The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 3: New Matters

I come upon the door to the parlor, smiling as I saw both my mother and Miriam sitting across from each other. Both appear to be in some sort of deep discussion, of which I really couldn’t make out.

I knock on the door and open it, “Hey everyone.”

Both women turn and look to me. “Aria, you’re…you’re out of your room,” exclaims my mother. She then jumps out of her seat and ran to me, pulling me into a deep hug.

I cling to her, burying my face into her chest, “Sorry that I’ve been such an idiot for locking myself away for so long, and for what I said last night. I was out of line.”

She places a soft kiss onto my forehead, stroking my hair, “It’s alright, my love. You needed time in order to heal and what was spoken lies in the past. What’s important is that you are here with us now.”

I smile, looking up at her.

I peer over to see Miriam walking towards us, arms held open. My mother lets me go as I plunge into the elderly woman’s chest, feeling her embracing me tightly.

I gaze up into her eyes, “Hi Granny,” giggling softly.

She grins broadly, “Hello my dear, dear granddaughter.” She places a kiss onto my cheek, and then gazes into my eyes, “It goes without saying how worried I’ve been about you. Not only having to fend off an invasion from children from the Court, but having to fight for your life against the bastard Regulus and his ilk.”

I glance up at my mother, and then back to Miriam. “I’m guessing she told you everything?”

She sighs grimly, “She did. The utter barbarity and cruelty of that man is without limits. To subject a child to such horrors, is beyond redemption. Not to mention what he had planned for you to do.” Her face grows stern as her anger swells, “I personally would love nothing more than to flay that man alive.” I sigh softly, bobbing my head against her chest.

Her face softens back into her usual grandmotherly smile, “Yet through both horrendous trials you persevered and survived. It goes without saying that when the coven learned you have made it home safely, everyone was beside themselves with joy and relief.”

My cheeks burn softly.

My mother strokes my hair, feeling it gently brush against the back of my neck, “Are you still in any pain sweetheart?”

I shake my head, “Not today, Mom.”

Miriam’s eyes grow wide as she looks at us, “She…called you ‘Mom’.”

My mother smiles deeply, “Tell her, my darling.”

Miriam again looks to me, “Tell me what?”

I take a short breath, “When Regulus was about to kill me, I basically had nothing left within me. I was bleeding, Diana had beating me so badly that the act of breathing alone was draining me. In fact I didn’t see anything within the girl that resembled my birthmother. I felt zero connection to her. It’s like I was staring at a complete stranger.”

My heart quickens, “At the moment before he was to kill me, my half of the Kinstone appeared and blasted them away. As I stared at it I felt a swell of energy within me, which was enough give me the strength to call out to my mom. But I didn’t call her ‘Rachel’.”

I blush, looking to her, “I knew that she was my real mother and wanted her to be there with me. So when I called out to her, I called her ‘Mother’, and the name became permanently engraved into my heart.” I giggle, “It’s all I can call her now.”

Rachel beams, with tears swelling in her eyes.

Miriam strokes my face, and smiles. But then her expression changes, becoming surprised as she gazed into my eyes. “Something…something has changed within you my dear. You appear younger than before, your eyes sparkle with a greater brilliance. It’s as though you appear more youthful than the last time I saw you.”

My smile softens as I lean into her hand. “Remember when I said I had a surge of energy well within me to call my mom?”

She nods softly.

“That was my old self, sacrificing itself in order to call her.” My cheeks blush softly the more I gaze at her.

She smiles tenderly, continuing to stroke my face, “Now you truly are a little girl.” I giggle softly, nodding.

“Why don’t we adjourn to the couches?” speaks my mother.

We nod and step on over. I sit with my mom with Fenris in front of me and Miriam across from us. My mom holds me close to her, stroking my arm, placing another kiss onto to the top of my hair.

“I ran into Miss Abigale on the way down, Mom,” I say looking up at her.

She smiles, “I’m glad to hear that, my darling. All of the combat maids have been worried about you. I never told you of how proud I was in how you conducted yourself that night. You led your troops into battle, safeguarded your allies, fought alongside them.” She then holds me even tighter than before. “I only wish I had followed our instincts and remained here with you.”

I smile, “Mom…it's fine really.”

She kisses my head once more. Fenris sits quietly in front me, tails swishing softly underneath the couch.

Miriam smiles, which turns flat. “Your mother has informed me of the details of the night you all fought Regulus. His plans, his ambitions, and his allies.” Her face contorts with anger, “To murder a child, only to resurrect her into a weapon, all of it to retrieve an artifact while causing all sorts of mayhem and destruction. It is utterly heinous beyond words.”

I sigh softly, resting my head against her chest.

“She also has informed me that the Court has issued a death warrant for Regulus and is currently searching for him,” she adds.

“That wasn’t the only thing that happened in the aftermath of all of this,” says my mother. “Drakthul and Laevatain both were publicly disgraced by the Court, especially when their eldest daughters were present and a witness to their presence being a member of the primary council present only added to their indictment. Not only were they disgraced, they expelled from the Court, having their titles and positions stripped from them.”

She twirls some of my hair, “I also learned however that five members were swayed to join Regulus, claiming their dissatisfaction of the Court, and openly declaring their allegiance to House Nethune.”

I look to her, “Did Selene actually show up?”

She shakes her head, “No my love, she did not.” She then rocks me gently, “What I find interesting is that Mistral and Lana were unable to persuade any of the elven children to fight alongside them, nor the dragon clans.”

