The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 5 (part 2)

So sorry that this is so late. I was a camp leader for the past 10 days and with 19 kids under my care  writing wasn't exactly a thing on my to do list ;)

Since you have all been waiting for so long, I promise there will be another chapter this Sunday :D Until then, enjoy this 2nd part of Chapter 5


Oceana’s fingers lightly touched the piano and she played with great ease; her talent for music more than obvious. She had chosen a very hard piece to play but she ran through without one mistake. Wesley sat watching her play, spellbound by her every move while at the same time completely perplexed by everything that had just transpired a few moments ago. Half mermaid? What sort of person goes saying things like that? No last name, outlandish claims about her parents, no clue at all as to her past; she was a true mystery and what was more she was determined to remain one. But Wesley was no less determined to find everything out and so he made his way to the one person he was sure could give him answers.

“Pardon me, Miss Warren, but…half mermaid?”

Beth felt her face go a deep red. “Oh, Lt. Chesterton, a thousand pardons about what happened. I had hoped nothing like this would come up, but I suppose I should have known better. Oceana has always been very eccentric, and some things about her are just unchangeable, or so it would seem. I don’t know what put it into her head to say such things. I told her that when it comes to the question about her parentage and her past, silence is gold. That story about her mother being mermaid and all, well, I mean, she’s was telling it when I first met her as a child. Her tales shocked everyone around her and Oceana was always very proud about that. I had sincerely hoped she would have grown out of such silliness, but she doesn’t seem to want to grow out of it.”

“But, is it, I mean, does she really imply it to be true? Surely such a thing is, well, impossible, if you follow me?”

Beth sighed. “I cannot say anything sir, there is no evidence to prove it, but as long as I can remember Oceana always claimed it to be true. Whether or not she is still firmly standing on the fact that her mother was a mermaid is not something I can say, I haven’t seen her in a long time. If you really want to get to the bottom of it all, I’m afraid the only person to talk to is her.”

“How is it that you met her?”

“It was a long time ago, and under strange circumstances. She is a wonderful girl and I can’t help loving her, but she is different and sometimes there are certain things about her that you just have to accept without understanding.”

Wesley understood he wasn’t going to get anything out of Beth. It was plain as day that she knew a lot more than she  was telling him, but it was also quite clear she wasn’t going to yield him any information. He decided as soon as Oceana was free he would try talking to her once again. If he played his questions right he might just get her to reveal more about herself.


It was quite late when Wesley came back home. Admiral Chesterton was waiting for him.

“Meet anyone interesting at the party?” He asked, pouring Wesley a glass of wine.

“Half a mermaid.”

Admiral Chesterton choked on his own wine. “A what?” His wide eyes peered at Wesley in disbelief. Wesley replayed his last words in his head and realized his mistake.

“Make that, I met a half mermaid, as someone who is half mermaid, half man.”

Admiral Chesterton blinked at Wesley, “did you have a little too much wine at that party, Wesley my boy?” He slowly asked.

Wesley shook his head. “I know, it sounds bizarre…it is bizarre, more bizarre than I can explain, though I will try. I came to the party and lo and behold there is this beautiful girl with the voice of an angel. She gives no clue as to who she is, introduces herself as Miss Oceana with no last name attached and then during a quiet moment when I ask her about her parents she tells me her father was a French sailor and her mother was a mermaid.” Wesley shook his head as the memories of the party flooded back into his head. “Naturally I tried to make some sense of this young lady, but all I could discover was that she is a friend of Miss Warren’s and that they met as children. When and where they met is a secret and neither of them is willing to give it up.”

“Does Miss Warren, whoever she is, know of this Miss Oceana’s claim?”

“She does indeed and was terribly embarrassed when Oceana told it to me. Miss Warren promptly took Miss Oceana away and kept her plenty busy during the whole party in order to make sure Miss Oceana didn’t go talking too much. What I did learn from Miss Warren was that Miss Oceana has always been ‘eccentric’ and there are some things about her that one cannot change. From first glance I was sure Miss Oceana was from Scotland, she sang beautifully and fluently in Gaelic. However, later on, I also heard her conversing in French, which was practically fluent as well and her English is almost perfect. Almost because it seems the French and the Gaelic flavor her accent a bit. I so wanted to try and find out more about her, but Miss Warren was determined to keep her away from me.”

“Just you?” Admiral Chesterton lifted an eyebrow.

Here Wesley had to chuckle. “No, not just me. I’d say every young, unmarried bachelor at the party was making sheep’s eyes at the Miss Oceana. The young lady has a beauty that I believe even Venus would envy. She doesn’t have any airs about her prettiness and was very relaxed and friendly to everyone at the party. I can’t make out anything about her.” Wesley gulped the rest of his wine down and placed the glass on the table.

“I suppose I was wrong,” Admiral Chesterton pointed out, “seems you met someone very interesting at the party indeed. Claims to be half mermaid does she? How very strange, interesting, but strange.”

“You tell me.”

“And she’s staying with who?”

“Miss Warren.”

“And Miss Warren is?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but I believe she is something of an adopted daughter of a Miss Patterson. Have you heard the name before?”

“Miss Patterson? Indeed I have. She’s not of the high aristocracy, but when it comes to money and connections she is your lady. The dutchess of Graceland is particularly friendly to her and I believe even Lady Lorrece is kind to her. She is a woman of considerable wealthy and as I have mentioned before, has friends in high places. I believe her second cousin was a baronet or something, so there is some connection to the aristocracy, even if it is not exactly in the direct linage. I happened to meet her on several occasions, very polite woman. Known for her charitable deeds, I believe she bestows money upon an orphan institution or two.”

“Ah, do you know anything about her adopted daughter, Miss Warren?”

“From my previous statements, I should think it is quite obvious I do not. I didn’t even know she had an adopted daughter. I haven’t communicated with that lady in well over ten years, which puts into my mind that perhaps it would be a good idea to renew the acquaintance.” Admiral Chesterton stood up from his chair and reached for his cane. An old wound in his leg made walking a little difficult these days. “I suppose I’ll sleep on it. Come, Wesley my boy, it is high time you and I went to bed.”

Wesley shook hands with Admiral Chesterton, wished him a good night and went to his own room. He found himself sincerely hoping that the admiral would renew his acquaintance with Miss Patterson. If such a thing would happen, Wesley knew it would present a perfect opportunity for him to become better acquainted with Miss Oceana and be able to discover more about this very strange and at the same time very beautiful young woman.


Hope you are liking it so far, stay tuned in for more :) (Chapter 6 will be up this Sunday :D )

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