The Girl with the Fire Heart

Chapter 21

The journey to the tanzanite kingdom is usually a three day journey that requires a minimum of two stops for resting and three other stops for meals along the way. The journey for Damon and Valentina takes them two days with one stop for resting and two stops for meals along the way. They arrive a day earlier than anticipated which means they arrive in perfect timing to attend the Celebratory Ball, the first of many for the weekend.

Valentina spends the whole of the two day journey thinking through every possible scenario all while summoning the fire to her hands and learning to call to her element in a contained environment. She spends her time talking with her a chaperone, a young girl with a crystal heart, hoping to find an ally in her through the weekend.

Damon spends the whole of the two day journey playing cards with his chaperone, silently deciding he won’t get rid of his chaperone after all. He's used to ditching his chaperones the first chance he gets but this young man seems like someone he might actually get along with for more than a day. Damon also spends his time sleeping and planning his proposal to Valentina refusing to waste any more time with her not as his wife.

They finally arrive at Damon's family's country home. Damon hops out of the carriage, his chaperone in tow, and makes his way over to Valentina who is looking up at the massive home in awe.

From where she is standing, she sees that the whole building has four floors, including, according to Damon, the cellar. The front of the brick house is covered in moss and vines that line the edges of the house. The front windows jut out just a little ways from the house, extending from the door to each corner of the house on either side. They walk up to the door and Valentina sees a brass door knocker in the middle of the door.

Damon bangs the door knocker a few times before they hear the sound of footsteps coming. Seconds later, the heavy wooden door swings open to reveal a strong, well built man dressed in a black suit with a small knot of a tie tucked into his vest. He has a round face with a large nose and eyes blacker than his suit.

Those very eyes trace the frame of Valentina, a slight acknowledgment passing through his eyes. The man turns his gaze to Damon and Valentina over to see Damon standing on the tips of his toes like a giddy child. His hands are tucked into the pockets of his trousers and his face is light with mischief and appreciation. He lips are pressed together, rolled inside of his mouth.

The man in the black suit bows slightly before Damon before standing upright again. He locks eyes with Damon once more and gives in to the small smile tugging at his thin lips. The man in the black suit locks his hands behind his back in that oh so formal way.

“Sir,” the man in the black suit says.

“Mr. Brown,” Damon replies.

There is a brief moment of silence, then Damon is the first to step forward and embrace the man. Damon releases the laugh he was holding in, surprising Valentina out of her silent observation.

Damon and the man in the black suit hug for a few more minutes before releasing one another, the man in the black suit resuming his previous position.

“This is Mr. Brown. He was my personal caretaker for a few years after we left our last kingdom and decided to move into the country,” Damon explains to Valentina

Mr. Brown tilts his head at Damon while keeping his eyes on Valentina, allowing Damon to explain who Valentina is. When Mr. Brown hears that Damon has declared himself, his eyes shift back to the young man, surprise etching his features.

“I never thought I would see the day,” Mr. Brown says. He doesn't show it, but Mr. Brown is happy the young man has found someone with whom he desires to spend his life with. Mr. Brown turns his attention to Valentina

“Your element, miss,” Mr. Brown asks.

“Fire, sir,” Valentina replies.

Her revelation stuns Mr. Brown and he takes a step back. He realizes a second too late what he has done, but his mind focuses only on her element as memories from his youth rush to the forefront of his mind.

Damon, sensing a shift in Mr. Brown, makes a move to stand in front of Valentina. He knows her element is shock to most everyone who doesn't know she exists, but he is only just realizing how big of a deal her being here will be. The smallest of doubts creep into his mind and Damon wonders if he should have been more firm with Valentina about her not attending. He pushes the thoughts away, choosing to focus on her being here with him instead.

Mr. Brown bows his head in apology before gesturing into the foyer with his left hand and welcoming in the young couple. He keeps his eyes to the ground as he thinks of a way to rectify the situation. Once the pair make their way inside the home and the chaperones and other staff members have unloaded the carriages, Mr. Brown speaks.

“I apologize, Miss Valentina, for the reaction I had to your element. I knew a man once who’s element was fire and I never thought I would see the day where I would encounter someone who mirrored his,” Mr. Brown says. “In fact, I also knew a young woman who’s element was water and the day I met this young man, I was so very pleased to have met someone who matched her spirit and element in every way. I only hope to get to know you, and I’m sure there will be no doubt that you are like the man I once knew.”

Valentina smiles at the man in the black suit. Cautiously, she walks up to him and places a gentle hand on his arm. She nods her head in reassurance, too afraid of the emotions threatening to break out of her if she speaks and allows him to lead both her and Damon to their respective wings.

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