The Great Core's Paradox

Chapter 21: Venomous Retribution

I slithered slowly towards the overturned Aridae, savoring the moment. It twitched and turned, in much the same way that I had in my previous life. It was helpless, similar to how I had been. It would die, just as I had.

Yet, unlike me, it would stay dead.

It was a delicious thought.

My fangs sunk into its flesh. The last dregs of my slow-venom seeped out, running through the hollows in my fangs. Blood filled my mouth.

That, too, was delicious.

I pulled back, taking a moment to give thanks to the Great Core for its trust.

And then I struck. Over and over and again and again and again and again and again

“Is that...normal?”

And again and again and again until the image of crimson threads was ripped from my mind, replaced with the picture of a bloody, defenseless, ruined Aridae.

The thought-light flickered.

Experience Gained! Reduced Due To Assistance Received.

Level Up x2!

2 Trait Points Gained.

Gained Minor Title.

Minor Title: [Venomous Retribution]

Description: By wiping out the last remnants of a dying species through rampant use of their own venom, your body has mutated. Blooded Trait: [Poisonous Blood I] Acquired.

Once again, the Great Core changed me, rewarding me for my faith. My blood shifted and warped, the life-giving liquid taking on a strange and viscous texture as it continued to leak from the rare few wounds that remained on my scale-flesh. The flowing liquid transformed, mutating into a deep black that brought to mind the ebony of the Aridae’s eyes.

It was a fitting reward, I thought, hissing gleefully. A reminder of the victory that I had achieved for the Great Core.

“Did the snake’s blood just change color?” One of the male Coreless, a solid hunk of ore-flesh strapped to his back, made noises of surprise and wonder. He was overwhelmed by the might of the Great Core, as was only natural.

Needle made noises back. “It...did.”

I ignored their strange hisses, focusing instead on the thought-light.

Available Trait Points: 4

Use Trait Points To Upgrade A Trait?

The Great Core had gifted me with this new ability for a reason, I was sure - and, this time, I could understand that reason easily. My battle with the Aridae had proven my point of vulnerability: once my venom sacs ran out, fighting became extremely difficult. My fangs were crafted by the Great Core’s genius, allowing them to flood its enemies with deadly venom - and now debilitating slow-venom, as well. Yet, doing more could be difficult.contemporary romance

I had not been created with the form of many of the bad-things, with sharp claws and jagged fangs built for ripping and tearing. Enhancing my newfound slow-venom had allowed me to pretend for a moment, tearing away at the vulnerable flesh of Aridae who could not move enough to fight back, but that was it.

If my venom had run out entirely, I would have been helpless.


A failure.

Back to the beginning.

[Poisonous Blood] gave me an opportunity to change that, as painful as it might be. It was something that I would never run out of - not until I failed entirely. More than that, it was something that I could replenish more easily than my venom sacs. [The Snake That Eats Its Own Tail] would allow me to heal from any injury with enough time, meaning that I would never be without some form of weapon against the bad-things that roamed the World Dungeon.

Just as I was now, with my venom sacs entirely depleted.

I focused again, willing myself to change.

3 Trait Points Required For Upgrade Of [Poisonous Blood I] To [Poisonous Blood III].

Upgrade Successful.

My blood transformed again, thickening further, growing even more deadly. I basked in the sensation, feeling a slight warmth as it trickled against my scale-flesh.

With that done, I spared a glance towards the gathered Coreless: Needle, the two former blasphemers, and the unknown male. They stood with uncertainty, waiting for my pronouncement of the Great Core’s judgement.

I hissed. They made noises. I hissed again. They did not understand, foolish giants that they were.

So I found another way to communicate.

Slithering along the stone with a body freed from slow-venom by its transformation, I approached the female blasphemer. Though the slow-venom was gone, I had to fight the urge to fall asleep, my mind and body unbearably tired. As I slowly moved closer, she dropped to the ground, holding a single hand out.

“Valera, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You realize he’s still a monster, right?”

“Oh, relax. Look at how small he is! He couldn’t hurt a fly.”

“...You just saw the same thing that I did, right?”

“Oh, hush. It’s fine.” She moved her other hand in the air, and the other Coreless stopped making noises. “Hey, little cutie. It’s okay, it’s okay,” she hissed quietly, once again failing to make the sounds properly. I hissed back, giving a proper demonstration. “Guys, I think he likes me!” she hissed again, and failed again.

I coiled around her outstretched hand, rubbing my scale-flesh against it. More importantly, rubbing the remnants of my now-poisonous blood from my scales in a series of winding turns. With that done, I returned to the ground, moving towards Needle instead.

“Aw, don’t go!” She made a noise. A few moments later, she made more. “Urgh, I don’t feel so good, guys.”

At the same time, I had climbed up Needle’s giant limbs, eventually coiling myself at the crook of her arm and shoulder. She stared at me. I stared back, lightly licking her face in a sign of acceptance and to show my favor. I hoped that it would encourage better offerings from the other Coreless, whom I had spurned. She moved her shoulders up and down, making a noise.

“I think he likes me better, Valera.”

I turned my head as the other female sat down with an uncomfortable expression, holding a hand to her stomach. The blood was having an effect, then. Hopefully she would understand the message and present a better offering next time. Eventually, she made a face and ran towards the mana-water, emptying her stomach before rinsing her arm of the poison and making noises at the other Coreless.

“Oh, that did not feel good. I think there’s something wrong with his blood, Kala. Are you feeling okay?”

Needle moved her shoulders again. I hissed lightly. “All the blood got wiped off on you already.”

The other Coreless made strange, repeating noises in response, holding their hands to their own stomachs. Did they understand the message, too?

“Ha! He really doesn’t like you, Valera. Tough luck. Maybe you can get another monster as a pet that likes you better.”

“He just needs to warm up to me, you’ll see!” The female-who-was-not-Needle made another noise, reaching out to touch my head-scales.

I hissed again, baring my teeth and making her pull back. She still had a long way to go before redeeming herself - not to mention the male Coreless, who hadn’t even tried to make an offering yet to appease the Great Core. I turned my head, hissing at him too. He ignored it. I would have to keep an eye on him.

With that accomplished, I settled my head down on Needle’s shoulder, allowing my vision to fade. The weariness of the long battle was hitting me in full, filling my scale-flesh with a deep fatigue that threatened to steal me away. While I would normally have tried to hide away, I was far too tired to move. Instead, I let my mind drift away, trusting that the Great Core’s newest disciple - and more importantly, the Great Core itself - would keep me safe while I slept.

I dreamt of unending battle and dying Aridae, and of innumerable Coreless bowing before the Great Core.

It was a very peaceful slumber.

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