’t afford to lose you just yet, Miss Oceana, there is much I wish to find out about you.”

“Lt. Chesterton, you are a walking contradiction. You want me to tell you about my past but never once have you even touched on yours.”

“That is because there is nothing to my past. I was raised by the admiral, and ever since I was sixteen I have lived a life at sea.”

“There you go, you have lived a life at sea. That means you have done a lot of traveling and must have seen so many things. There is really so much you can tell me. I will wager you have had many adventures out in the open waters. There is truly no greater place on earth than the being among the waves If you were to ask me, there is nothing better than a life spent out in the open waters.” Oceana spoke the last sentence in a wistful tone.

“Like you would know.”

“Lt. Chesterton, I'll have you know that the first ten years of my life I spent out in the open waters. As a child I spent more time at sea than on land.”

“Is that so?” Wesley was intrigued. “How very surprising.”

“It is not surprising at all, considering I was raised by seamen.”

“Ah, more of the mystery is revealed. Seamen you say? Where they in the navy?”

“Why does it always have to be the navy?” Oceana rolled her eyes. “There is more to sailing than Royal Navy. As a matter of fact it was the complete opposite of the navy. I was raised by smugglers.”


“Who is that young man Miss Oceana has just walked off with?” Edward had been watching Oceana’s every movement since the moment she had stepped onto the dance floor and had just seen her walk off with the young officer she had been dancing with.

“What young man?” Beth asked.

“Your friend was dancing with a gentleman dressed in the uniform of an officer ointhe navy and just as the song ended the two of them walked off. It seemed they were deep in conversation.

“You are very observant man, Mr. Burmmington.” Leslie, who had been conversing with Beth and Edward, pointed out. “That young officer is Lt. Chesterton, he is under my husband’s command.”

“Oh.” Beth caught her breath. Leslie and Edward turned towards her.

“Is anything wrong my dear?” Edward asked.

“No, not at all,” Beth masked her worries with a charming smile, but inwardly she groaned. Wasn’t it Lt. Chesterton who had been unfortunate enough to hear Oceana’s mermaid claim? And now, no doubt, Oceana was telling him the full story in detail. Not that the story in itself was bad, but the fact that Oceana insisted it was the story of her unfortunate parents made it very embarrassing.

Beth scanned the crowd until at last Oceana and Wesley appeared once more. Excusing herself, she walked up to them as quickly as she could.

“Oceana, perhaps now you would mesmerize us all with your musical skills.” She stated in what she hoped was an innocent voice.

“You wish is my command, dearest Beth.” Oceana said. Beth took Oceana by the arm and led her to the piano. “Dear guests, Miss Oceana has consented to entertain us with her singing. I assure you, there is no comparing her lovely voice to anything in the world.”

“Don’t praise me like that, Beth.” Oceana murmured through a smile as she took her place by the piano. For a split second her eyes met Edward’s and the spark in them sent a shiver down her spine. She had felt his gaze following her during the ball and was not comfortable with knowledge that he constantly had his eyes fixed on her. What was his point in stalking her? Why was he so interested in her every movement? The man had just gotten officially engaged in front of a host of people and it was horribly improper for him stare at her in such a manner. Her first meeting with Beth’s future husband was turning out to be one of a rather negative nature and despite her best efforts; Oceana found herself harboring a particular dislike for Mr. Edward Burmmington.


Looks like there is some trouble brewing ;) but then if things had remained all fun and easy this story would have been very boring. Votes and comments are greatly appreciated :) Chapter 8 should be up next week :)

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