The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter EXTRA 2

"You may have to fight a battle more than once, to win it." - Margaret Thatcher


Warning: Self-harming is mentioned in the chapter, which may make some readers uncomfortable.



We've been here for two days and Dad keeps saying I need time to heal first before my training and it's starting to get on my nerves.

Heal. That word should bring me some sort of comfort. Yet, all I feel is anger, resentment, and disappointment. I'll never fucking heal—emotionally that is.

"Hey, get some rest. You're going to need it after this week." Dad says beside me as we continued staring at the dancing flames of the campfire.

"Why?" I ask agitated, getting to my feet, preparing to walk off. Truth be told I've been snarky ever since we got here for no reason.

"HEY!" Dad yells, grabbing my arm, turning me around to face him. "Drop the attitude, I'm trying to help you. But you need to help yourself first," he says gently as if I’m going to break.

Goodness, I feel like crying.

Nodding my head, Dad lets go of my arm and I immediately retreat to my tent.

As I lay there, staring at nothing in particular, I can still hear Jackson's voice in my head, his words haunting my thoughts. "I'm sorry Alpha, there's no chance of reproduction". That sentence feels like a knife piercing through my heart every time the thought comes across my mind.

Pain cripples my chest making it a bit hard to breathe, as I rub at the area—as if that would help the sinking feeling.

Getting out of my tent, I double-checked if dad is sleeping. He's out cold, so I started walking to nowhere really. I just want to feel something other than this pain and darkness that's slowly creeping up into my soul.

I've been walking for some time now and I'm not calm, not one bit. I'm angry. So angry, I forget about my wounds and start to run full speed as much as my injured leg and broken body could carry me.

Coming to a halt, I discover a clearing, giving the perfect view of the night sky. I lay down on the soft, green, grass exhausted. Closing my eyes, in just a flash behind my closed eyelids, I witness myself getting shot. The image of Steven smirking happily, as I go down.

Bolting upwards, it felt so real, my hands going to my stomach on reflex. Getting completely angry all over again, I cried out in agony.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I screamed at nothing in particular.

Baring my claws and canines, I levitate. "WHY AM I ALIVE?! WHY ME?!? WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE OF MY KIND?!" I lash out.

Things start to levitate all around me, which includes rocks, and fallen leaves. The sky becomes so dark, it's like a storm. Thunder can be heard in the distance, but is it? I can't tell.

"ANCESTORS ANSWER ME! GODDESS ANSWER ME!" I growl, but there's no answer.

Only the shifting wind replied to me.

Landing back on the ground sobbing so hard, I started hiccuping—an idea popping up in my head. Wait, I can end all of this, yes that's it. No one has to die protecting me, all of this bloodshed and shame can end with me.

Getting on my knees, I extended three of my claws, placing them at my throat. Slicing my once precious and tan skin, I sink into the flesh deeper, and deeper—the warm comforting blood oozes on my hand—trickling down my neck—soaking its way through my clothes.

Laying back down, the pain in my chest becomes numb. My racing, wild thoughts are now tamed, covering my body with a blanket of profound peace.

I can feel myself drifting away into nothingness, I've never felt this calm before.

Then it happens, just as I'm about to give up on this pitiful life, closing my eyes. A strike of lightning illuminates the sky so bright, letting me see just how lush and beautifully green the trees are. Much like Tyler's eyes, I thought just before succumbing to darkness.


"Destiny," a melodic voice kept saying, but I ignore it wanting to sleep a little longer.

"Destiny," a much deeper voice calls out. This time, I do flutter my eyes open.

Oddly enough, I don't feel any form of pain or anger. I feel at harmony, true peace. Standing up to look at my surrounding, the first thing I notice—I'm in a different world. When I say a different world, I mean magical.

Sandylight flowers surround the entire forest, their lovely crystal petals sparkle like diamonds. It's said that they represent light, picking just a single petal grant you peace and tranquility.

Wait a minute, I've only seen this type of flower once before, in one of grandma Sara's books.

Goddess, I'm dead. I thought.

"Guess again pup," a familiar voice much like dads’ says amusingly. Whipping my head around quickly. way.

"Grandpa?" I croaked out making him laugh.

"That's right pup," he replied. I don't care if I’m crazy or not. I leaped up hugging him —one he returns rather protectively. "Welcome to the spirit realm pup," he says.

Spirit realm?

"Spirit realm, but how?" I ask baffled, aren't I dead? I wonder.

"You're not dead,” Grandpa answered. “But, you are currently in between life and death," he explains. "What you choose at the end of this path, however, will set your future along with your current present," he added.

"Come, let me take you to some people who've been dying to meet you in person." He says mysteriously.

Walking along a makeshift, stone path, I watch as a handful of wolves runs around free, playing with each other. While the rest of them just laid around looking relaxed and content.

The further we walked, the more wolves, along with other mythical creatures I see—such as Griffins, Fairies, and dear goddess—even a Centaur. Damn, what I'd do to pet one of them.

“Don't even think about it pup, they'll stomp on you without a second thought if you touch them,” Grandpa warned. “Come on, let's keep moving,” he advised.

