The Longboats

Chapter 4

I had sent messages to both the kings of Germany and Saxony for a meeting so we could discuss the possibility of the Romans coming into this war. From our emissary I know they wanted to get a piece of the action in our modern development but if so, they would have to work for it. Our trench line now stretched for about one hundred miles with over ninety thousand soldiers in it with fifteen thousand soldiers still in the rear as reserves. This has truly turned into what I thought it would; the First World War! The only thing missing is barbed wire, biplanes and balloons.

Late that afternoon I saw a smiling face enter my area of the trench, and it turned out to be Jackson. He stuck out his hand and we shook warmly.

“Jackson! How the hell are you?” I said with a smile I couldn’t put away.

“Pretty good, how about yourself. You look like crap by the way!” he said.

“Not too bad to tell the truth.” I had him take a seat on a chair made by one of the soldiers for me.

Jackson looked at me with a frown.

“When are you going to get a uniform that is befitting your position, Gunny?” As he spoke he looked at me from head to foot.

“What’s wrong with this one?” I asked. I was wearing a privates uniform with my Marine Corps soft cover (hat) and it was ragged and torn in places.

“You’re the leader of this country; HOW, I have no idea but you are still the leader.” He paused as I just looked at him and both of us chuckled.

“You need something that shows it.”

“And that is the reason I wear a privates uniform. Camouflage!” I said. “If the enemy knew who I was out there I would have a HUGE target painted on my chest. Right now all I am is a private with a funny hat.” I chuckled.

“Well. That does make sense.” Jackson nodded. “And your beard is so damn long! Braided with, what’s that silver stuff in it?”

“Oh! That’s some small barrel things Yngvildr put in it. She said it is for show and to keep my beard in place.” I chuckled. “I forgot that was in there.”

“And look at YOU!” I said. “You look like some kind of mountain man or something!” I smiled, then leaned forward with a serious look on his face.

“Why aren’t YOU wearing a uniform for your position as leader of the military?” I asked.

“Well. This will do for now,” he glanced down at his green uniform as plain as mine.

“Anyway we need to get in touch with the Romans, Gunny. I think we are going to need their help manning these trench lines.” He unfolded a map of the entire region, pointing to one spot.

“Look right here,” he used a stick to point to where we were in the trenches. “We are running form Essen to just past Bielefeld. That’s nearly one hundred miles of trenches we have to man and we are stretched so thin that if the Greeks attack in mass they will break through.” He turned the map around so I could see better, then pointed the stick to other spots.

“Here are the Germans,” the stick pointed to just past Bielefeld to the other side of Havelberg. “The Germans are covering over two hundred miles of trench and the Saxons are about the same. I had Sigmund’s cavalry patrolling the other side of Havelberg for any sign of enemy activity but if they come through there we’re screwed. He also has a wireless for communication if he sees anything but so far, so good.”

“Wait!” I just remembered something and called for the wireless man. “Send a message to the Germans. Ask if they have any captured Greek weapons I can look at.” The communicator looked at me and said,

“Aye, aye, sir.” This made me and Jackson smile and look at each other.

“OK......I’ll get in touch with the Skipper and see if he can go over there or if he knows anyone competent enough to talk with them. And I agree with you that we need more bodies in the line. The Greeks seem to be like the Russians in World War Two...a never ending supply of troops.”

“Sir! Message from the Germans. They say the Greek weapons are already on the way here.” The communicator said.

“Thanks.” I told him then turned back to Jackson.

“How are we on reserves? I mean I wouldn’t think there are any more bodies to put in this man’s army, is there?” I asked.

“!” He shook his head. “But we do have the northern states like Norway and Sweden but....” he trailed off.

“I know. They don’t have a stake in this like we do. Unless they can be convinced the Greeks will not stop with us.” I was fishing for some kind of answer to the problem.

“Make way! MAKE WAY!” We heard someone yelling as two soldiers stepped forward holding several strange looking rifles.

“The Greek weapons the Germans sent over, sir.” The female soldier handed one to me and the other to Jackson.

I looked at them with a frown because they looked familiar to me somehow but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“What the hell are these?” Jackson asked as he turned it over and over.

They were shorter than ours with two parts of the wooden stock. The butt was wooden with the center all metal for the magazine and bolt then the forward stock was wood with an upper wooden stock over the barrel.

“These look very familiar to me.” I said as I turned them over and opened the bolt looking into the chamber.

“No markings other than the makers mark.” Jackson said.

“I KNOW I’ve seen this before. I just can’t remember from where and what!” I still frowned at it as I turned it over again then leaned it against the side of the trench wall. As soon as I did that I knew!

