The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 1: Healed and Reflection


I hear something chiming in my ear.

Ching. Ching.

I slowly open my eyes, feeling a whish of warm air brushing against my face. I pan over to see a wind chime dancing against the breeze. At first I wondered who left the balcony doors open, only to realize that I did.

I groan softly, unfurling my legs out from under me. My desk chair creaks and moans as my body shifts on it. My body feels stiff, joints pop and muscles burn as I set my feet onto the carpet. I really need to stop falling asleep in my chair.

Couch yes, desk chair no. Even if the cushion is nice and soft, never going flat on me, there’s no excuse for sleeping here.

I look around my room, having left the lights off to better relax my eyes. The balcony door remained open to let in the summer breeze. The sky outside is bright and clear, even as I sit at “Study”, I peer out through the open doors to see the clear blue skies beyond. The curtains softly drift with another breeze as the light gently filters in.

Two weeks, it’s been two weeks since I fought Diana. When I got home I was an utter mess, body broken and my heart…well, my heart is another matter altogether. I haven’t even left my room since I woke up.

Part of it is because of a fight with my mother, and another being I simply didn’t feel like leaving. Thankfully over the past couple of weeks I was spared any horrible nightmares of the battle, but did suffer from many nights of hard sleeping. But I do retain the lingering feeling of its aftermath. I should really thank my mother for seeing me through my recovery.

I learned that my birth family was murdered by Regulus, wanting me to retrieve the Xur’canah and unseal Dewloura. To further his goals, he resurrected my birth mother, transformed her into a teenager, who nearly beat me to death even before the asshole showed up.

He wasn’t alone.

Standing beside him was Selene Nethune, a member of the other royal house of Dewloura and technically my cousin…after a fashion. She too had played a major role in Diana’s rebirth.

She had completely changed her, transforming my mother so much that she no longer bore any real resemblance or relation to me for that matter, to the person who once gave birth to me. She now stood as a vengeful teenager bent on taking my life.

I push back from my desk and look up at it. In the course of the past couple of weeks, I managed to finally complete the backlog that Asha had sent me for both my birthday and Christmas. I think it did me a lot of good to just temporally get my mind off of things. My cheeks then blush softly as I see a note lying on my desk. I reach over and read it.

Be strong, little cutie. I really did enjoy being with you and really getting to know you. I wish I could’ve gotten to you sooner. If I had…maybe things might’ve turned out differently.

Know that my parents and my siblings are behind you all of the way. If you ever need us, or me, let us know.

With much love,


P.S. You really are cute as a kitsune in person. Pictures hardly do you justice.

I stroke the note. “Thank you,” whispering softly. I place the note back onto my desk. She must have left it while I fell asleep.

I stretch a bit, trying to release some of the pent-up fatigue and also to further me wake up. My body still aches and felt stiff from all of the recovering. This was way different than my bout with Irina.

In a sense, I had fought two massive battles, with almost zero rest between them. The first being when Lana and Mistral came knocking on my door, wanting my head. The other being with Diana.

The second was far worse due to my injuries reopening having basically been placed into dream world in which while I mind slept, my body had remained in the same state going in. Couple that with the Diana’s beating, I really was almost standing at death’s door. But in the end…I survived. And because of that night, I was forever changed.

I peer up to see a picture of Marron and me, the same one we took together last summer. Tears slowly roll down my cheeks. Regulus, with the help of Selene, manipulated her long-buried resentments from when she and I were separated nearly three years ago. After the battle in the driveway had ended, she knocked me out and took me from my home.

I reached up and held the picture, stroking it. Tears begin to well up in my eyes the more I stroke it. There was so much I wanted to say to her, so many feelings and emotions that I too had kept bottled up for years.

After we awoke from the false world, which I have to admit I did enjoy, she fled out of fear of my mother and the weight of her sin. Leaving me alone there in the dark, with my mind still in a fog.

She then appeared in my room the night I woke up. My heart leapt as she stood there. I thought that I finally had the chance to talk to her, make things right between us, but…again she choose to leave.

She said she needed time to come to grips with what she had done, and possibly return one day.

As she was saying that, I wanted to leap off my bed and run to her, begging her to stay. I wanted her to stay and talk to me. We could always talk, always and ever. But she didn’t stay, and that hurt more than anything else to me.

When I saw her fade into the dark, I cried heavily, calling out to her.

I place the picture back onto desk and wipe away my tears.

I stood up, stroking my right arm. It had been shattered during my fight with Diana, among so many other injuries from that night. Thankfully, due to the treatment from both Velhemina and my mother, I felt no scars on my skin.

