The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Epilogue-2

Tracing a finger over the photograph, I was pulled out of my trance by my mother's voice.

"You okay?"

I looked up at her with eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"I have to go."

Armed with nothing but a bag filled with cash, a toothbrush, my phone and its charger, Daniel's letter, Cain's picture and my passport, I landed in Germany looking like a madwoman.

It was only an hour's train ride to the station where I needed to be. As soon as I saw the sleek, silver train pull into the station, I showed the conductor the address at the bottom of the letter. He looked at me suspiciously before nodding.

I hopped on the train and sat alone in the same car I'd ridden in nearly seven months prior.

When the train finally stopped, I opened the curtain next to me to see the familiar, ornately-decorated station.

I hopped out of my seat and ran out of the car.

Walking out, I saw the conductor arguing with a burly man who stood on the concrete platform.

"We have no scheduled arrivals tonight," he said. "You can't be here."

He looked up and saw me and I waved before jumping over the railing to land on the platform. "Hey! Wait!"

I ran as hard as could up the stairs, out of the terminal and into the hallway.

"What's going on?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

Daniel rounded the corner with a group of men behind him, his eyes widening as he saw me.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Ella?! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Where is he?"

"He's in the tower," he sputtered out, still shocked.

I ran past him and found the first of many staircases up to the main level.

Taking two steps at a time, I finally made it to the bottom of the tower staircase.

I pulled open the door before I could even stop to catch my breath.

Clambering up the staircase, my heart was in my throat as I finally reached the top.

The room was empty.

Eyebrows furrowed, I let out an exasperated breath.

"Where is-"


I turned to see Cain standing at the top of the staircase that I had just climbed.

Immediately and without warning, I jumped into his arms.

Cain sunk to his knees as he embraced me. One hand pressing my head against his shoulder, the other arm wrapped around my torso, holding me tighter than he ever had before.

I grabbed him by the back of his neck with both hands and pulled him into a succession of breathless kisses, some landing perfectly on his lips, others beside his mouth and some on his cheeks.

"I missed you so much," I said, realizing then that my cheeks were wet with tears.

He pulled away with both hands on either side of my face, staring at me in awe and shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"You told me in Casablanca that you loved me," I said, still trying to catch my breath. "You never gave me the chance to say it back. But, I'm saying it now... I love you so much, Cain. I have been absolutely miserable for the past few months and I don't care what anyone else thinks but I am never going back to Florida, not without you. You will never send me away again. I will stay right here and there is nothing that you can say to stop me because I love you so much-"

Cain cut my rambling off with a kiss, this one was deep and intentional, unlike my haphazard and sporadic kisses before. It made the world around me stop spinning for a split second.

"I meant what I said in Casablanca," he said, pulling away. "I do love you with every ounce and inch of my being, both the good and the bad."

"Good," I breathed out. "Because I never wanted a mate, Cain. I only ever wanted you."

"Then stay," he said, leaning his forehead against mine. "And you can have every piece of me."

Before he leaned in again, I pulled back.

"There's something else I have to tell you," I whispered.

Cain's eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm really glad this is going to work out," I said, placing his hand over my stomach. "Because we're going to be parents soon."

I didn't think it was possible for Cain to look any more surprised than he was. Jaw slack and mouth gaping slightly, he looked down at my stomach where his hand rested.

"I didn't think it was possible," he said.

"Well, even more impossible would be me making a baby by myself."

Cain looked back up at me and gulped.

"Ella, you're pregnant," he said, as though he couldn't believe it.


"With my baby..."

I nodded.

"And you just sprinted up seven fucking flights of stars? We have an elevator, Ella. Jesus Christ..."

I laughed as he shook his head, still in disbelief, and pulled me in for another hug.

I looked over his shoulder to see Jai, Daniel and Priya all standing on the staircase.

As if it had physically pained him to restrain himself, Daniel let out a shout and began to fist-pump the air.

"Hell yes!" he screamed, landing a kiss on Jai's cheek.

Jai's face immediately scrunched in disgust as he pushed Daniel away, who didn't seem to mind.

"Oh God," Daniel sighed, smiling contently. "I love a happy ending."

Cain pulled away and smiled, looking at me with so much admiration that I began to blush.

"Is that what this is?" he asked. "A happy ending?"

I smiled and nodded.

"It's certainly the beginning of one."

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