The Lesser of 2 Evils



As soon as the uncuff me, Bella begins to return. It is a slow process but I feel her almost immediately and with her, the return of my heightened senses. My re-wounded ankle begins to heal and is already closed over by the time Beta Scott and I have arrived at what is to be my room. We passed several people on the way through the packhouse, all of whom diverted their eyes and didn’t look at me – by order, I would guess.

Beta Scott opens the door and directs me inside where I find an average sized room with a queen-sized bed, small sitting area with television and an attached bath. There is even a window-seat for cozying up with a book – something I imagine I’ll have time to do since this room is also ‘prison’ while Alpha Xavier decides what he wants to do next. Ultimately it is my decision what I want to do but if I hope to have any sort of normal future with a pack – alienating the first one I come into contact with is not a good start. If Alpha Xavier wants time to think, I’m okay giving him that time while I also try to figure out my next move because right now – I don’t have one.

“Y-y-yes, yes we do…” a weakened Bella informs me from the distant corners of my mind. Relieved, I take a spot on the window-seat after Beta Scott leaves me alone with the promise of a delivered meal at breakfast. Staring gratefully out the window at the starry night, I wait patiently for Bella to finish her thought.

“We c-c-can make a future h-h-here,” she says before going quiet again, exhausted from the effort of healing my ankle and speaking. By morning she’ll be back to full strength and I’ll feel better having my bestfriend back to one hundred percent.

Make a future here… something I hadn’t considered. Of course, until now I wasn’t sure I was going to live to see another hour, so not thinking beyond that isn’t a surprise. Do I dare consider a life here? Asking Alpha Xavier to accept me into the pack – who knows? I might even find my mate when I don’t reek like rogue! Wouldn’t that be somethi—

The pain tears through me like a knife through butter. It starts in my chest but also flares in my groin – like red hot pokers of fire burning brighter and hotter than the sun. I collapse in on myself, no longer able to support my own body as the pain cripples me physically. My mouth opens to scream but no sound escapes, all of the oxygen sucked from my lungs in gasps of agony. Tears pour down my face in endless streams of misery as I fall onto the floor from the window-seat, banging my head in the process as I’m unable to brace myself. My muscles don’t work and nothing will respond, everything is in spasm at the same time as my body goes into shock from the torment.

Paralyzed and unable to do little more than stare out the window as my body goes through the motions of being burned alive from the inside out, I suffer in silence for what seems like days but is truthfully only hours. By the time the symptoms begin to subside the sun is beginning to bleed through the horizon and the stars are fading away. It is still more than an hour before I’m strong enough to lift myself from the floor to a sitting position, longer still before I can stand. Unsure what the attack was, I have few options available to me so I crawl into bed as dawn begins to crest, grateful for any rest.

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was dying.


Finding someone to come back to my room with me doesn’t take long and in fact, I take I have two guests for the rest of the night. As soon as the door closes, all three of us make quick work of our clothes, not worrying about much else other than speed as we strip.

I lay down on the bed on my back, my erection bobbing upright like a tent pole. One of the women promptly takes me into her mouth, sliding the entire length of my dick into her throat. I encourage the second woman to straddle my face, bringing her delicious pussy right to my waiting lips and tongue. As the first woman sucks my cock like her life depends on it, I go down on the second one like her pussy is the best thing I’ve eaten all day.

“Something isn’t right,” Gunner says as a burning sensation begins in my chest but quickly spreads throughout my entire body. I ignore it as the woman sitting on my face cums, drowning me in her exquisite cream which is all the encouragement I need to grunt my way to a climax, shooting my ropey strings of cum down the first woman’s throat.

The burning agony spreads to my limbs – not even my dick is spared as all three of us change positions, the girls making out and fingering one another while I watch, stroking myself until I’m ready to go again. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore as every inch of my body feels like I’m standing in a raging fire – the pain consuming my senses.

I re-focus my attention on the two naked women squirming delightedly in front of me in an effort to put the pain out of my head. When one of them takes my dick into her mouth – I’m able to, to a degree. It never fully goes away but subsides enough for me to bear it and enjoy my time with my guests.

I’d have to be dying before I’ll stop having sex.

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