“FRENCH!” I nearly yelled with raised eyebrows.

“It’s a French Label rifle! They used these in World War One and into World War Two!”

“French?” Jackson looked at me frowning. “What the hell are French rifles doing.....?” He stood up with wide eyes.

“That damn fog!” He said.

“Yep! I think we know who they have on their said now. Or we are very close to knowing his time line. So now we can determine what his next move will be.” I said with a smile.

“I don’t follow,” Jackson said.

“If we know he comes from around nineteen fifteen or so and uses modern tactics for attack, he is more than likely to use World War One tactics on us.”

“Which is?” Jackson asked.

“The French always made frontal attacks and never tried to go around or flank in those days. It was poor leadership and the soldiers suffered for it.” I sat down thinking of my history.

“The French had damn good soldiers but their leadership really sucked at best. Always attack the front....always!” I said. “Even in World War Two they had good soldiers and fought well ...IF their senior officers were not around. The officers were still fighting the Franco/Prussian war of 1871 in World War One and in World War Two they were still fighting the war of nineteen eighteen!”

“So, the French could fight but what does that say about this guy and these rifles?” Jackson asked.

“This guy is obviously an officer from around nineteen eighteen!” I smiled at Jackson. “Have you noticed how they attack? ALL frontal assaults. Not once has he tried to go around us.”

“And I heard they have a machine gun?” Jackson asked.

“Yes they do!” I said. “So we need to get Hennison on the stick and get a few up here on the firing line.” I thought for a moment.

“I need to have that meeting with the Germans and Saxons soon! I need them to get their foundries and armories up and running at one hundred and fifty percent.” He looked at Jackson and leaned closer. “Get someone, anyone and get to England for a meet with their leaders.”

I cocked my head in thought as I looked at him.

“How about YOU!” I said with a smile.

“ME?” He sat back on his small chair with raised eyebrows.

“Yes. You can go! You know everything that needs to be known and you can negotiate terms of trade with them AND to get them into this war. We need numbers to beat these Greeks. And I trust you, Staff Sergeant Jackson.”

“Well....ok, I guess.” He was hesitant and felt unsure about himself as a negotiator.

“Good!” I stood up and stretched. “Get back home and get to England. I want to hear something from them within a week.”

“Aye, aye, Gunny!” Jackson stood and walked into the communication trench towards the rear.

“Now all I need is a meeting with the leaders of Saxony and Germany.” I said to myself.

Oswald made it to the back of the trenches so he could have the meeting with the Norse king and he brought seven of his warriors with him for the meeting, all chiefs of what was left of his country. He had lost more than half his region in the Greek take over and had no idea what happened to or where his people were. From his experiences fighting the Greeks in earlier years, they took slaves or killed you, one or the other and they used the land as their own. So far they have taken more than half of his best farm land and all three of his foundries which he used to make weapons. It didn’t matter they had never produced any fire arms, like the Norse King wanted him to do, it was his and no one was going to tell him what to do in his own country, besides, that Norse king should come to him if he wants our help.

“Klaus?” Oswald said as they walked. “How far do we have to go to see this Norse King?”

“Another few miles and we head back into the trenches and he should be close.”

Klaus was Oswald’s right hand man and had been with him for most of his adult life and he was also his cousin on his father’s side. This war had not changed Oswald but he could see the king was weak on leadership now more than ever. More than a few times he wanted to jump up and scream at him for things he had done that could have prevented something from happening. Yet it was not his place so he kept his mouth shut and followed orders. If only he could talk to Oswald about his people and how they are suffering, but he would not listen because he is stubborn. He tried to take care of situations as they arose at times without him finding out but sooner or later he will find out and he had no idea what Oswald would do to him for going behind his back. There were many others that felt the same as he did and wanted him to take over as king, but he was not so sure of that.

“Here!” the lead man yelled as they approached the center of the Norse lines.

They saw a group of Norse soldiers in green uniforms wearing a strange type of hat, all with rifles at the ready as they approached and stopped them.

“Who are you and what do you want?” A Norse soldier asked.

“I am King Oswald of Saxony and I need to see your king.” He said impatiently.

“Wait here,” the guard said then went down a narrow trench and disappeared.

Oswald looked around at his men he brought with him then at the female Norse soldiers.

“Do you fight?” he asked the female soldier closest to him.

“ you?” She said with a serious look on her face and Klaus laughed, which made Oswald turn to him with a frown.

“OK!” The guard said from the edge of the trench. “You can come in now.”

