The Handsome Billionaire Surprises in Form of Two Cute Babies

Chapter 10

 10   He made grandma unconscious 

An uneasy hush fell upon the room as everyone’s gaze fixated on Albert, their expressions showed both bewilderment and discomfort. The disconcerting reaction prompted Albert to second–guess his words, a knot of worry forming in his stomach. 

Melissa’s face reddened with fury, her voice cutting through the tense silence. She jabbed a finger towards the door, her command sharp and unyielding. “Get out of here!” 

In a sudden rush of urgency, Grandma Melissa attempted to speak, her words strained, but her throat betrayed her with an onset of relentless coughs. Concern painted Leslie’s face, mirroring the alarm etched across the twins‘ features as they observed their great–grandmother’s distress. The color drained from Grandma’s face, her pallor signaling an escalating worry. 

“Grandma, are you okay?” Leslie’s voice quivered with anxiety. “You don’t have to talk ma. Flora would be here with the doctor soon” 

The twins, their innocence intermingled with concern, chimed in unison. “Yeah, don’t talk to him! Don’t talk to this bad person. Mom will be back soon!” 

Albert’s expression shifted at the unexpected accusation from the child. His raised eyebrow conveyed both surprise and irritation at being labeled a “bad person” by a young voice who was an illegitimate child of his daughter. The tension in the room thickened as the scene played out in the backdrop of Melissa’s struggle and the children’s protectiveness, creating an unsettling atmosphere. 

With a sudden, swift movement, Albert advanced, seizing Kendra by her collar, elevating her small frame off the ground. Her feet dangled, and a distressed wail escaped her lips.. 

In a blur, Kayden charged forward, attempting to strike Albert. Emily and Brandy swiftly intervened, tugging him away from the escalating confrontation. 

“Let go of my sister, you bad person!” Kayden’s voice quivered with a mix of fear and anger. “You bullied my mom, and now you’re bullying my sister!” His young mind grappled with the situation, resorting to the simplest description of Albert based on his actions. The tension in the room heightened, compounded by the children’s protective instincts and the escalating conflict. 

“I thought a grandfather is supposed to be a loving soul. But you are the exact opposite.” Kayden continued. 

In the chaos, Melissa and Leslie stood frozen, disbelief etched across their faces. The unexpected events had spun the room into chaos, leaving them utterly bewildered. 

Still grappling for breath,grandma urgently tapped Leslie’s hand, her eyes imploring amidst her struggle to speak. With a trembling hand, she gestured towards the distressed children, silently pleading for empathy and understanding. 

“Uncle, please,” Leslie’s voice quivered, her words an earnest plea. “Flora’s fetching the doctor; she’ll be here soon. The children… they’re innocent. They don’t know… The children didn’t do anything wrong. They don’t know who you are. Let them apologize.” 


‘It wasn’t like he cares about granny, why is he faking it this much.‘ Leslie thought. 

Tension filled the air, making every moment feel longer and harder to understand. The children looked scared and confused, their innocence overshadowed by the chaos happening around them. 

The room fell into a tense silence, emotions swirling in a chaotic mix, leaving behind an uneasy sense of uncertainty. Melissa’s silent plea and Leslie’s urgent requests made the situation feel even more serious. They were all dealing with a chaotic moment they hadn’t expected, like trying to find their way through unexplored territory. 

Melissa’s voice boomed, slicing through the tension, “Let her go!” 

“Why should I?” Albert retorted sharply, his tone laced with frustration. “These two have tarnished my family’s reputation and nearly destroyed our ties with the Russells. It’s their fault!” 

Leslie, her voice trembling with urgency, attempted to reason, “Uncle Albert, please understand. They’re just children. They didn’t mean any harm. They didn’t come to this world on their own. Neither did their mother bother you after they were born so just leave them out of your mess!” 

Melissa, her eyes ablaze with determination, persisted, “Release her this instant, Albert. This is no way to handle the situation. She is your granddaughter” 

Kayden, his voice quivering with fear and defiance, spoke up, “Let her go! You’re the bad person here! And I know who you are I know you are my mother’s wicked father” 

The charged atmosphere thickened with each uttered word, tensions escalating, emotions entwined in a web of conflict. The room pulsated with urgency as pleas for reason clashed against adamant accusations, leaving an air of uncertainty and unease lingering in the tumultuous scene. 

Speaking up at last with her voice tinged with disbelief and fear after trying to act tough like she didn’t care, Emily said, “I can’t believe no security came in, even with all this noise in a hospital! They are children after all! Our grandchildren.” 

Leslie, nodding in agreement to her word for the first time ever, added, “It’s crazy. Someone should’ve stepped in by now, especially in a hospital.” 

The tension in the room seemed to amplify as the commotion continued unchecked, their voices. echoing with concern over the lack of intervention in such a tumultuous hospital setting. 

The uproar reached its peak, resonating through the room until an abrupt silence fell like a heavy veil. Melissa, overwhelmed by the loud events, finally succumbed, her body slumping with her eyes rolling back, causing panic to erupt. 

“Grandma!” Leslie’s cry echoed through the room, followed by Kendra and Kayden’s frantic exclamations, “Nana!” 

The sudden collapse sent shockwaves through the room, intensifying the chaos. Gripped by a surge of fear and desperation, Kendra struggled harder against Albert’s grasp. 

“How would you come to visit a sick person and start causing violence?” Leslie said with no hint of 

fear for Albert nor his family anymore. 

Brandy only stood at the same spot staring, v 


“You bad person!” Kendra’s voice trembled with accusation. “Let me go! You made Great–grandma faint! Let me go!” 

Albert, stunned by the unfolding scene, finally noticed Melissa’s unconscious form on the bed. His grip instinctively loosened, and in that moment of realization, Kendra seized the opportunity to break free, scrambling away from the chaotic tangle.. 

Kendra and Kayden shook Melissa’s still form, their voices filled with worry and concern. Leslie’s eyes blazed with fury as she directed her anger towards her uncle. 

“You’re unbelievable! Grandma’s been sick and in the hospital for so long, neither you nor aunt Emily checked up on her even though it was your child that made her sick and now you show up to upset her?” Leslie’s frustration reverberated in the room, her emotions raw and unfiltered. 

Albert stood there, taken aback and utterly bewildered by the sudden outburst. His intention had merely been to impart a lesson to the children, never anticipating that his actions would provoke such intense anger from his mother in law. 

Leslie turned her attention to Emily, her eyes still brimming with anger. 

“You know, Aunt Emily,” Leslie’s voice was edged with frustration, “even though your husband couldn’t care less about Grandma, at least you should. After all, it’s your mother, but to him, she’s just a mother–in–law. And at least you’re a woman; you should act like one!” 

The room fell into an uneasy silence. Aunt Emily, taken aback by Leslie’s pointed remark, seemed caught off guard, her expression a mix of surprise and discomfort. The tension that had been focused on Albert now shifted, directing a piercing gaze at Aunt Emily, inviting her to reflect on her role in the family dynamics. 

“Find a doctor, now!” Leslie commanded, directing her statements towards brandy and her words cutting through the charged atmosphere. 

In that very moment, the door burst open, revealing Flora entering with an unmistakable icy glare. Ignoring Albert completely, she hastened to Melissa’s side, conducting a thorough examination with a sense of urgency. 

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