The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 8: Sacrifice


I watch as my child flees from the battlefield, flees from her home. My heart aches heavily, already missing her deeply. But a mother must always see to the safety and well-being of their children. I know she will endure many trials in the coming days, but I have all the faith in the world that she will persevere. She always has.

I close my eyes, Please, be safe my girl. Know that you are truly and forever the other half of my heart. I am forever blessed the day you came into my life and have never been happier when you became my child. I know you will be well-protected. I offer you all the hope a mother can give. Please know that you are never alone.

I take a haggard breath.

And to “you”. Please find her, I pray that you will be her guide and compass. You both have always been able to find one another. She will need you now more than ever before.

I pray the two of you will find peace and reconcile. Watch over her, wherever she goes. Let her know where you are, and remind her to be wise in her life. Please be her light in the coming darkness that is soon to envelope her.

Tears continue to stream down my face, I have faith in both of you. So please, please find her.

I hear the padding of feet beside me. “Are you sure this was the right choice, my Lady?”

I peer over to see Xiphos standing next to me. Blood pours from his wounds. I give the ancient librarian a simple nod, “Yes…yes I do believe so. For the both of them.”

The sphinx nods, helping me rise to my feet. I summon my staff, watching more as our home explodes. Xiphos spreads his wings and gathering up magic as more charge towards us. A rush of wind blows around us as more the Manor explodes.

“I will gladly give anything to ensure that my daughter, my heart, survives to live on.”

I look over to see Lyra once more summoning more swords having them rain down upon our enemies. Marie, having been forced to switch to her other weapons, fires desperately into the crowds, watching her targets fall in droves. But like deranged madmen, they continue to advance. Abigale begins to fall back to the house, carrying an unconscious and bleeding Bianca.

The harpies and dryads continue to fling away attackers, with the former now frantically slashing and clawing at anyone they set their eyes upon. A few of the dryads are forced out of their constructs with several more set ablaze. A couple harpies break from their assaults and attempt to carry them into the pools to quench the flames.

The sphinx then smiles to me as the carnage around unfolds, “For the little scholar.”

I let out a primal scream, slamming my staff into the driveway. Light sparks from the base as slowly but rapidly quickly begins to grow. The driveway is enveloped in light and expands outwards, drawing in everyone, and soon engulfs the Manor, spreading outwards.

“I love you, my Aria. Goodbye.”

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