They were led down a narrow trench just wide enough for your shoulders to clear it. It was so narrow if someone else came from the opposite direction they had to squeeze by facing the trench wall. Turning a corner every few yards they finally came to the main trench which was wide enough for three men to walk abreast. The Norse king sat on a chair near what looked like an open cave they called a bunker and stood when they came around the corner. He also saw a few other men there as well already sitting with him, some on the ground while others were in small chairs in a circle. The Norse soldiers in green were moving in and out of the opening carrying pieces of paper and always seemed to be in the way. He would have cleared that area for himself if he were king of the Norse.

“Oswald?” The Norse king held out his hand for a warm handshake.

“This is King Gerhold, Germany. Have a seat and let’s talk.” He said.

There was a map lying on a wooden crate with the chairs circling around it and they started pointing to different locations.

“Here is where you are right now and here is where the Greek line is, about five hundred yards away stretching nearly to the coast. I have cavalry out on patrols watching for any movement they may have in our open areas and they can communicate with a wireless if they spot anything. What I need from you two is your defensive positions other than the trenches and a count of how many warriors you have.”

“I have roughly forty thousand manning the lines from your left flank to the other side of Havelberg. For artillery I have twelve Parrot rifles we have to move back and forth to meet Greek advances. In the rear I have, may be, ten thousand in reserve. Our foundries are on a twenty-four hour shift working to push out as many bolt action rifles and ammunition as possible.” He sighed deeply as he looked into the Norse kings eyes. “I think this is going to be a very long war, Gunny.”

The Norse king nodded, looked at the map then at Oswald.

“Oswald,” he stood erect and Oswald found he was short for a Norseman. “What do you have for us?”

“Well. I have my people in the trenches you made and we haven’t seen a lot of the Greeks yet. They attacked once a few days ago but that was it.” Oswald said as he scanned the people around him, not knowing exactly what to say next.

“OK.....what about your count? How many do you have in the field and in reserve?” The Norse king asked.

“Well.....” He stammered. “I don’t know exactly.”

A frown overcame the Norse King as he looked at Oswald.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” The Norse king took a step closer to Oswald. “They are YOUR people. They depend on YOU for guidance and leadership and you don’t even know how many are there?”

“About thirty-five thousand in the trench and five thousand in reserve,” Klaus said from the rear and all eyes turned to him.

“Who are you?” The Norse king stepped closer to him.

“I am Klaus, Oswald’s right hand man and cousin.” He said a bit nervously.

“Well. I’m glad at least SOMEONE knows what is going on over there.” The Norse king said as he turned back to the map.

“OK.” The Norse king looked at Oswald. “Show me where you are on this map, Oswald.”

Oswald stood there un-moving as he glanced at the map.

“I don’t need a map to know where I am!” He shouted.

Both the Norse king and king Gerhold looked at him as if stunned.

“No one is going to tell me where to go or what to do. This is MY land, understand?” Oswald took a half a step back.

“Look, Oswald. All we are trying to do here is get our lines straight and stay connected when the Greeks attack again. We need to know where each other’s lines are.” The Norse king said.

Klaus wanted to say something and took a step forward but stopped as Oswald threw another one of his fits.

“I say who is going where and I say we fall back to the mountains so the Greeks won’t find us.” Oswald stood defiant.

Klaus noticed the Norse king looking at Gerhold, shaking their heads in disbelief. The Norse king took a deep breath and let it out loudly.

“Oswald. Are you INSANE?” The Norse king looked fierce as he stood there nose to nose looking up at Oswald. He knew Oswald had never been spoken to in that manner and he knew what was coming next. Oswald pushed the Norse king roughly then drew his short sword.

“I will KILL you for that, Norseman!” He raised his sword to attack as the Norse King pulled a short, sturdy knife from his belt, but he did not need it.

Oswald fell to his knees holding his side where Klaus thrust his sword. Blood flowed down the blade onto the ground forming a small pool at his feet. Oswald turned to look at Klaus then fell forward. The others that came with them just stood there looking at Oswald lying on the ground dead and had no expressions on their faces until one in the back of the group spoke.

“What took you so damn long, Klaus?” There were no other words spoken as everyone else just stood there and looked at Oswald.

The Norse king and Gerhold stood un-moving, staring at the body at their feet, and then the Norse king spoke.

“I take it you were disgruntled with his leadership?”

Gerhold chuckled once then covered his mouth with his hand as he looked at the Norse king with a smile, not knowing what his laugh would bring.

“Long story,” Someone said. “But Klaus is in charge now so speak to him.”

“Klaus?” Gerhold motioned for him to come forward. “Are you the man we need to be talking to now?”

“Yes. For now anyway. We still have Oswald’s brother who fled to the rear a few days ago.” He said.

“How old are you, Klaus?” The Norse king asked.

