The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Nine

Ericka woke up to an alarm clock going off in her ear. She groaned and rolled over, “I don’t wanna go to school...” she whined.

“It’s Monday and you need to go, Giggles,” Jayden smirked, setting down the alarm clock on the maple wood night stand next to the bed.

Ericka opened her eyes and gave an annoyed look, “Is that gonna be my new nickname from you from now on?” She asked.

“Yup, and you don’t get a choice, Giggles,” Jayden gave a large grin as he stood next to her bed. Ericka looked him up and down, now noticing he was I’m just a pair of pajama pants that were black and grey plaid. Her cheeks flushed and she averted eye contact for a while. “Now get ready, otherwise we’re going to be late,” he said before leaving her room.

Holy shit...he was gorgeous... Ericka thought in her head. She slowly slipped out from under the covers and brushed off her blue plaid pajama pants and white spaghetti straps tank top. She headed to the restroom that was down the hall to shower and get ready for school. She wondered if anyone would have noticed she was gone for two weeks. It’s not like she had many friends anyway.

Ericka shook her head to get the thought and concentrate back to the present. She got in the shower and she held in a shriek of pain as the water hit her bare legs. They looked exactly like they did in her dream and she didn’t understand why, “What the hell happened to me? Was that dream real?” She said to herself as she gently washed her torn up legs and the rest of her body.

She finished up in the shower and patted herself dry before slipping into a pair of comfy grey yoga pants so her legs could breath, a multi colored sports bra and a deep blue tank top. She threw on a zip up track jacket that was white after she finished putting her hair up in a messy, wet, unbrushed bun and brushed her teeth.

She left the bathroom and almost ran into Jayden, who just so happened to be leaning against the door frame, waiting for her, “Well, if it isn’t Ms. Giggles. How are your legs doing?” He asked as he ran a hand through his light blonde hair. His blue eyes were following every move she made.

Ericka bit her lip nervously and averted eye contact, “They hurt, but I don’t remember how I got the gashes...that’s the thing...” she said softly before moving away from him and down the stairs slowly in her bare feet.

“Hey Ricky, how are you feeling today?” Shaun asked. Ericka looked up and saw her best friend sitting at the island with her sisters. She smiled softly knowing her little sisters were in good hands, but then her smile turned to gritting teeth. “Ericka?”

“I’ll be legs are just killing me...I didn’t wrap them up, I wanted them to breathe a little bit. The fabric is rubbing against them and making them hurt worse,” Ericka yelped. Shaun rushed to her side and helped her to the couch. She lifted each pant leg up, examining them.

“Just as I thought...Ericka, stay put. I’ll be right back.” Shaun went to go get some ointment and wipes along with some gauze and tape.

Ericka gave Shaun a strange look, “Where am I gonna go, Shaun? I can’t really move!” she shouted, crossing her arms and sighing. She rolled her eyes and Maxie skipped over with a smile.

“Sissy, are you okay? I can help you get to school.” Maxie offered worried. Ericka gave her a smile and Jayden bent down to the ten year old’s level with a soft smile.

He ruffled Maxie’s brown hair, “She’ll be okay kiddo. I’ll make sure she gets to school safely,” he gave a kind smile. Ericka watched the two interact and she couldn’t help but smile.

Shaun came back into the room with what she needed for Ericka and she rolled her eyes, “Come on Jay, are you going to help me or not? We’re going to be late for school if Ericka’s legs aren’t bandaged up soon,” she said. Jayden looked over to his ‘cousin’ and stood up, crossing his arms and wiggled his nose.

“Shaun, I’ll help, just relax will you? We’ll get to school on time,” he stuck his tongue out and walked over to her. He rested his arm on her head and gave a toothy grin. Shaun looked up at him, without moving her head, crossing her arms and pouted. Ericka giggled and held her hands out for the items to wrap her legs up with.

“Can I have the stuff before we are all late to school?” Ericka asked with a pained expression on her face. Shaun turned her attention to her best friend and rushed over to her.

Jayden watched and Alyx skipped over to his side. He was ginormous to the little, blonde, five year old, “Jayden, are you gonna take us to school in your pretty car today?” She asked bouncing and clinging to his dark, worn out blue jeans.

“I don’t know, Alyx. I may be taking your sister to school today. Shaun may be taking you to school,” Jayden bent down and ruffled her hair with a smile. Alyx gave big puppy dog eyes to him and whimpered as if she was a puppy.

Maxie walked over playing with something in her hand and Ericka raised her brows as Shaun finished up dressing her wounds, “Maxie, what do you got there?” She gently pulled down her yoga pants legs before standing up.

Maxie looked up at her big sister and grinned, “Mrs. Connerton bought it for me to keep me from fidgeting when you weren’t home. It’s called a fidget cube,” she explained. Ericka nodded and grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her right shoulder.

“Ready to head to school you guys?” Ericka smiled, trying to hide the subtle pain she was in.

Shaun smiled and jingled her SUV keys. She looked to Jayden and gave her a look that Ericka and apparently Jayden knew well, because he smirked and said, “Don’t worry, Shaun. I’ll get her to school safely.”

“Good, Jay. If you didn’t, I’d sick Blu on you,” Shaun growled and her eyes changed to a forest green.

Alyx cocked her head and her eyes changed subtly, “Who’s Blu, Shaun?” Ericka looked at her sister and noticed her eyes. The rumbling in her body grew stronger and she shoved it down hard.

“I’ll explain later, Alyx. Come on, we need to get you and Maxie to school before you’re late,” Shaun chuckled and ruffled Alyx’s hair. Alyx nodded and skipped to the car and Maxie followed, busy with her cube.

Ericka gave a soft, loving smile and followed them out. Jayden was close behind and clicked his unlock button on his keys. Ericka saw the beautiful sports car in the driveway and almost fell to the ground, “That’s your car?” She asked in disbelief, looking to Jayden.

Jayden smiled and nodded, “Sure is, Giggles. Now get in.”

Ericka rolled her eyes and got in the passenger side of the two door, midnight blue, sports car. As soon as she got buckled up and settled in, Jayden took off to school.

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