The Magic Drink

Chapter Scotty's Trickery

Pàl and Eilish arrived at Scotty’s Tower and Eilish announced, “We’re here!”

Pál opened the door. Inside, they found Scotty sleeping on the floor with an empty plate.

“Where are Jamie and Fraizer?” Eilish asked.

Scotty woke up and yawned, “Augh! Eilish!” Scotty quickly tried to scurry away.

Eilish was shocked and asked, “Where is Jamie and Fraizer?!”

Scotty hissed at her, “Leave me alone!”

Eilish was scared and asked, “What did I do?”

Scotty ran up the stairs, almost tripping over his cape.

“Don’t run up the stairs, you’ll fall!” Eilish warned.

“I DO NOT CARE!” Scotty yelled.

“Scotty, why are you mad at me?” Eilish asked.

“I already know something is going to happen! I’ve gotta hide from you now!” Scotty said.

“Scotty, I’m a weak 13 year old girl and you’re a billion year old man, what could I possibly do? Where is Jamie and Fraizer?!” Eilish asked.

“Correction, 2,000 something years old!” Scotty yelled.

“Oh, well, what can a 13 year old weak girl do against a 2,000 something year old man with magic?” Eilish asked.

“I guess you can’t do anything,” Scotty said.

“Then why are you running from me?” Eilish asked.

Scotty remained silent and looked away.

“Where are Fraizer and Jamie?” Eilish asked again.

“...I’m not telling you...” Scotty said.

“Did you hurt them?!” Eilish asked.

“No, I did not hurt them,” Scotty said.

“Where are they?” Eilish asked.

“I will not tell you,” Scotty said.

“Please?” Eilish begged and gave him her puppy face.

Scotty growled and said, “I can’t stand this! Go away!”

Eilish was getting mad, she yelled, “Please, tell me where Jamie and Fraizer are!”

Scotty smiled mischievously, “Well, you see, Eilish, Jamie and Fraizer are-” He cut off mid sentence.

Eilish got really mad and yelled, “Dead?!”

Eilish placed her backpack down, then punched Scotty as hard as she could before asking, “You killed them?!”

The kittens were meowing pitifully from the bag.

“Oww!” Scotty yelled.

Eilish cried and punched Scotty her hardest repeatedly and yelled, “You killed my true love and my friend!”

“Kill me! I dare you to kill me! Come on!” Scotty said and cried slightly, he was very angry.

Eilish stopped and dropped to her knees crying, “Why Jamie?! Why Fraizer?!” Eilish cried.


Eilish was silent for a moment, then she got up she mumbled, “You couldn’t have killed them...”

“But I did, and if you kill me, you’ll be famous!” Scotty said.

“You don’t deserve death, if you want it so bad, ask Pàl. I’m not doing it,” Eilish said and picked up her backpack and walked away.

“Eilish! Come back here, right now! I told you to kill me!” Scotty yelled.

Eilish cried and walked outside.

“Why does Scotty want to die? Did he really kill Fraizer and Jamie? Shouldn’t we do something?” Pàl asked.

“This is my fault... I shouldn’t have ever come to Mycono Kingdom...” Eilish said.

“How is this your fault? Plus, Jamie and Fraizer are probably still alive, but Scotty wanted you to kill him anyways because everyone else wants him dead,” Pàl said.

Eilish smiled slightly and said, “They are alive!”

“But where did he hide them?” Pàl asked.

“Let’s make him tell us!” Eilish said.

“How are you going to manage that?” Pàl asked.

“Begging!” Eilish said.

“It’s worth a shot! The kittens are counting on you!” Pàl said.

Eilish knocked on the door.

“Come in, have you finally decided to kill me? I’ve been waiting,” Scotty said.

“Why do you want me to kill you?” Eilish asked.

“No one likes me and they all want me dead. I’d rather have someone I know kill me than some random stranger. Someone’s bound to find me soon...” Scotty said.

“Scotty... I’m sorry I lost it and punched you...” Eilish apologized.

“I’m sorry you didn’t kill me!” Scotty said.

“My instincts say they’re alive. Where are they?” Eilish asked.

“Your friends are dead, like I should be,” Scotty said.

“Why did you kill them in the first place?” Eilish asked.

“Because I’m evil!” Scotty said.

“Where are they?” Eilish asked.

“I can’t tell you where their bodies are,” Scotty said.

“Why not? I just wanna make them a wonderful grave,” Eilish said.

