The Lycan Prince’s Gifted Luna by Didi.adeyemi ( Lyla and Alexis )

Chapter 15


It took almost half an hour for me to learn how to shift back and by the time I did, I was so exhausted that I would have fallen flat on my face if not for Helena who supported me

I was also naked and she handed me a clean pair of shorts and a shirt to change into which then led me down a thought spiral of how Alex had managed to get clothed quickly but Helena explained that someone else gave her clothes while I was still reeling from the hit. 

She led me back to the training field and I had expected it to be empty but Lucas and Zander were still there. When they noticed me, Lucas made a loud whooping sound and clapped me on the back. 

“That was amazing Lyla,” he exclaimed, “Did you see the look on her face when you shifted? Damn, it was priceless. I wish I had a picture of it so I could frame it and put it up on the wall. And your wolf; damn, that is one of the biggest I have-,” 

“Lucas,” Helena chided, “Let her breathe for a second.” 

“Sorry,“, he scratched the back of his head as he chuckled awkwardly, “You did good; honestly. I’m proud of you.” 

He gave me one last shoulder clap and allowed Helena to lead him inside. I could hear them bickering under their breaths and if I didn’t know any better I would think they were siblings from the way they acted around each other. 

I was so concerned with watching their retreating figures that I didn’t notice when Zander walked up to me. It wasn’t until I turned back to look for him that I realized he was standing so close to me that my nose was almost touching his chest. 

I looked up at his face and once again, he was back to the same expressionless mask he had on while I was fighting with Alex. 

“I don’t know if you’re upset that I fought with her,” I began, “But I just thought that if I had refused then she would have used it against me and it would have made me look like a weak person. I also didn’t mean to hurt her that badly; I just-,” 



My rant was stopped when Zander’s arms found their way around my waist and he pulled me into him. I was about to ask what he was doing when he leaned down and kissed me deeply. 

I was so shocked that I stood immobile for a second but then I let my hands weave themselves around his neck and I kissed him back. The kiss was slow but there was nothing innocent about it. It was deep and he kissed like he wanted me to remember it for weeks to come. 

When he finally pulled back, I was breathing hard and a smile grew on his lips. It was the first form of emotion I had seen on him today and it relieved me to know that he wasn’t upset with me. 

“You did the right thing,” he said finally, “And you looked sexy as fuck doing it.” His hands kneaded my waist softly. 

“Will Alex be okay?” 

“She can deal; she was the one who asked for a fight,” his hand slipped from y waist to my lower back, “Let’s go inside; shall we?” 

I nodded and allowed him lead me into the palace. 

As we walked in, everyone we passed made sure to greet us personally and they all offered various compliments to me. Most of them had wonderful things to say about my wolf and the rest said they loved how I made a comeback when they thought the fight was over. 

Pride bloomed in my chest as each of them gave me a different compliment. It felt like I actually had a chance of acceptance in this world. I had a giddy smile on my face the entire way to the room. 

By the time Zander and I were done getting cleaned, he led me to the dining room so we could have breakfast. Ender, Lucas and Helena were already seated by the time we got there and I got a strong sense of déjà vu as I took my seat next to Zander. I hoped that this meal would go smoothly. 

“Your wolf is wicked cool.” Ender said as I sat down and I couldn’t help my s like really huge. Do you think mine would be that big too?” 



“I think yours will be bigger,” I dropped my voice to a whisper for a more dramatic effect and his eyes widened in glee. 




1288 Wothers 

“Did you hear that?” he turned to Lucas, “She said mine will be bigger than hers so that means it’ll be the biggest ever.” 

Lucas gave him a smile, “Alright little man, I can’t wait to see it but for now it’s time to eat.” 

Ender was so excited that he agreed with zero hesitations. He started piling pancakes into his plate and dug into them. Helena showed me the right forks to use and soon we were all eating. The room was silent save for the occasional comments from Lucas and Ender. 

It wasn’t until after we were done that I leaned towards Helena and asked the question that had been plaguing me during breakfast. 

“Where’s Alex?” I asked, “I hope she wasn’t hurt too bad.” 

“No, she’s fine,” she assured me, “Her ego was bruised and she didn’t want you to see her hurt so she opted for having breakfast in her room.” 

“Are you sure? She hit her head pretty badly.” 

“She has a hard head; she’ll be fine.” 

Just then, the dining room door opened and a guard walked in. He stood a few feet away from the table and cleared his throat before speaking. 

“The Lady Camilla Ashburn has arrived.”  Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I saw the way everyone’s expressions changed in that instant. Ender went from a smile to a frown, Lucas who was involved in the conversation with Ender suddenly cast me a wary glance, Helena and Zander on the other hand went completely blank, their features went ice cold like carved from a rock. 

I wanted to ask who Camilla was when Zander stood from his seat and walked out of the door. Lucas and Helena stood as well and I followed them as they made their way out to. 

“You don’t have to welcome her,” Helena said and I knew she was trying to discourage me from going with them but I ignored her. 

I wanted to know who this Camilla was and I knew this was my only way of finding 



I followed them to the main entrance and a very beautiful girl was waiting there. She had long hair the color of freshly spun gold that was styled into beautiful ringlets. She was wearing a long light blue dress that looked like it was decorated with a million crystals. Alex was whispering to her when she noticed Zander. 

A smile bloomed on her face and she walked with grace and fluidity as she made her way to him and threw her arms around his shoulder and hugged him tightly. The ease with which she did it led me to realize that it was something that she did usually. 

Zander cast me a wary glance but didn’t reciprocate the hug which didn’t skip her notice because she pulled back and glared up at him playfully. 

“Hug me back, silly,” she teased then hugged him again. 

I didn’t want to meet Helena and Lucas‘ eyes so I turned to Alex. When she saw me staring at her, her lips grew into an evil smirk and it solidified what I knew. Camilla and Zander used to be an item.

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