The King's Slave

Chapter About the Author

© All rights reserved for The King’s Slave. Ilyian mythology, the gods and goddesses, concepts and the language used here are all ORIGINAL and all MY OWN WORK. These are the products of my imagination and countless hours spent writing. Please do not copy/ reproduce in any way.

Hello guys,

Thanks all so much for reading the first version of The King’s Slave. Sorry for all the punctuation errors / grammar stuff. I wrote this book way back 2012 and back then, I didn’t really know so much.

But it’s 2018 and I’d like to think I improved (I mean I know how to use quotation marks properly now, LOL). Back then, I just wanted to tell the story inside my head.

I didn’t edit this when I put it here on from Wattpad because I wanted the updates to be more frequent. Also, editing takes a lot of time and I’m already editing How to be a Queen and don’t want to add to my plate of unfinished stuff.

I really want to publish this someday. Maybe make it longer and make it a trilogy. Haha. Big plans. No time. But hopefully someday.

Again, thank you all especially for those who voted and commented. :)

About me:

My name is Alyssa Urbano. I’m turning 27 years old soon (yeah old, I know. LOL) . I love writing about Fantasy and Romance. I write about love stories that I wish were mine.

I’m from Manila, Philippines. I love playing console / computer games and buying stuff I don't really need. I hoard makeup and cute pens, stickers, notebooks. <3

Where to find me:

Twitter: @AerithSage

Instagram: @AerithSage

Website: (Check here for links and please do join my mailing list so that you’d receive emails when I have something important.


Facebook Page:

Facebook Group (private. For all my readers) - search for AerithSage's immortals.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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