The Green Grass Fox

Chapter Chapter Twenty One

Farther down south from The Fire Lands were The Forgotten Lands. It earned the name when everyone there had left to escape a famine. The only ones there were Dracon, an evil sorcerer, who had taught Morgon, and his one hundred Zurons, creatures that looked like humans but had bull horns on their heads.

Up in Dracon’s tower, Morgon was with Dracon at a table. “The Fire Prince wishes for your army to join his forces.” Morgon told Dracon.

Dracon smiled. “So the prophecy child is real. And after all these years, she’s finally shown herself.” He told himself.

Morgon looked at him incredulously. “You know about the child?” She asked him.

“I have my way of knowing things.” Dracon answered, motioning to a crystal orb. Morgon knew it was the all-seeing eye, an orb that showed anyone anything they wanted to see.

Dracon got up from the table to the balcony. “Garzul!” He shouted.

A Zuron entered the room. “Yes master?” He asked.

Dracon turned to him. “Have your soldiers began the under ground lair.” He told Garzul. Garzul bowed and left.

Morgon looked at Dracon. “I thought you had decided to leave, come to think of it.” She said to him. That was what Dracon had been planning the last time she had seen him.

Dracon smiled. “I would, only I found out the ground is really good for creating Zurons, and there is enough metal for weapons.” He told her. He then sat down again. “Tell The Fire Prince that I’ll be sending my armies to him.”

Morgon smiled, which was very rare. “Good. I’ll tell him that.” She said, and then she left.

After Morgon left, Dracon went to his balcony again. He saw his soldiers going to the mines. “Get more metal and Zurons from the ground!” He bellowed down to them.

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