The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0417

"As is our right, as royal ladies," Juniper says, flicking her hair back over her shoulder.

"Not yours," I say, laughing and flicking her nose when I stand up straight. "Underage!"

"Ariel!" Juniper groans, following me as I tug Jackson eagerly towards the door. "Come on! I thought we were finally cool! Just sneak me one glass!"

"I'll think about it," I say casually over my shoulder, grinning at her. "'ll agree to be my servant. All. Day."

Juniper groans, but then considers her choices, and nods with a sigh.

The three of us hurry after our family, picking up the tail of the group as we all start up the stairs.

The day moves too quickly after that, ushered along by a great deal of laugher and joy. Jackson, even though he doesn't know the rules of football, is of course instantly good at it and a credit to his team, made up of him, Mark, Chase, and Roger. The game goes on for what feels like a very long time, especially considering the tiny space provided by the little patch of green on our roof and how many Alphas they're trying to squeeze into it, all bashing into each other.

But still, I don't mind. I just sigh and drink the glass of wine that my mom constantly refills. I secretly always pour half of my cup into Juniper's glass as well - and spend the time chatting with my family and just...watching my mate play.

God, but he's just so...good at it. Good at all of it - dodging, throwing, strategy, knowing precisely how hard he's able to tackle Caleb without hurting him. Something about physical activity just comes easy to my mate. Much easier than to me and I think most people.

I smile softly as my eyes follow him, my glass resting against my shoulder as I lean back against the countertop of the little outdoor kitchen. I get lost in it, if I'm being honest, not even paying attention to the conversation of the ladies amidst whom I stand. "Ohhhhh," Cora coos, her voice loud and teasing enough to pull me out of it. I snap my head towards her, curious, and then blush when I see that they're all looking at me - that I got caught, a bit, in my reverie. "Someone's got it bad!"

"Oh, shut up," I reply, laughing and tossing out a hand to smack my aunt on my shoulder.

"No, I'm jealous," Cora sighs, moving closer to me and leaning against me as my mom stands on her other side, beaming. "I miss that newly in-love feeling. So much fun." Juniper turns towards us too, an unsurprising frown on her face as Rosie, Sera, and Bella play with one of Bella's new toys at our feet. "So?" Mom asks, grinning over at me, eager. "Is that what it is? Are you in love, Ari?"

I blush terribly then, ducking my head and laughing in my embarrassment. Because, I mean, I instantly know that the answer is yes. But I haven't even said that to Jacks yet - not out loud - and shouldn't I?

And, honestly, I'm not sure that I feel comfortable confessing my feelings to one of my mates with my family without discussing the other - because I've fallen hard for Luca too.

But can someone even be in love - really in love with two people at once? Even if they're you're mates?

God, but it's confusing.

Luckily, my little sister comes to my rescue.

"Well, I hope not," Junie says, frowning and turning towards the boys. "Love ruins everything."

"What!?" Mom and Cora shout together, appalled - and even I turn towards Junie with surprise.

"It does!" June says, laughing a little and shaking her head. "You fall in love, and then you get pregnant, and then you pop out a bunch of kids, and then your life is just that, and everything else..." she flicks her fingers in the air all at once, like an explosion. "Poof! Hopes and dreams! Gone!"

"Oh, Junie," mom sighs, smiling over at my little sister indulgently. "It's...not really like that."

"Well, it wasn't for you," June says, turning to mom with her eyebrows lifted. "Your hopes and dreams were to have kids and a family and the whole domestic bliss thing. That's what you wanted!"

"Well, what's yours, sugar?" Cora asks, reaching behind me to stroke a warm hand over Juniper's long black hair. "What is it that you want?"

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