“Twenty-three.” He said, still feeling numb from what just happened but he had to do something. Oswald was going to get the entire country killed or enslaved if he continued.

“Well. Plenty old enough to lead an army.” Gerhold said as he looked at the Norse king.

“Everyone calls me Gunny.” The Norse king held out his hand and they shook, which made him feel as if someone of importance.

“Now. Tell me where and how many warriors you have in place, Klaus. And someone please remove Oswald from her?” Gerhold sat with Gunny at the small crate and they went over the map for the next few hours.

Yngvildr was near the edge of the communication trench entrance when she heard the train whistle behind her. She stopped, cocking her head then turned to walk the few hundred yards back to the station to see what they had brought in. On her way she saw several of Sigmund’s cavalry ride by and wave as they continued their patrol of the rear lines. There were a dozen Hardcore behind her following her to the train and each one carried themselves as if they were the elite of the army, which they were. They were the Kings guard and what Gunny called the ‘Hole Pluggers’. A unit that ran to the battle to fill any hole that was created in the line by the enemy and fill the gap.

The train had brought more supplies in food, ammunition and messages from home for soldiers in the line in the form of packages. The train also carried the wounded and dead back home because Gunny said no one is left behind. She noticed there were more Corpsman coming in from the rear to join them on the line as well as another new artillery piece with more ammunition for the guns already here.

The activity here was that of a large crowd in one spot bumping into each other just to get around so she turned and started back to the front when a female soldier caught her attention. This soldier was very tall, muscular but not so much as to look like a man, her hair was long blond with braids on both sides and her eyes were the deepest blue she had ever seen. This woman carried herself unlike any other soldier and that was what caught her eye. She seemed overly confident in herself as she strolled, more than walked around the crowd not actually doing anything other than scanning the area. Yngvildr wondered if she was a spy, which would be why she looked like she had no job to do other than just look around.

She followed her from a distance as the woman made her way away from the crowd towards the front lines. Yngvildr motioned for the Hardcore to follow as she walked a dozen yards behind this woman. As they came over a slight rise in the ground to an open area she saw the woman had vanished! There was nowhere for her to go with the open ground to their front for over a hundred yards in all directions to the front. Yngvildr stopped in her tracks looking in all directions for that woman but she was nowhere to be seen. She turned around to look to her rear and there she was, standing behind the last soldier of the Hardcore with a smile on her face and her hands on her hips.

Yngvildr pushed her way through the Hardcore to confront her, stopping only a foot from where the woman stood.

“Hello, Yngvildr.” The woman said with a smile.

“Who are you and what do you want and how do you know my name?” Yngvildr asked, her hands on her revolver.

“You know me, Yngvildr. Just stop and think. You have spoken to me many times.” She said which was making Yngvildr a little angry.

“I asked you a question.” She said a little louder than expected.

“Look at me, Yngvildr!” The woman said then Yngvildr saw her image change from a soldier to a woman in a long flowing golden dress with a round shield on her back and a Viking sword in her hand.

“Frigga?” Yngvildr took a step back but had a smile on her face as she looked at Odins wife.

The woman smiled at her then moved forward to place her hand on Yngvildrs shoulder.

“I have been watching you for a long time and you have made me proud. A warrior’s heart is in you and a leader has been born.”

“I am honored but I feel I should do something for you.”

“No! You have done more than I expected. Continue what you have begun and know this. Your children will lead this country into a new world. Odin has sent me to tell you this.”

“What about Gunny?” She asked.

“He is one of us now and is leading you on your people’s journey.”

She then turned and as she walked away, her clothing turned back to the green uniform of a common soldier.

“What was that?” One of the Hardcore asked as she turned around to them, she noticed they all had open mouths and wide eyes.

“I don’t know but did you hear what she said?” She asked them and they could do nothing but nod yes. They had just witnessed one of the Gods.

Hagan woke up in the chair, in his house, he had fallen asleep in with his wife shaking his shoulder. He sat upright quickly, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up as she handed him a cup of tea.

“Skipper said your boats are ready if you are.” She smiled at him with her hand on his cheek.

“OK.” He stood on unsteady legs and stretched with a long yawn.

“I want you back home later,” his wife told him. “But do your duty first.”

“I will and I’ll take a few Greek ships with me this time. I would like nothing more than to capture one of those giants to see what they have on board.”

He sipped the tea as he put his coat back on then his shoes. His wife helped him with his binoculars and compass that he stuffed into his large pockets. Turning around he took one last look at his small house on the edge of town, as if he were leaving for a long journey then wondered why he did that. He would be back by sun down to see his wife again so there was no worry. He kissed her then turned and walked briskly down the crowded cobble stoned street to the docks.

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