The Indifferent Luna 1 - Austan wolf

Chapter CHAPTER 18

Much to my surprise, I woke up bright and early with a groan. My head was aching slightly from too much sleeping. I wondered what might have happened to the porridge she said she wanted to make me, couldn’t she just say a spell to wake me up just as she had done with the sleeping.

Just as she had done the day before Kira who I didn’t know was sitting beside my bed ran off shouting to her sister that I was awake and soon Rona came in closely followed by Kira.

“Ah, thank the goddess. I was beginning to worry.” she said and I turned to her frowning slightly.

“You’ve been asleep for two whole days......” Kira said trailing off when my eyes widened.

“Two days?!” I said, my voice seemed to have gained more momentum than the last time I had heard it and the sound of birds singing on the trees outside was more evident in my ears now. I sighed, at least I have gotten my hearing back.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I asked staring at Rona, who looked at me indifferently,

“I couldn’t. The medicine decides how long you sleep depending on what part of your body it is healing.” she said staring at me.

“The medicine?” I asked surprised, “I thought you casted a sleeping spell on me.” I said more to myself but my eyes widened when I realized I had said it out loud. She frowned.

“And why would I do that?”

I opened my mouth and closed it as I realized I couldn’t think of a reason why she would cast a spell on me. She only turned around and walked out of my field of vision while Kira stood there smiling at me.

The poor girl obviously liked me, maybe she thought we would be friends but I was past that, I didn’t want friends anymore. I didn’t even know how I would survive in this world or what I would do with my life, but I know that I didn’t want friends. No, not anymore.

I turned back to the ceiling and sighed as I realized I had no idea where I would go from here. Maybe I would stick with the witches and learn a few spells myself if that is possible, at least I had to find a way to survive in this cruel world.

I heard the clinging of bottles and I turned towards the sound, but couldn’t see. Rona must be busy making portions or breakfast. I don’t know.

“You would be sleeping a lot more from now on.” I heard her say, as she began to walk back to me.

“Since the medicine works better when you are asleep.” she said as she sat down, on a chair beside the bed, a plate in her hand as she raised a spoon of rice porridge to my mouth. I opened and let her put it in then chewed silently as I saw Kira perch on the bed silently. She always had this light of excitement and curiosity in her eyes and as much as I kind of envied it, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was the only other person she had ever met apart from her sister.

“You would be fed before taking the medicine that way, you won’t die of starvation.” Rona said again as she blew on the hot porridge before bringing it to my lips.”

“You seem unsure.” I said and she looked at me tiredly then sighed.

“Yes, I am. I told you that only very powerful witches can make this spell, so it is only obvious that it is a very rare magic, thus this is the first time I have ever seen it being used on anyone.”

My eyes widened as it ran down to my paralyzed limbs and I panicked. She had never encountered this spell before, then how does she know she’s doing the right thing. What if I never walk again?

“H...How do you know that you’re doing the right thing.” I asked in a small voice and she looked at me rather angrily.

“Because you ooze of the paralysis spell mutt.” she said sternly and my eyes widened again but this time in surprise. They knew I was a werewolf, they had always known and they had still saved me.

She quickly dropped the plate on a stool beside the bed and stood up. I knew she was angry, I had angered my savior and I had never even thanked her for saving my life. That was rather rude of me.

“Thank you.” I said, “for saving my life.”

She turned to me and nodded slightly before leaving the room. I turned to Kira whose smile had widened at my appreciation as she came to take her sister’s place feeding me the food.

“So tell me werewolf, what is your name?” she asked and I stared at her blankly as I realized that I never told them what my name was.

“Silveen.” I said.

“Silveen? I have never heard of a name like that.” she said thoughtfully and I smiled, she was blunt.

“What does it mean?” she asked again and I frowned

“I don’t know.”

Her eyes widened in surprise as she stared at me.

“Your parents never told you? A...Are they dead?” She whispered fearfully as if afraid she would hurt my feelings but I shook my


“No. They’re very much alive. They.....I just......... I guess I never asked.” I said and she smiled.

“They must be very worried about you.” she said again and I smiled sadly as she put another spoon of food into my mouth.

“Would you like to go back to them when you are better?” she asked and I tensed.

“No,” I whispered and she nodded as if she understood.

“Do you have somewhere to go when you recover?” she asked again and I shook my head sadly lowering my gaze.

“Don’t worry, you can stay with us.” she said excitedly. “We can travel the world together.”

“You travel the world?”

“Yes. We’ve been to every country and town you could think of. Rona likes traveling a lot and I like making new friends. Since there are only two of us, we travel together all the time.” she said grinning and I nodded.

It made sense now, the excitement she felt towards me. She had a thing for meeting new people.

I watched as she took the almost empty plate away and soon returned with another bowl, it must be my medicine I thought and it was confirmed when she began to feed me and the awful taste hit my throat. I groaned

“Is there nothing that can be done about the taste of this thing?” I asked and she giggled.

“I told Rona countless times, that her portions always taste terrible but she never agrees. If you taste my portions, you would like them. They all have a flavor of strawberry and mint to them.”

“Then give them to me instead.” I groaned and she laughed again.

“No, I can’t. Rona is the only one knowledgeable on the right mix of herbs and magic needed to cure you and she wouldn’t share it with me. At least not yet. Even if she did. We can’t afford to experiment as it might have terrible consequences.” she explained and I nodded immediately swallowing the last spoon of my medicine as I felt sleep begin to engulf me again.

I would humbly take the medicine without complaints the last thing I need right now is to face a consequence like never being able to walk again. I thought as my eyes began to drift shut and the nightmare of my betrayal began as it always does.

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