The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Ten

My aunt woke us at daybreak. “Come on loves.. The sooner we get moving the sooner we can be safe again.”

I rolled out of bed numb to all of the shit that was going on. Numb to the fact that my family was being torn apart. Or put back together, as some may have seen it. I got dressed in a coral pair of denim jeans, a cream blouse and a pair of cream flats. Then I quietly finished packing my clothes and belongings and followed Kai out to the vehicles that were waiting for us. We had packed all our luggage in the van, along with Huck and Juju.

Kai gave them each another tranquilizer pill before shutting the trunk. Sarah and Luca rode with her dad. Aunt Em and Don took the van, Kai put me in his truck and patted my leg.

“Everything is going to be different,” I said as he got in.

“Not everything.” He took my hand and squeezed it lightly.

I was quiet the whole ride to the airport. I looked out over my home and took it all in. Every field, House, ranch, and town between our ranch and the airport in Ponca City. When we arrived we were ushered around to the landing strip. We had our own private plane and in front of that plane was a car. Out of the car stepped an older man. It was Chief and as my abilities began to show them selves more and more I realized I could recognize sense what some people were. When we got out of the truck Kai walked up to him and hugged him.

“We will miss you White Wolf,” the man spoke. I tried not to laugh at the irony of his name considering his dark fur.

“I will miss you too Chief.”

“Take care of her Malakai, she’s special. More than you know. She has the power to change the world.”

“I will Grandfather. Take care of the pack.”

He nodded and stepped back into the car. To my surprise Kai’s mother was already on the plane. While I knew that the Isle was her home, I didn’t think she’d be coming with us. I gave my best smile and found a seat far away from her. Kai sat next to me and took my hand. He seemed on edge, like he’d never done this before. I tilted my head towards him some hoping he’d take the hint so we could talk in private. His forehead touched mine and our minds linked.

Are you alright?

I’ve never flown before. Not like this. Is there a reason we are tucked away from everyone?

Umm… I was mostly avoiding your mother. I don’t want to talk bonding or wedding right now. I just want to get there in one piece.

Alright. Could you maybe tap into your powers some and chill me out?

I wish I could. But this plane is protected. I can’t use them. I can just feel things, but, I promise you I’ll not let go though. I squeezed his hand. I’m going to be right here. Just breathe.

I love you Leah.

I love you too Malakai.

The pilot came over the speakers telling us it was time for takeoff. As we began to speed down the runway I felt all my fears being left behind. Hope for answers and new beginnings awaited us in Ireland.

After an eighteen hour flight with a stop in New York for gas , we landed in Dublin. Then we faced a twenty-minute long train ride to Malahide. From there it was another twenty minutes by boat to the island. The boat dropped us off at one of the two points where the land actually met the sea. This spot was close to the town also and on the south west side of the island. There was someone at the doc who greeted us and helped to get the luggage off the boat and loaded on the carriages. There were four horses pulling each carriage the adults were in one and we were in the other.

Things there were quiet. You could hear the birds and animals that roamed the plains. As we approached the town surrounding the Castle, the noise changed from peaceful to chaotic. There was people everywhere. As we came through the crowd, people began to turn to us. Look at us. Some in awe. Some in disapproval. Some it was hard to tell whose side they were even on.

I could tell the difference between wolf and non wolf. There were slight changes in power between the non wolf beings, however seems as I was still in the dark I couldn’t differentiate between them yet. Some of them felt powerful like Luca and I. Others felt like dark power and some to my surprise had no power at all. They were mere mortals.

As the carriages led us through the people, they quickly split on their own accord and bowed to us. I held tight to Kai’s hand unsure of how to respond. I didn’t notice at first, but guards from the palace came and aided our convoy. My father’s doing no doubt. To ensure that we make it to the palace all in one piece.

I reached out with my power to feel if these guards were on edge. I quickly found it that they always were in order to be prepared. So instead I looked into Kai and Luca. They were slightly off from their normal range but it was nothing alarming. In the hours I was awake on the plane I wasn’t alone. Aunt Em couldn’t sleep either. In the span of a few hours she had taught me how to do this, feel changes in powers and moods, rather to control my abilities to do so. It didn’t take much, just focus.

You have to think about who you want to focus on. Who you want to listen to, who you want to feel. She said, The rest comes to you. All you need to do is focus. For instance, I know that your Uncle is awake, although he looks to be asleep.

When I had looked at him he looked to be asleep. Until she called him out on it and he opened his eyes. Thanks a lot Emilia. Now I’m an easy pick. But what about the pilots or flight crew, say even Scott?

Scott is asleep. The crew is focused, they are also humans that work for my brother and the King of Wolves.

How do you know all that Aunt Em?

She had taken my shoulders then and told me to take a deep breath. She had told me to close my eyes and focus in on them. Imagine them in my mind. By the time I had gotten ahold of this control I could check on people with my eyes open. I still couldn’t completely control it. But Aunt Em told me that would come with time, practice and patience. Also, she mentioned that the island may influence my power a bit more upon our arrival, since it had been our first time there.

Kai tugged on my arm. It was the first time he’d done this since our arrival. I came out of my memory and looked around. We had stopped in front of the castle and were heading inside. Sarah’s Dad was going on and on about some nonsense when we met with the kings. I knew one thing and one thing only. Bow to the wolf king and stare down my father. That man had a lot to answer for and I was not going to wait any longer for answers.

We walked quickly through the palace corridors and quickly found ourselves in the throne room. Strangely enough, both Kings sat up there. I hardly recognized my father. He looked older somehow and he had grown a beard. It was his eyes that gave him away. It was like looking at Luca. Though his wrinkles had multiplied and grown deeper, he was still the same person. He reacted to us entering to room. He’d seemed more awake and alive around us.

Kai’s grandfather on the other hand looked younger than I expected. I chucked it up to the genes of his wolf and turned my attention to him as he spoke.

“Welcome to Lambay my children, and that of our wonderful leader, King Jackson of Meara. It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you home.”

I bowed to him as my father began to speak.

“It is with great pleasure that I welcome my family home. Luca and Leah my dear children.”

Cue the stare. While everyone turned to him and looked happy, my look was different. He noticed immediately, yet continued to sweet talk my family in front of the Court. When they had been dismissed he rose from his throne and joined us on the main floor. He went and hugged my brother and my aunt and uncle. He thanked Sarah’s Dad for bringing us back safe. He hugged Sarah. But when he got to me everything stopped. It was like a pin had dropped in the room. Everyone was looking at us. Kai had taken my hand and was holding on to it tightly. He felt my mood shift as quick as everyone else had.

“Leah, let me explain.”

“You left us. You died. This whole time I thought you had been dead. I attended your funeral! But that wasn’t even the worst part. The worst part was watching Mom not even grieve you, watching her act as if you never existed. And having everyone around you treat you like a damn head case because you were the girl whose dad died when she was a kid!

“You abandoned me father! You abandoned our family, and for what… this? A legacy, your destiny? If you wanted thing to have gone right you should have divorced Mom and gotten custody of us. At least if our powers never came in our lives growing up wouldn’t have been the hell we lived through.”

I turned and walked back out the Grand Hall.

“Leah-“ I heard him call after me.

Kai followed me only because he knew where our room was. He knew I was going to go and cry it all out. Once he pulled me inside all of my walls broke down. Tears flowed out of me like Niagara. Kai pulled me close and held on tight. When I had finally exhausted that option I laid in bed Kai holding me. I looked like I was sleeping. For a bit I think I even dozed off.

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