The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 19

“Is Nick here?” I asked Rosella as I placed my duffle bag on the floor.

“That I am not certain of, feel free to look for him in his room. I need to take a shower before bed.” She sleepily yawned, already making her way to her joint bathroom with a white towel in her hold.

I rolled my eyes at my sleep loving friend before making my way towards the door and exiting the room into the empty, dim lit hallway. I made my way down the hallway like I have done so many times before.

I stopped outside of Nick’s familiar bedroom doors and gently knocked. I waited for about a minute, before knocking again. I cocked my head to the side when I didn’t receive a response again. I grabbed the handles and pushed the one door open before entering the room. There was no sight of Nick and his bed was still very much neatly fixed. His bathroom door was opened, but there was no sound coming from there.

Arms wrapping around my waist from behind had me jumping to get away just to calm down at a gentle kiss being placed on my bare shoulder.

“Good evening, Darling.” Nick’s familiar, but tired voice greeted as I turned around in his arms to face Nick’s familiar features, looking worn than ever before.

“Hi, you look exhausted.” I stated the obvious.

“But do I still look handsome?” He pouted, placing a gentle peck on my lips as I lightly giggled at his response.

“Very,” I admitted,” I just wanted to say hi before I went to bed.”

“And here I had hoped you would sleep with me tonight as my last night as crowned prince,” He pouted with puppy dog eyes that twisted at my heart and had me almost agreeing as I bit my lip. I haven’t slept with him since that morning. I just continued to sleep in Rosella’s room even though I have been offered a room many times before. Rose and I just enjoyed our sleep overs in her room,” Please, Darling? Just this once more? That day I slept with you in my arms, I slept better than I had ever slept and tonight I need that sleep again in order to make it through the day tomorrow.”

I looked at his practically begging features and the teasing tendril that brushed against his eyelashes.

“Only on one condition.” I found myself agreeing.

“You let me brush that loose tendril away.” I smiled.

“Did you even have to ask?” He chuckled, leaning down so I he could be in reach.

I gently moved it to the back with the rest of his hair before I was lifted by my waist as he straightened up, allowing me to be at almost the same height as me.

“I have to go change in my pajamas.” I said, stealing a quick peck from him.

“You know how much I love it when you initiate the affection,” He mused,” But you can sleep in one of my shirts tonight so you will not be leaving this room for the rest of the night.”

I chuckled at his boyish ways but nodded nonetheless. He gently placed me on his bed before walking to his closet and coming out with a soft pink coloured shirt that he handed me.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“Anytime, Darling.” He winked, heading back into the walk in closet.

I got off the bed and made my way to his bathroom. I closed the door before stripping out of my clothes leaving my sports bra, bra and underwear on before pulling on the shirt that brushed just above my knees.

I collected my clothes and neatly folded them before walking back into the bedroom to Nicholas who was already laying under the covers. I placed my clothes on the laundry basket before heading to the bed and slipping in next to him, just as a yawn left his lips. The coronation has been stressing him out and he hasn’t been sleeping properly according to Rose and that’s concerning for me. Which is part of the reason to why I agreed to sleep with him tonight.

His arm instantly hooked around my waist as he pulled me flush into his naked chest, letting his warmth seep in through the shirt I had on as he covered me with the sheets, leaving his chest naked as last time.

He clicked his finger and we were instantly surrounded in darkness except for the moonlight seeping in from the light curtains. I turned around so I was facing him, our eyes instantly connecting as I looked up at him, making the butterflies angrily flutter in my stomach.

“I love you, Darling. Never forget that.” He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I raised my hand to his hair and gently ran it through, enjoying the feeling of its softness as it glided past my fingers. A light moan left his lips as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the soothing sensation my hands in his hair caused. I leaned over and placed a kiss on his bare chest, causing a shiver to leave his body as he opened his eyes.

“Sleep.” I softly ordered to which he just smiled and closed his eyes. I continued running my hand through his hair until his breathing slowed into a slow and regular pattern showing that he had fallen asleep. I dropped my hand and in turn my arm that had started to ache as the strain. My lips gently caressed his on their own accord before I cuddled into his chest, his arm remaining draped around my waist.