She then smirks, “I wonder if Arcohan had a hand in that,” glancing at Miriam who smiles.

I look to both of them, remembering the name and wondering why the both of them were smiling at the name.

When my mother and I flew to the Court last year, I noticed a large red dragon sleeping in the corner. When I pointed it out to her, she told me his name. But then she said something else, If only he would visit more often. It made me curious about what she was referring to about him. There were several times I caught him either smiling whenever my name or hers was brought up. I even thought I saw him looking at me.

My mother then sighs, “However…there are still a few clans that are not associated with the Court. And they worry me.” I nod softly.

I know that not everyone is aligned with the Court, thanks to my discussions with Master Andriy, who he and I spoke several times over the past couple of weeks.

“Kerrigan left here less than a couple hours ago,” says my mother. “She told me of how she enjoyed spending the last couple of weeks with you.”

My cheeks burn hotly.

Kerrigan and I well…let’s just say we had a few interesting little “chats” with each other. Nothing crazy, due to my mother always being present or with Fenris constantly hovering over us. No…we just delved into topics such as my finding a boyfriend and having a pair of nekomata basically declaring their love for me. Kerrigan often loved to tease me about my tails, while also marveling at them.

Cutie, you should remain as kitsune. You look so much more beautiful this way than as a human. Plus…” she grins, “I prefer you this way. Makes me want to gobble you up.” That…was something she used say a lot to me.

She did also tell me that when Lana and Mistral were gathering allies, they approached her siblings. None joined them, in fact telling them flat out no. They tried to warn Kerrigan but were too late.

I still have to laugh when she visited Yukari in Japan, how she basically wanted to take me to bed with her. Watching my aunt growing pissed at the idea and told her to knock it off, saying that I was too young. Which…I think in Kerrigan’s mind means that she just has to wait until get older.

I smile, “It was great having her here with us.”

She nods, “But her parents needed her to return and give a report to the primary council on your status.”

I look around, seeing a chair left out by the table, something most people would’ve slid back in when they left.

“I’m guess Arcturus left as well?”

My mother sighs, nodding, “That he did, my love. Despite the terrible circumstances, I for one am glad he stayed as long as he did.” She then looks to me, “I know the both of you were happy while he was here.”

I grin softly. Arcturus and I steadily grew close while I was recovering. During that time, I sort of began to see him as a father, given our chats and how much loved my mom. But I still held back. A certain black wolf already claims that title and position. I often clung to Fenris while with the man. But I steadily warmed up to him, already with him having my approval to marry my mother.

I do love your mother, Aria,” he says. “But if we pursue a relationship, would you accept me?”

“Well…of course. But like my mom told you, go at it slow.” I grin to him, “I’ll be watching the both of you.”

He looks to me, “How, might I ask?”

My grin broadens, “Oh…I have my ways.”

He smirks, “Cheeky little fox.”

I laugh.

I even learned that right before she appeared before me, the two of them actually kissed for the first time. When both of them were in my room, I teased them about it, laughing as I saw them blush. Thank you Kerrigan.

It still bugs me in how they met and why to pair never got married. Mom told me he had asked her right before she found me, but neither really elaborated on how they met, even when I had both of them in my room at the same time. It was frustrating to say the least.

“Now,” chirps up Miriam, “before you arrived, we were discussing your sister, Marron.”

I perk up, “Granny, she’s innocent. Regulus got to her using my diary to manipulate her into taking me. He was going to kill her and then me.”

She leans back, “I know, my dear. You’re mother has informed on the matter and of the details pertaining to it. But the fact of the matter remains that she still took you. By doing so she betrayed the Coven, the penalty of which is either death or expulsion at the least, if she were to ever return.”

Tears begin to well up in my eyes.

Marron, my big sister, is innocent. Yes she took me, but it’s not the first time it’s happened, and that person too was forgiven. But is it worse because Marron is a part of the coven? I shake my head, “No…Granny, I’ll defend her, and I’ll go before whatever hearing or tribunal and defend my sister.”

She shakes her head, “No, my dear, the law is the law.”

I glare at her, “I won’t let you hurt my sister.” Tears begin to stream down my face.

Rachel looks to me, “It must be done, Aria. Defend her all you want, the fact remains that she is a traitor. But if she returns, she must face us…” Her eyes then dart away, glancing at Miriam, “Or me,” she whispers.

Miriam nods slowly, “Correct. Marron must confront those she has betrayed and return here. Only then will she be judged.”

Horror fills my eyes as tears begin to streak down my cheeks as I look at both of them. Anger slowly builds within me as I pull away from my mother.

“If I have to fight the entire coven in order to protect her then I will.” My eyes flare as my magic swells around me, “So stop calling her a traitor, she is as much a victim in all of this of much as I am.”

My mother’s eyes fill with shock as she stares at me, “Arianna Lucindel Edge, you should be more respectful while in your grandmother’s presence.”

I glare up at her, ignoring her, and then stare at Miriam. I take in a long deep breath, feeling hurt by their words. They both know the truth, but still want to condemn my sister. I meant what I said, even if I have to fight everyone I love in order to protect Marron then I will.

I slowly rise from my side and head for the door.

“Aria, where are you going?”

Again I ignore her, hearing Fenris rising from his seat.

“Stay put, Fenris,” I order, feeling my anger and pain swelling within. The wolf suddenly freezes mid-step.

Rachel turns to me, “You…you never tell him to stay.”

I turn towards the backdoor, heading out onto the Estate.

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