“I wish I was dead,” Scotty said, lying on the floor, “And I have a headache!”

“I want to say goodbye to their bodies, and bury them,” Eilish said.

“Eilish, Scotty seems to be having a bit of a hangover at the moment,” Pàl concluded.

“What’s a hangover?” Eilish asked even though she was told before.

“At any random time after being intoxicated, the person will suddenly have these three symptoms, wishing to be dead, headache, and stomachache. If left uncontrolled, the person may commit suicide,” Pàl said.

“Oh!” Eilish said.

“I’ll just leave my sword outside where he cannot grab it,” Pàl said.

“What should we do?” Eilish asked.

“I have no idea, we still need to find Jamie and Fraizer,” Pàl said.

“Let’s search for them,” Eilish said.

Scotty reached out and grabbed her leg.

“Let go!” Eilish cried out and struggled to escape.

“My head hurts so bad! Why can’t you stop it?!” Scotty complained.

“Because I’m not a doctor. Let go!” Eilish said.

“Will you kick me really hard?! It might relieve the pain! And a way better treatment for my headache is to kill me!” Scotty said.

“Please let go...” Eilish said.

“No! You haven’t killed me yet!” Scotty said.

“I’m not gonna kill you,” Eilish said.

“I am gonna make you kill me then!” Scotty said and bit her leg.

Eilish screamed, “Stop!”

Pàl smacked Scotty until he removed his teeth from Eilish’s leg.

“And anyways, I ate Jamie!” Scotty said.

“You bit me...” Eilish said.

“Yes, I did! What can you do about it?!” Scotty taunted.

“Cry...” Eilish said and started crying.

“You’ll never see your precious hero ever again either!” Scotty said.

“I-I w-wanna see their b-bodies so I can make them a g-grave...” Eilish said between sniffles.

“They are gone!” Scotty said.

Eilish cried harder.

Malcolm broke down the door and yelled, “Stop right there, murderer! I’m going to bring you down!”

“Yippee!” Scotty said.

Malcolm was confused.

“He wants to die! Don’t give him what he wants!” Eilish said.

“But I’m the hero! Heroes kill bad guys!” Malcolm argued.

“Please kill me! I’ll be so grateful if you do!” Scotty said.

“He’s having a hangover!” Eilish said.

“I want to kill him though!” Malcolm said.

“Malcolm, would you reward the guy who killed your friends? I wouldn’t! And killing him is a reward, because he wants it,” Eilish said.

“What could I do to punish him then?!” Malcolm asked.

“Well, he’s old right? So we can blast his ear drums out,” Eilish said.

“Great idea!” Malcolm said.

“This is not going to end well...” Pàl commented.

Eilish pulled out her music player and blared heavy metal right in Scotty’s ear.

“Stop! Stop! That hurts! Ow!” Scotty complained.

“Malcolm, can I stop now?!” Eilish asked.

“Nope!” Malcolm said.

“Please! I’m begging you! Stop the music!” Scotty said.

Eilish turned it down a little, Scotty was crying. Eilish turned it down some more.

“I can’t do this,” Eilish said.

“Why not?! He totally deserves it!” Malcolm said.

“He’s crying. He obviously hates this band. Malcolm, I hate torturing people,” Eilish said.

Scotty glared at Malcolm.

“Stop glaring at Malcolm, I’m the one torturing you,” Eilish said.

Scotty glared at her, shaking a bit. Eilish was scared. Scotty passed out, his head hitting the floor really hard.

“Oh no! I killed him! Let’s search for Jamie and Fraizer!” Eilish said.

“He’s not dead, he’s still breathing,” Malcolm grumbled.

“Oh! Malcolm, I got you a gift!” Eilish said.

“Really? What is it?” Malcolm asked.

“Close your eyes and hold out your hands,” Eilish said.

“Alright!” Malcolm said, he closed his eyes and held out his hands.

Eilish handed Malcolm his bluish gray kitten with its collar on.

Malcolm opened his eyes and said, “Wow!”

“Meow?” the kitten said.

“That kitten is aggressive, be careful,” Eilish said.

“Aggressive, huh?” Malcolm said and put the kitten on his shoulder.

“Play with your kitten, I’m gonna search for Jamie and Fraizer,” Eilish said and ran upstairs.

The stairs spiraled on and on and on with occasional stops at the next floors. The stairs were very worn.

“Jamie? Fraizer?” Eilish called out.

Fraizer is heard on a higher floor, “Eilish!”