At that exact moment I finally realised something, I was either falling for this man or I had long fallen.


Gentle kisses being peppered around my neck and face had me opening my eyes to Nick’s sapphire blue ones that shone with happiness from above me.

“Good morning, Darling. ” He greeted with a toothy grin.

“Good morning.” I groggily greeted back.

“I apologise for having to cut off your sleep, but my stylists will be arriving soon and I do not wish for them to feast on such a glorious sight that is only meant for my eyes.” He pouted, making a chuckle leave my lips as I nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go to Rose’s room.” I said.

“How I wish you needn’t do so,” He whined,” But alright, firstly,” He stopped to lightly peck my lips,” My morning kiss.”

I giggled as I returned it, his chest brushing against mine, letting his warmth seep and mix with my own.

“Okay, now I have to go.” I laughed as I moved away, instantly feeling like a cold breeze brushed over me, but I got off the bed and slipped on my slippers.

“I’ll walk you out,” He smiled,” Will you be returning my shirt?”

I looked down at the shirt and smiled at him before sprinting to the door and pulling it open. I turned to him and winked,” Probably not.”

His boisterous laugh echoed from his room and slightly seeped into the hallway, leaving me a smiling mess as I walked up the hallway.


We got out of the car and I felt like I could finally breath again after almost being suffocated by the tension that came with being in the same space as Nicholas’ mother. It was a bit better today though, she wasn’t throwing a glare my way as she normally did, in fact she even greeted me with a nod when I entered the limo with Rosella. Maybe its because today is such an important day for her son that she does not want to ruin it with her hatred towards me.

There in front of us stood the large church where the ceremony would be held and where the attending royal families and town’s people would be. King Tristan and Queen Jane walked ahead of Rosella and I as they lead us up the red carpet and into the sunlight and candle lit hall. We walked up the small staircase to the empty row of seats in the first line and sat with me being at the corner, followed by Rosella and then Queen Jane and King Tristan.

The hall was filled with silence as if there weren’t more than a hundred people occupying it, but you could feel the bright atmosphere that was filled with joy and excitement. The hall was beautiful as it was made of wood. There were wooden chairs at the bottom that were occupied by the town’s folk as majority of the royal families were sat up here.

There at the front was a chair where I assume Nicholas would seat. The priest stood next to the chair wearing the standard attire you see them wear in movies. There was also a podium with a green pillow with one of the crowns from the treasury from that day on it.

The sound of the trumpets announcing Nick’s arrival had everyone standing including me as we watched him walk into the hall. He looked more handsome than ever and like a true prince. He wore a pair of emerald green slacks with a white line at the side of his thigh. His top was a white hip long, thin coat with a gold belt at his waist and a gold sash with a green, three leafed clover broach on it going over his chest to his belt. His shoulders each held a tassel. His hands were encased in a pair of white gloves an his feet a pair of black dress shoes to complete the attire. His hair was neatly styled backwards with gel as the finishing touch.

His walk held confidence and authority and each step he took was calculated without a falter. The moment he reached the alter he bent on one knee in front of the priest with his hands firmly placed against his sides.

“Nicholas James of Luminary...” The Priest drawled with me practically drowning out his speech until the last moment,” Do you solemnly swear to be a friend, a brother and a father to your people?”

“I solemnly swear.” Nick replied with his head bowed down.

“Do you solemnly swear to have mercy on your people and to always do what is best for them?” The priest once again asked.

“I solemnly swear.” He replied once more.

“Rise,” The priest instructed and to which he obliged,” Please take a seat on the throne,” He asked to which Nicholas obliged. He handed Nick an orb and a golden scepter which he accepted.

“From this day forth, I dub you King Nicholas of Luminary.” He announced placing the crown on Nick’s head. The crowds below instantly erupted in celebrations as I smiled down at him. His sapphire orbs suddenly locked with mine instantly taking my breath away as a small smile laced his lips.

He sent me a wink, making my insides melt and my heart turn to mush before facing the crowds once more.

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