The Hybrid Queen Unedited

Chapter 15

“Who was he?” I asked Elijah as he walked me to the dining hall. Elijah had insisted that everyone go to dinner as planned and everyone did. Amilia sat next to me, and Collin, after having returned to the group of pack members, took a seat next to Elijah. “He was the Beta of the New York Tribe. The one I was supposed to leave to see tonight,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was stressed and I felt bad for him.“Elijah, if you killed him, who is running that Tribe right now?” I asked him, knowing damn well what would happen if no one was put in charge by order of the King. Chaos would ensue. Elijah sighed and looked back at me, his eyes tired. “That is why I am leaving at first light. I will be gone for a few days,” he answered me. Amilia glanced at me over her glass of wine. I nodded to both of them. Amilia knew what I was saying without having to say it. This would be our chance to leave without having to worry about Elijah. We would only get one chance and we would have to be fast. I sighed, knowing he would want me in his room tonight. Our trip would have to wait till dawn. “You need to take care of this,” I told him. “Take your time. We do not need any uprisings right now.” Elijah turned to face me, an amused look one his face. “What?”He laughed at me. “You sound like a Queen,” he said fondly. I smiled at the praise and he leaned in to kiss me. “I am sorry,” he reminded me after pressing his lips to mine. I eyed him, puzzled. “For not coming for you when I should have,” he reminded me. I sighed and looked down at my half eaten plate.

“You have no reason to be sorry,” I said. “I was overreacting and I was taking my anger out on you when I should have been taking it out on training,” I told him. Elijah nodded. “Training with my sister, by the way,” he said as he sipped his wine. “First thing in the morning.” Amilia perked up at this. “I will make sure she gets there, brother,” she said and smiled at me. It was hard not to laugh. I really liked her. She was a great friend- the only friend I had right now, and I genuinely liked her. Sure there were Tay and Lilly but I hardly ever saw them. I had seen them a handful of times since I had arrived at the Manor. “Yes, sir,” I said and he looked over at me, his eyes dark. I had come to know that look. It struck fear in me. Fear and something else. Something that made me clench my thighs together and made my southern region tingle. I sighed and looked down at my plate, trying to breath. Yet Elijah, as usual was no help; his hand snaked around under the table and grabbed my thigh.

We were in an enclosed earea, up on the podium. The table cloths reached to the floor and no one was behind us. When Elijah jad forsy shoved the fabric of my skirts aside tonrouch my skin, I had nearly jumped out of my seat. I hadn’t been able to protest because someone interrupted us.

His hand had remained on the top of my thigh, his fingers brushing patterns on my skin. It had became a ritual. One I now looked forward to. Every night, his hand would sombow find some part of intimate skin to touch.

My thigh. The back of my naked knee. My neck. My side. And it wasn’t even the touch itself. Itbwas the way he touched me. Inwas warm. It felt right.

He loved touching my skin. I understood why. It was an odd satisfaction. I felt the same. I could feel his warm skin under my fingers and it calmed me. “How are you feeling?” he asked me. I shake my head. “I am fine. I am just going to miss you,” I told him. Elijah’s face softened and he leaned in to kiss me. “I am going to miss you too, Love. I will be back before you even have time to be bored,” he teased me. I rolled my eyes. “I will have Amilia to keep me entertained,” I reminded him. Amilia cleared her throat as Summer approached the table. Elijah leaned away from me. “What do you want?” Elijah asked her. Summer smiled at him. “I want to be assigned to Faye’s work detail,” she said. I gaped at her. “What?” I demanded. “Why?”Summer ignored me and kept her eyes on Elijah. “If you are leaving and Collin will be in your stead, it is only best to have your best tracker and fighter at your Queen’s side, is it not, your Grace?” Summer asked him.

Amilia laughed a little. “I think I can see to her myself, Summer, thanks,” she said. Summer looked up at her. “Really? From what I heard, a Vamp almost finished you off in the west hall today. While Faye was with you. I even heard that Beta Jackson smacked her around a little,” she mused. The look on her face was off. She was satisfied. She was gazing at Elijah and I did not like the look on her face. Then it dawned on me. The gray wolf. It had not been Jackson. It had been Summer. I sighed and shook my head, turning to face Elijah. “I am fine with Amilia,” I reminded him. He watched me for a moment debating. “Sure, your Grace, you may be fine now, but what will happen when Amilia is not there when you need her?” Summer demanded. I shoot her a look to shut her up and she bows her head, a smirk on her face.

