The king's eyes

Chapter A bad for a good


It’s very late, we should all be sleeping, especially after driving all those miles today.

But my conscience is tugging at me and I have to do something about this poor wrongfully incarcerated boy.

My father doesn’t want to hear anything, so I have to act, that’s all.

My brother and I go down the stairs that lead to the cells. I took food and drink in a small bag.

It is very dark, and the corridors are lit by small torches, as often in this kind of place. Whether it is day or night, it is exactly the same visual aspect for the prisoners.

Another form of torture is the loss of the time's notion.

Two guards are patrolling the hallway, Joan has to corner them so I sneak all the way back to where Romeo’s cell is.

"Hey, guys?" He greeted.

"Prince Joan? What are you doing here? It’s very late, you should sleep."

He pursues "I know but I’m still too upset by all these events, did the others tell you about the battle? It was crazy... It was the confrontation of the century, super impressive..."

Very well done... The guards are totally absorbed in his story.

I squat, sticking to the wall, and move very slowly without noise behind them to reach the back of the building.

Luckily, the hallway is wide enough for me to be far enough away and manage not to be spotted.

I reach Romeo’s cell. He sees me and I give him the sign of silence so that he understands that I am not supposed to be there.

I drop him the food and water.

He whispers: "Thank you but why are you taking risks coming this far? You shouldn’t, you’re going to have problems."

"Do you really care if I’m going to have problems?" I asked, teasing him.

"I just want to avoid taking someone in my fall, and especially not you. You are the only one who has listened to me since my capture." He said.

"Romeo, I would like to help you. What can I do?" I asked.

"Nothing... The only hope I have is that Iris can try to mitigate my sentence, by testifying to what happened to Drazzel." He answered.

"Exactly, what happened there? Tell me what you talked about, what you confided in, I would like to have arguments to defend you." I said, determined.

"...Why do you want to defend me?" He asked.

"Well, because I like to stand up for what’s right, you’re being treated unfairly, and that upsets me..."I answered.

"...Why does that upset you?" He asked again... insistent.

"What do you want me to say? That I like you?

Yes, I like you, I have no trouble saying it. You have a beautiful voice, a pleasant face, you are kind, calm, and just... Stop smiling like that!" I warned him.

"How do you know I’m like that? We don’t know each other very well, though." He said, curious.

"I read you... I see you, I see who you are. I have this faculty." I confessed.

"Iris told me that I wasn’t just a sorcerer... Can you see what I am?" He asked, with hope.

"No, sorry... I also think you’re special. But what I see clearly in you is your way of reasoning, the goodness in you, your benevolence.

I don’t see your biological nature or your powers. I don’t know if a demon can guess that.

Are you hostile to demons?" I asked.

"I am only hostile to unjust or bad people. The nature of people does not matter.

Even if, as far as you are concerned, I am quite fascinated by what your demonic part can reveal in you. You are powerful, you exude a charisma that commands respect.

You look like a queen, Satine..." He told me, smiling.

"...Trying to flatter me will get you nowhere, my dear. I am in no way sensitive to flattery." I said, Laughing.

"Everyone is sensitive to flattery! But really, I’m sure you know exactly what I mean." He said, with a special look...

"... Maybe... In any case, being a queen as we understand it today, doesn’t suit me at all...

I want to travel, I want action, I want adventure, discover nature, magic, and all the species that live on our lands, I want to know the history of people, their strength and their weakness. .. you see?" I asked.

"I totally see. You are an exceptional person, Princess Satine.

I am happy to have been able to meet you, and I wish you to have a life as beautiful and enriching as possible.

Your pretty face will remain in my memory, you are a blessed encounter." He said, a little bit moved.

"Why are you talking to me as if we were saying goodbye?" I asked, worried.

"Because I will at least be banished from these lands, it is the minimum that I will suffer, I know it. It’s perfectly normal and I’ve already accepted it.

I’m going to do just fine. I was heavily trained.

And you, you should get out of here before you get caught, the guards are coming back, and your brother doesn’t know what to say anymore.

Goodbye Satine, and thank you for everything."

I hold out my hand to him, I want to take his hand in mine, and give him all the courage I can.

He looks me in the eyes and gives me his hand... His hand whose wrist is chained to the ground...

Like a criminal...

A tear runs down my cheek when I tell him:

“Goodbye Romeo... I’ll do everything I can, for you to regain your freedom, and for everyone to see who you are.”

Touching him, I felt my heart racing. I am moved to tears as I leave this corridor...

I don’t want to leave. I want to stay with him all night, I want to talk and laugh...

I want his gaze and his touch...

I tread the corridor on tiptoe, and my brother sees me in the distance.

They are giving him fighting lessons in the middle of the night! I want to burst out laughing...

They are super happy to show him offensive tactics, and defense techniques, he seems very interested besides, and they are more entertaining than walking in the same corridor for hours.

Given their concentration in their demonstrations, I can easily pass unnoticed, then I slowly climb the stairs to return to my room.

Very smart this Joan... I owe him a big candle.

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