Passing a few more wolves, they bow their heads in submission not to my grandfather, but to me which left me astonished—almost crashing stumbling as I followed my grandfather.

Coming upon a watery path, it's lined with medium-sized boulders at each side. Further down the stream stands something looking much like a cottage. "Lovely," I whisper.

"Come on pup, let's keep moving." My grandfather says while stripping, and there stood his mark which I have.

Shifting into his enormous silver wolf, grandfather trots off into the river, signaling me to hop on his back—taking off the moment I get on. Damn! He's quick and extremely gorgeous. How much I wish to taste an ounce of that freedom, to run with the wind in my fur.

Coming to a stop, he shrugs, wanting me to get off in the water. Is he nuts? The current isn't strong, hell there's no current but I don't feel like getting wet one bit. Timidly, I get off, stepping forward. To my surprise, I'm walking on the water, not through it.


Reaching the cottage, the energy I know all too well and will never forget hits me full force. Hurrying, I fly open the door as three women come into view, my eyes only focusing on one in particular.

"My sweet Angel," she says, smiling, with open arms.

I don't hesitate, I run-up to her; wrapping my arms around her tightly as if she'll disappear.

"Mom," I whisper as she embraces me tighter, and the agonizing tears come falling like fireworks on the fourth of July.

"You've been through hell, it's okay." She states, shushing me, rubbing my back.

Composing myself, I stepped out of her embrace. Looking back at the other two women, I smile at one.

"I see you've finally noticed me," my grandmother, Edith says teasingly giving me a warm hug.

The other woman I've never seen before, she's extremely beautiful though. She has multicolored hair, smooth-looking tone skin, and weird tattoo designs all over her neck and exposed arms.

"Hello Destiny, it's great to finally meet a descendant of mine whose worthy of my power, of levitation."

Holy shit, that can only mean one thing.

"I can see the question in your eyes, young one. Yes, my name's Mystic Reese." She stated.

Doing something I've never done before, I get on one knee, bowing my head. "Mother Reese," I greeted. It's the tradition to acknowledge an elder witch as 'Mother'.

"Rise, my descendant, no need to be formal. After all, we're family." She says softly. Her voice is so smooth and comforting, it makes me want to tell her all my thoughts and deepest desires.

But her comment angered me.

“If we're family, why is my life full of so much pain, loneliness, hardship, and suffering?" I snarled, but she wasn't fazed at my outburst. "My existence only brings death and disappointment," I whispered brokenly, pitying myself.

"Destiny, do you believe that?" Mystic says shock. "Walk with us," she commands me—having no choice but to follow.

We're standing at a grassy doorway and I'm wondering, why the hell is we here.

"No need to wonder honey, you'll see shortly." My grandmother assures me.

Can everyone read my thoughts in this place?

"This path is the doorway to every witch this family has produced with their story and their history. " Mystic informs me, striding through the doorway, disappearing.

Without hesitation, I walk forward, following— instead of a grassy pathway. I'm standing in a bizarre cave-like space, with moving images of women and a lonely portrait of a man. Who looks so much like me, it's not funny.

"What kind of place is this?" I ask, completely mesmerized.

"It's our family tree baby girl," Mom answers my question.

Beneath an image of a newborn, the name Destiny Hawthorne is cursively written and my eyes begin to well with tears for an unknown reason. With one touch, we all get sucked into the image, and we're at my school, in the cafeteria.

I watch myself punching Bianca out cold, along with everything that took place at that moment on that day. Why are we here, I've lived this already.

"Patience young one, keep watching," Mystic says amusingly.

"What the fuck are you staring at, dork?!" Watkins screams at a scrawny guy wearing thick-rimmed glasses.

"We're looking at you, getting your ass kicked without physical attacks," the boy responds with a snicker.

Watkins reaches out to punch him, but someone else steps in.

"Leave us alone, you high-powered jerks," the guy says.

"We're done being afraid of you, " another one steps up and announces.

And before you know it. A group of people stands up together, forcing a stunned Watkins to back down.

I never knew that part.

"You see Destiny, your actions here made those boys stood together in unity to confront their bully," Mystic tells me, but I ignore her. She's just trying to make me feel something, I wish not to feel.

A change of scenery brings us to a beautiful, modern, typical two-story home.

"MOM!MOM!" Alexis's chirpy voice screams.

Wait, this is Alexis's home? I’ve never been here before. Simone, her mother—a slender lady, with baby blue eyes, around 5'1—comes running out of the kitchen I'm assuming since flour is on her hands.

"Honey, what's wrong. Why are you screaming?" She asks worriedly.

"Mom, you'll never guess what, " Alexis says with tears in her eyes. "I found my charge," she blurted. Her mother staring at her as if she's crazy.

"Alexis, I know your dream is to be a guardian. But that's not possible, you know this, " her mother replied, exhaling.

"Oh really, then explain this,” Alexis retorts. “Terremoto.” Alexis mumbled, immediately, the house started shaking.

"H-how?" Her mother sputtered in amazement.