“Brother,” Amilia chimed in. “If I may remind you, Summer is the one who tried to kick Fay’s ass in front of the whole training crew. She tried to humiliate her,” she reminded him.I slammed my wine glass down a little too hard, snapping the neck in half. “Summer, I am sure your intentions are...” I stopped for a moment looking for the right word. I was not trying to sound like a bitch in front of everyone. “...admirable, however, you and I do not have the best track record,” I reminded her, raising my eyebrows, hoping she would take the hint. Summer just sighed and looked down the table to Sophie. “I am sure the Queen Mother would like to hear how you -”“I have had enough of this!” Elijah snapped. Summer fell quiet and looked up at him like she had won the argument. “Summer, I am sure your... heart is in the right place however if Faye says she is in good hands, I have to trust her,” he said. Summer stared at him in disbelief. Elijah waved his hand at her. “Your request is denied. You may go,” he said. Summer glared at me for a moment before she bowed her head and turned away.

“Want to tell me what that was all about?” Elijah asked me in a low voice.

I looked up at him. Was he onto us? Did he know that Amilia and I planned on leaving as soon as I was alone? No. How could he? “She is jealous,” I answer him. It was not a lie.

Elijah burst out laughing. “Of what?”

I shake my head. “Not of what. Of whom!” I answer.

That made him laugh even more. “Do not be silly, Love. I have never shown any interest in her whatsoever!” he promised me. I smiled. That was good to know. I sighed. “Now,” he blew in my ear. “You should come help me pack.”Help him pack? Is that what he needed help with? Elijah was such an odd ball sometimes. A grown man needed help packing his-... I lost my train of thought as his lips pressed to my neck, covering my Mark. I leaned away from him and smiled. “I can help you pack!” I said, my voice breathless. We were about to get up when Sophie came over to us, a wide smile on her face. “I bet there will be pups running around here soon!” she cooed at us. I felt myself blush a deep red. “Mother!” Elijah hissed at her, embarrassed. “That is really not appropriate!” Sophie just smiled and went on her way, humming under her breath. She wobbled a little in her way down the podium we were seated on. “Is-is she drunk?” I demanded. Elijah sighed and nodded. “Yes,” he said. “Today marks a year that my father left this Manor,” he said sadly. I looked back up from his mother to his face. I reached up and touched his cheek. “Elijah, I am so sorry,” I whispered. He smiled at me. “I am over the pain. I have been since I laid eyes on you,” he said and kissed my lips. I leaned in, trying to deepen the kiss but he pulled away from me. “Not here,” he said as he got to his feet. I was about to ask why but then I was reminded we were in a room full of people. Elijah took my hand and led me out the back door and into the woods. As soon as we reached the tree line, Elijah pulled me into his arms and held me to his chest. “I do not want to leave you,” he admitted. I lean away from him. “I know. I feel the same way. However you must go. You have a job to do and I can not keep you from it,” I reminded him. Elijah smiled. “Once you are my Queen and Luna, I can take you anywhere I like,” he reminded me. Then he sighed and leaned back down to press his lips to my neck. This time, his teeth grazed my skin and my breath came in a wild gasp. I had not realized how much I had been craving his touch. He was my drug. My personal brand of whatever drug he had me hooked on. My breath quickened, my heart pounding so hard in my chest I was sure he would be able to hear it. Then, suddenly I was up off the forest floor, my legs warped around his waist, his lips on mine. I was no longer in control of my body. My fingers wound into his perfect silk like hair and I held his face to mine. Our lips moved against each other now, and I reveled in the taste of his kiss.

Ne tasted warm, and of hot wine. Mouthwatering.

