The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 34

Aiden’s pov
“Yes right there.” I gritted out while pointing at the empty space that once had the desk.
The two men brought in the new desk, struggling underneath its weight.
I rolled my eyes when they placed it too far. I needed it in the middle. How hard can it be to follow d**n instructions!?

“You incompetent fools!” I snarled, having them jumping out of their skin.
They looked over at me in fear. “S-ir we th-ought you s-aid h-ere
One of them stumbled on his words like the dumb fool he was.
“Just place the d**n desk where I told you to place it. Place it right,” I lifted my finger and pointed at the spot again. “Here.”
This was the second new desk in the last two days, or should I say hours?
My secretary did a s**ty job with getting me a very dark walnut-stained desk when I asked for honey maple stain.
I was tempted to fire her but I didn’t feel like interviewing another set of potential secre taries, I had her redeem herself today.
The desk came in a bit late, seeing as it was already noon. But that probably had to do with it being shipped from China.
The workers nodded quickly and finally set the desk exactly where I wanted it.
I don’t bother to thank them, only fixed my tie in frustration, “Get out.” | gritted, not wanting to be in the presence of incompetent
fools any longer.
When they leave, I walked out of my office a few seconds later and made my way to my sec
retary. She’s busy fixing her lipstick while looking at herself in the small mirror she held in her hand.
When she hears me approaching, she’s quick to push the lipstick and mirror into her opened purse. She looks at me nervously
while brushing her palms down her shirt.
“Mr. Xavier. Do you like the new desk

“Give me the paperwork I told Cindy to print out. I’m going to hand them to the CFO.” | stretched out my hand for her to hand me
the file.
Cindy was my personal assistant but wasn’t here today due to her feeling unwell.
Noel passes the file to me quickly. “Sir I can go with you if you want
I glared at her. “I’m not a child. I think I can speak to Beckham on my own.”
Usually, Cindy was always beside me during important meetings and etc just to write down notes and help me if needed.
Tdidn’t need Noel to fill her shoes. Especially when she couldn’t stop staring at me like she wanted to go on her knees and beg
me to let her suck my c**k.
Noel’s face turned bright red. I walked away from her and entered the elevator. I pressed the 34th floor where Bernard Beckham
had his office.
When the elevator doors ding open, I feel the breath leave my very lungs.
There stood a woman clad in a very tight brown leather skirt and white blouse. Her hair was blonde and she had it in a very tight
My eyes fall to her bottom again and my c**k shifts in my pants.

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