The Lesser of 2 Evils

Chapter XAVIER


“Mate! Mate!! Mate!!!” Bella begins jumping maniacally, causing me to leap to my feet as Alpha Xavier and Beta Scott return for a surprise visit. With her at full strength again, the pine scent hits me like a punch in the face except it is the best feeling I’ve ever experienced, overwhelming my senses and causing me to gasp as it literally takes my breath away.

She confirms what I already knew – that Alpha Xavier is my true bond mate.

Again, my body responds to being in his proximity and I subconsciously take a step forward without intending to. I beg Bella to calm down and help me to keep my cool and she responds by rolling onto her back, all four paws high in the air as she wiggles contentedly.

Alpha Xavier’s eyes never leave mine, as if he is attempting to see into my soul through them. I cross my arms over my chest in a pathetic attempt to hide my breasts, again thankful for my rogue scent camouflage.

“Kristina,” Alpha Xavier says to get my attention. My eyes haven’t moved from his and it is almost as if Beta Scott has disappeared from the room. I reply ‘yes’, to show him I’m listening.

“Am I your mate, Kristina?” Alpha Xavier asks me point-blank. He takes a step closer to the bars and I respond in kind until we’re separated by only the bars and a few feet of space. Bella hops to her feet again and begins to celebrate with a dance of her own devising that Alpha Xavier was able to figure out our relationship, despite my stink.

“Yes, Alpha Xavier, you are” I whisper. His facial expression doesn’t change but he nods his head slightly. He takes another step closer.

“I can’t smell you, Kristina,” he says, frustration in his voice. Now it is my turn to nod my head slightly, in understanding. I take a step closer.

“I know and I’m sorry,” I say in apology. I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done that lead to me being here but I am regretful of his discomfort. Bella cries at the fact that he can’t be sure, herself frustrated at our lack of connection.

“Would you like to join my pack, Kristina?” Alpha Xavier asks me, offering a potential solution to our problem. I doubt it is as easy as him saying ‘you’re in!’ but the fact that I’m being offered sanctuary at all is huge. I kneel on the ground in front of him.

“Alpha Xavier, I humbly accept your offer, if your pack will have me,” I reply. My eyes are on the floor in front of his feet, showing him the proper respect he is due as Alpha. I hear shuffling and lift my eyes to see him squatting down to my level on the other side of the bars.

“Stand up, Kristina. You don’t have to kneel to me,” he tells me gruffly. With those words Alpha Xavier turns and exits, leaving me alone with Beta Scott. I slowly stand and look at the Beta.

“You’ll be given the opportunity to plead your case to the pack and then they’ll decide, but I wouldn’t be too worried. Once word gets out you’re our potential Luna, there’s no chance in hell anyone would vote against you,” he says confidently. He tells me that in the meantime I have to stay in the cells because I’m technically still a rogue.

“I’ll send down some more clothes and we’re moving you to the end cell – it has it’s own bathroom,” he says as he starts to unlock my cell. Just before he opens it, he looks at me questioningly, as if to confirm my promise to behave since I’m uncuffed and back at full strength. I expose my neck to him as a sign of submission and lower my head in an attempt to show weakness. Clearly believing me, Beta Scott opens the cell door and closely follows me to my new cell which I enter eagerly. He locks me in securely and promises to have my new clothes down soon before turning and leaving me alone.

All I can think about is the shower I now have access to - it is tiny, only runs cold and I have no shampoo but I stay in for as long as I can tolerate it. By the time I get out my entire body is trembling with my shivers and I’m covered in chicken skin but I’m clean for the first time since leaving home and I feel like a million dollars. I use my finger as a toothbrush over the sink which also is only cold – but it is running water and something I haven’t had since arriving here. By the time I’m finished, there is a small pile of clothes waiting on the cot for me. I quickly dress in a new pair of sweats and another oversized T-shirt and put the rest of the clothes aside for later use. I take the clothes I was wearing into the bathroom and attempt to wash them the best I can and hang them on the shower to dry. I still don’t know how long I’m going to be in here so the more clothes I have, the better and I’m not in a position to let anything go to waste.

Then I settle down on the cot again to wait on my future.

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