"It's my charge mom, she's extremely powerfully but unbalanced. Which is kind of weird," she explains to her mother.

"Powerful and a girl you say, what's her name?" Her mother questions, eyes wide with wonder.

"Destiny Hawthorne," Alexis replied giddily.

Grabbing ahold of her daughter.

"Listen to me Alexis Sonia Steele, you protect her with your life! She comes first, always." Simone says, shaking Alexis frantically.

"Mom, what's wrong?” Alexis asks, frightened by her mother's sudden outburst. “Of course, I know the oath of a guardian. " Alexis retort defensive.

"That's not it, the name Hawthorne is like being a mark for death. That family once dominated the witch world, all that was taken away. But judging from what you just did, I’d say this Hawthorne is one worth giving your life for." Her mother quickly explained.

"Were they that powerful?" Alexis inquired amazed more than anything else. Her mother nods, as both daughter and mother embrace.

“You broke the curse baby, I'm proud of you.” Her mother praised.

So that's why Alexis kept popping up out of nowhere, she knew I was her charge all along. So her appearance isn't random after all.

Nothing is said, we just jumped right into another moment. This moment I already like, even if I haven't seen what's it about. My only focus is on Tyler.

"What's her name?" Tyler snr ask ashe plopped himself in the vacant chair beside his son.

"Huh?" Tyler response rather dumbly making his father chuckle lightly.

"Son, your eyes are almost pitch black and that only happens when your either angry or horny, ” Tyler Snr declared. “I would know, after all, you've got your mother's eyes," he replied cheekily.

"Gross dad, just gross,” my handsome mate reply. “Her name's Destiny by the way, and she's been on my mind 24/7 lately." Tyler Jnr says with a smile.

His father groans making Tyler glance at him with a frown.

"What?" He asks.

"I owe your mother a thousand dollars," his father answer.

"Seriously, you and mom bet on my love life." Tyler retort, astonished.

"Hey, it's your mother, not me. She said that you've been walking around here smiling non-stop, and it has to be because of a woman. Soooo, we made a bet." His dad explained as if it sounds any better.

"I can't believe you guys, especially you dad. You are suppose to be my main wingman," Tyler chuckles.

"Son, when you find the person you see yourself with for an eternity. You'll do everything for them and willing to do anything they say." His father reason.

"She's the one, Dad,” Tyler declares. “She captures my attention without even trying, no one has ever done that. I see myself with her, she's my future. I've never been sure of anything," he says as his father stares at him with proud eyes.

"Well then, you make her yours. I need some grandsons to play with boy." His father muttered with a slight pout, and I snicker.

The scenery changes to a training ground. And it's Luca? but he's so swift and calculating with his moves as I witness him landing a punch to Brandon’s face perfectly.

"That's enough baby bro, " Brandon says. “Your left jab is still a bit weak, but it's getting better.”

“Well, that's something. Never been fast enough with my hands,” Luca replied with a shrug.

"Why not let others know you're not just some defenseless kid?" Brandon asks after some time.

"It's because I have my own identity that way. I'm Luca, the school nerd/freak, who doesn't talk much. Not Alpha Brandon's little brother." He says as Brandon grabs him in an embrace.

"You know, you never have to prove anything to me right? I love you no matter what, you're my kid brother. You may not be strong physically, but what you lack in body. Your mind makes up for it a million times over. " Brandon declared with conviction.

"I love you too Bran, I always will," Luca says.

So, my best friend is a total badass. Good to know.

Moving along, we're in a hospital. More like my hospital room. I see everyone there, and I'm just laying there hooked up to a bunch of machines. Damn, I look so grim with all those bruises.

"Destiny Hawthorne, you wake the fuck up! Your pack needs their Luna! And I need my vixen!" Tyler shakes my sleeping form, as his father grabs him, hugging him tightly as he breaks down in his father's chest.

"She won't wake up dad, I couldn't protect her, " Tyler continues to sob and oddly, I feel his agony.

"It's okay pup, hey look at me. She's going to make it if it's one thing I know—these Hawthorne women are difficult to get rid of. So pull yourself together son, we've got some hunting to do." His father reassured him.

"Yeah bro, let's do this," Brandon walks in and hugs Tyler.

I never knew Tyler was hurting so much, yet I acted like a bitch towards him when I woke up.

The scenery changes yet again, this time the gangs at the Inn.

"You think she'll come back the way she was?" Jenny asks timidly.

"Of course not " Alexis speaks up. "She's going to come back a changed woman, we just have to trust her to change for the better." She concluded.

"I may not know Destiny for long, but she's already changed for the better," Micky says, walking into the room.

"What do you know about her that we don't?" Luca asks.

"All in due time," Mickey responded.


"Why all this, it changes nothing " I declared, looking at Mystic for answers.

"Destiny, these memories are precious moments that were created due to your influential presence. You bring more happiness and acceptance in people's lives more than you think," Mystic says softly. "And now, let's show you why you spared all those people from dying with the Hunter's." She says.

How the hell does she know I spared the majority of that pack before blowing it up to pieces.


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