My computer then chimes as messages begin to appear on it.

Mandy: Heya girl, been beyond stupid worried about you. Even though we just talked the other day, I’m still worried about you. My parents wanted to know how you’re doing. But stay safe and hope to see you soon.

Heather: Sup Aria. Wanted you to know we love you and really have been wondering how you’re doing today. Give us a call soon. We’re thinking of heading to you sooner than we planned. So watch out for us girlie.

Jenn: Hey babs. You doing ok? I heard you’re nearly back to full strength, which is still nuts if you ask me. Oh God how I wish I was there with you right now, and even before then. Maybe…maybe things would’ve been different.

Oh, thanks for letting me know about Jimmie. Should’ve known something was up with him. Anyways, take care and know we all love you.

I smile, rereading the messages from them. Even during our nightly call sessions, I hadn’t told them what also happened to me that night. There was so much going on that I hadn’t had the chance nor thought about explaining everything to them.

The day after my mother brought me home; she informed the coven of my rescue. Naturally everyone cheered in relief and joy.

If one of us is missing, the coven isn’t complete,” she told me.

This should also be true for Marron.

I haven’t even told Yukari or Asha I grew my ninth tail. I really wish I had, but my mother told me not to, at least until I was fully recovered that is. To help speed my recovery, I was forbidden to transform. Mom feared that, even if into a kitsune, the stress might reopen something, so human I have remained until this morning when Kerrigan was with me.

My computer chimes again. I lean over to see yet another message appear on my screen. My cheeks burn brightly as I see who the sender is.

Kenji: Hello Aria-chan. Given the time difference I know it’s really early here. I’m heading out to sea so I wanted to let you know that I’m always thinking about you. Everyone here is still worried about you. Hashibaba still wants to come get you and bring you back to the village. But you’re home and that’s what matters. I hope to see you again soon, even if it’s just talking over the computer. So take care. You know how to get a hold of me.

I blush softly, rereading the message, feeling my heart beating heavily in my chest. A smile rises on my face. I back away from the computer, letting the screen fade to black.

I turn to see Fenris sleeping soundly on my bed. In all this time, he hasn’t left my side. Well… partner/companion/father, all of the above. I am so grateful for him and Mom showing up that night to come and rescue me.

He and I fought together to fend off Diana and her nightmare, a demon horse who’s race has a real hatred for beings related to the spirit realm. So naturally being a kitsune, I’m a prime target.

He fought the horse, even injuring it enough that he had to fall back a couple times. I doubt even Felfire can’t stand up much against a pissed off Uldulvan wolf. He fought hard, getting hurt in the process. For him it was worth it.

Plus with his help, we unlocked my ninth tail and discovered the truest expression of our bond. Something way cool and hope we can expand on in the future.

Oh…that’s another thing that’s changed. I don’t call my mother Rachel anymore. I simply call her “Mom” for that it’s been completely engraved into me of who she is. I smile, feeling so not like I did just a few weeks ago.

When I stared at Diana just as Regulus was going to kill me, I felt nothing from her, no love, and no familial connection. It felt as if I were staring at a complete stranger. But then I called out to my true mother, and she came. She really came to save me. My cheeks still burn thinking about it.

I’m really hers now aren’t I?

I take a couple steps back and begin to run through a few of my katas. A few minutes, I think.

My body feels so completely stiff that I need to at least get some exercise in. Mom and I obviously haven’t done any training while I recovered during the first week.

So instead I practice my Tai Chi forms, allowing me to at least let my body slowly regain its strength.

So now I’m back to my dragon katas. Fists and kicks flew into the air, feeling my heart racing again. It felt good, and a good start.

Ever since I first trained with Silvi, my body slowly began to having an increased healing ability, albeit a small one. I think this also has to deal with the fact that I have dragon mana flowing through me.

Dragons have incredibly high healing abilities and have only needed a short amount time but a lot of food in order to fully heal. I fall into the category of just needing time and a slight increase in food for my recovery.

I throw out several quick jabs, followed by a series of sweeping and twirling kicks. My body spins and twirls through the air, landing low into yet another sweeping kick. I slowly stand, feeling my heart racing, my breath hard but good. A soft smile rises on my face.

I still need more training, more exercise get truly be back to where I was before all of this happened. Tai chi helps, but I want to get back into my normal training regime, meaning long hours with Silvi and the combat maids.

Unfortunately that won’t happen until Mom gives her blessing. Meaning another few days, or until I finally decide to leave my room.