Elijah pulled back, his lips swollen and his eyes glazed over from passion. “You need to tell me when enough is enough. Tell me when to stop!” he said, his voice husky and rasp. Just another thing I liked about him. I nodded and pulled him back to me. I was so surprised. I had always though I would never be able to be with anyone. Not after what had happened at the Pound. I had been sure I would never be able to be with another man. Ever. Then Elijah had come along. I knew now, that because of him, and in the short time I had known him, I was stronger then I realized. However, my body froze when his hand came to press tenderly against my breast. I felt him become stone beneath me and he removed his hand quickly. I gripped his wrist, looking at him now. I needed to be Okay with this. I knew it was not now or never, yet I knew I needed this just as much as he did. Elijah watched me, his luminous green eyes were fixed on my face. “Faye, I am not forcing you,” he reminded me. I nodded. “And if you think I am going to let you Mate me against a tree, you are wrong,” I teased him. A huge smile slowly spread across his face and he leaned back down to press his lips to my Mark. The spot tingled and I gasped, gripping his head, trying to keep his lips and tongue there for as long as I could. A lustful growl ripped up my throat when I felt his teeth nip my skin. His hand came back to my breast and I let him this time. I did not want to deny him anymore, however I knew, deep down I was only willing to go so far. Elijah pressed his hand to one of my breasts, my nipples hardened under him quickly. It was almost painful. A lustful moan escaped my lips and he laughed, his hot breath washed over my skin. A demanding growl ripped up my chest and I gripped his head, forcing him to look up at me and I pressed my lips to his. This was not as innocent and tender as all the other kisses had been. I needed this one. I wanted this. This was demanding, desperate. Our lips crashed together and he growled at me as we fought for dominance. His sharp teeth nipped at my bottom lips and I pulled away with a gasp when his hand slipped into my dress. He did not waste any time however. He buried his head right back into my neck, his lips and tongue playing with the sensitive flesh. I felt his fingers play with my breast, my nipple was rock solid.

“Oh!” I gasped as his pinched fingers eased a little. He looked up and pressed his lips back to mine. What was this? What was happening? What was this feeling that was making my heart race? Then something else caught my attention. Someone was coming. Elijah growled, low and deep in his chest. “Stay here,” he ordered as he set me on my feet. I pouted a little. He laughed and shook his head.Elijah walked to the rim of the trees and sighed. “What is it, Amilia?” he demanded. I heard her sigh. “Mother wants to speak to you,” she told him. I sighed and fixed my dress and did the best I could with my hair. There was just no saving it. Before I knew it, Elijah was back, his hands on my waist. He looked frustrated. “Sorry, Love, but duty calls,” he sighed, holding his hand out for me. I nodded and grabbed his hand. I was upset that we had been interrupted yet I was thankful. Amilia was ahead of us, walking back to the Manor. The thought of leaving as soon as Elijah pulled out of the driveway was heavy on my mind. “Do you think your mother will be OK?” I asked him as we entered the still crowded dining hall. We took our seats at the head of the table and Elijah scanned the room. “She will be fine. I am sure she will have one hell of a headache in the morning. She is not happy I am leaving the house. She tried to get me to have Collin go in my stead,” he told me. I looked over at Collin who had a redhead sitting on his lap. She was dressed in a mini dress and it looked like it was ready to slip off of her. She was laughing at everything Collin said, her hands around his shoulders and playing with his hair. “I see why she would want that,” I said, turning back to Elijah. “You are the only son she has left,” I reminded him. I watched his face soften and he nodded. “True,” he said and then sighed. “It is my duty, however, as King. I am expected to go and see the Beta’s. They are not going to be happy that their Beta was killed. Collin must stay here at all times when I am not here. He rules when I am gone. Once we are married and mated, that will fall to you,” he said proudly. I smiled at him and glanced around the room. Amilia was standing near the double doors, looking at me. I knew that look. She ha“I need to use the restroom,” I said as I got to my feet. I walked over to Amilia and together we set off down the hall. “What is it?” I asked her. Amilia handed me a tablet. “The security codes are set to change at midnight. I missed the briefing and I do not have the new set of codes. If we are going to leave we need to go now!”I looked the tablet over, reading the email. “They rest in ten minutes!” I told her.Amilia nodded. “I know. We need to get out of the Manor now!”

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