Eilish ran up the stairs faster, “Fraizer?!”

“Help!” Fraizer called out.

“Where are you?!” Eilish asked.

“I’m locked in one of the rooms!” Fraizer said.

Eilish opened a door.

“Fraizer?” she called.

Fraizer was locked up in a small cage, “It’s very tight in here, but this cage is too strong for me to escape!”

“Thank goodness you’re alright!” Eilish searched in her backpack, “Great, I have one!” she said and held up a paperclip.

“Can you unlock this?” Fraizer asked.

Eilish picked the lock and asked, “So, where is Jamie?”

Fraizer squeezed out of the cage and stretched before saying, “Scotty dragged Jamie out of here by the back of his shirt. I have no idea where he put him.” Fraizer looked like he was about to cry.

“Oh no!” Eilish said and hugged Fraizer.

“I wasn’t able to protect Jamie...I was useless!” Fraizer said and dug in his adventure pouch, “This is all I have.”

He holds out Jamie’s beanie hat.

“He’s alive, I can feel it. Don’t feel bad, it’s not your fault. I’m gonna search for him. Scotty probably hurt him badly, or knocked him out,” Eilish said, trying to stay positive.

“Scotty said he was going to murder us and eat our remains!” Fraizer said.

“I’m gonna search,” Eilish said and walked out sadly.

“And I’m going to follow! Did you see Scotty?” Fraizer asked.

“Yeah, I kicked his butt!” Eilish said.

“Did he tell you where he hid Jamie?” Fraizer asked.

“No, I knocked him out,” Eilish said.

“If only we knew where Jamie is!” Fraizer said.

“Well, Scotty did say he ate him... But let’s keep searching,” Eilish said.

“Maybe we’ll find some sort of sign of Jamie,” Fraizer said nervously.

Eilish continued walking silently on.

“We could be searching forever! This building is so tall!” Fraizer said.

Eilish said nothing.

“...but what is this?!” Fraizer said and picked up a small piece of bright green fabric.

Eilish smiled and said, “That’s part of Jamie’s shirt!”

“It’s a clue! Maybe there’s more farther up the stairs!” Fraizer said.

Eilish ran farther up the stairs and called out, “Look! I found more!”

“You’re right! His shirt is shredded all over the place!” Fraizer said.

“I wonder how it got shredded…” Eilish said.

“If you looked at Scotty’s fingers, you would notice that he has claws!” Fraizer said.

“Really?” Eilish asked.

“I’m serious! Scotty must’ve done this to Jamie!” Fraizer said.

“I don’t see any blood! That’s good!” Eilish said.

“We have to find Jamie quickly; this might’ve been here for awhile!” Fraizer said and started running up the stairs.

“Wait for me!” Eilish said and ran up the stairs.

“To the top of the tower! Watch out for broken steps!” Fraizer said.

“Okay!” Eilish said and ran up the stairs faster, avoiding broken steps.

Fraizer was running right ahead of her, just barely missing gaps in the spiral staircase.

“Be careful, Fraizer,” Eilish warned.

“I’m careful; I just am trying to get upstairs really fast!” Fraizer said.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Eilish said.

“’cause I wouldn’t be able to help Jamie if I got hurt!” Fraizer said.

“And ’cause you’re my friend!” Eilish said.

Fraizer nodded and said, “We must get to the top of the tower, and we must get there together. Jamie needs us!”

Eilish ran faster and called out, “Okay!”

The stairs spiraled on and on and on, they looked as though they’d never end.

“Is there an ending?” Eilish asked.

“There is an ending, we haven’t reached it yet. But we are most likely on one of the higher levels,” Fraizer said.

“Okay!” Eilish said.

“The top is above the clouds!” Fraizer said.

“Wow!” Eilish said.

“Almost there! We’re about to break through the clouds!” Fraizer said.

“It’s a great thing there’s no windows, I’m terrified of heights,” Eilish said.

“There is one window up ahead!” Fraizer said.

“Just one, right?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, it’s a view of the cloud barrier,” Fraizer said.

“Good!” Eilish said.

“Here it is! The cloud barrier, we are officially in the sky! A few more floors to climb and we’ll be at the top!” Fraizer said.

“Great!” Eilish said.

Fraizer continued running up the stairs. Eilish was breathing heavily.

“Hang in there!” Fraizer said.

“Are... we nearly there?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, the top of the tower is through this tunnel,” Fraizer said.

“Great!” Eilish said and ran faster.

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