I take several long and deep breaths, allowing my heart to slow its pace. As I said before, a good start. I pan over to see my sword rack. My kodachi rests at the top, sheathed and untouched since Marron took me. I step over to it, stroking the sheath.

Under it rests my Han Kote, a precious gift from Yukari and Asha the night before I left Japan. It really came through for me, acting as my shield and even knocking back a certain vampiress’ strike. I gently pick it up and dust it off, smiling as not a single crack appeared on any of the armor segments.

Dragon scales, be they of western or eastern in origin, are scary strong. When infused with mana, they became even more so, especially when a piece of armor can generate a blast of wind knocking away your opponents. I do need to send both of my aunts a letter thanking them again for this.

I place the gauntlet back onto the table and pick up my kodachi. I slightly draw out the blade, sighing as there are still specks of blood and even a few pieces of flesh caught in the blade.

“This needs some love,” I whisper.

I open the drawer under the sword rack and pull out my cleaning kit. I take it and kneel down, placing everything onto the floor. I unravel the whetstone and set it onto its cloth wrapping, a heavy piece cloth which is weighted for use in the field.

I fully draw the sword, carefully placing it and the sheath on opposite sides of the stone. I place a small cup next the stone. I lean back and pull out a jug of purified water I always keep hidden away during my cleaning sessions.

I drip a little of a cleaning solution into the cup along with the water. The sheath is fine, don’t have to clean it out with anything. But the blade isn’t exactly looking as it should, a mistake that I am about to rectify. Despite my flicking my sword clean the night of the attack, there are still splotches of blood dotting the blade that managed to cling on tightly.

I slowly and methodically disassemble my kodachi, placing each part to the side. I dip a cloth into the cleaning solution and begin to wipe down the blade, making sure that there was nothing left on it.

After drying it off, I pour a little water onto the whetstone and begin scraping the blade across, sharpening it. This is a practice I have performed numerous times, but never after a battle.

Each pass felt like a memory of the battle resurfacing; the anger, the fear, the weight of blows upon my face, the shrieking of steel as sparks flew when blades were met. It felt as fresh to me as that very night. I flip the blade, pouring a little more water onto the stone, and scraping the blade over it.

After a few passes I hold up the blade to the light. A simple smile of satisfaction rises on my face. I pick up another clean cloth and gently run my blade through it, drying it. Placing the cloth aside, I begin reassemble my sword, carefully putting each piece back to where it’s supposed to go.

I didn’t want to fight that night. I wasn’t even looking for a fight that night. All I wanted to do was return to the parlor and read a book with the pups, with Kateryna watching over us. But yeah…that wasn’t in the cards. So I fought.

I fought for my home, my family, my mother, for everyone. Even if they were there for my head, I wasn’t planning on giving it to them. I tried to avoid a fight, to avoid not having to deal with Lana, Mistral, or Irina, but I did. I think I didn’t have much of a choice in the end.

I dab powder onto the blade, allowing it slide easily back into the sheath while also drying up any moisture within. I then sheath the kodachi, giving a firm, yet gentle tap on the pummel to secure it. I place the sword beside me while I clean up, placing everything away.

I pick up my sword and rise to my feet. I slowly place the kodachi back onto the rack, stroking it once more.

A smile and a sigh slips out of me, eyeing my dragon sword. I didn’t use it the night of the attack, opting for the kodachi given my preference for it and my style of combat. I never hope to ever have to use it. But I still need to train with it and had on several occasions.

With my task complete, I pan over to the door. I let out yet another sigh, this time heavier that the last. I need to leave my room, having pretty much locked myself away in here for too long.

I glimpse my closet. Inside, behind numerous layers of seals and protection spells, rests the Xur’canah, the very thing Regulus wanted me to steal for him. But there are several things that bug me. One is how did he know I have it? Another is why he still needs me after retrieving it for him? If he has Diana and Selene, what other purpose is there for me?

I turn and face the door, hearing my bed jostle.

I crane over to see Fenris sitting up on my bed, looking rather happy as both of his tails swish softly across the bed.

Three times just in the last month and a half he has fought alongside me, never giving up. According to Mom, he fought with her against Selene and Regulus before coming after me. He even tore into the ass’ wrist, which hampered his efforts against my mother. Before that, he searched everywhere looking for me, always returning home to rest.

I give a soft grin towards him, and then watch as he gives a fatherly one in return. I knock my head towards the door, hearing him hop down as I pull it open, and head out into the hallway.

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