The Gamer's System

Chapter 251: Turning Tides

While Zeke was busy placing the finishing touches on his preparations, Vask and Quinn were already closing in on Pier. In fact, they appeared just outside the forest where the god of mischief and deceit resided. With Vask opening another dimensional rift that allowed him to get there in a matter of seconds.

"Are you sure that he's here?" Quinn moved out of the [Dimensional Rift], stepping on solid ground. 

"Well we've checked every area on the other continents already. All that's left is Rak'shan and, what better place for a god such as himself to hide than an area where he himself could not be lost." Vask said in reply, feeling really confident with his choice.

"Okay but how do we navigate through this place? I mean naming it as the [Forest of the Lost] definitely isn't just for show right?" 

"True but, I think the monsters will answer that for me." Vask said in reply as the horned beasts came out of the forest like a gigantic wave.

Quinn didn't even sense them until they've gone out of the woods. He also didn't see them as the mist prevented his vision. 

There were gargoyles on the air. Goblin riders mounted on wolves. Crawling monsters as well as others that flew up in the air. There were also long ranged units which Quinn was sure of because, a volley of projectiles came targeting the human.


Quinn dodged while summoning [Chaos Spears] that rained down from the sky. All of the skills which he copied from the elites have been modified even further. Giving Quinn the ability to infuse them with [Chaos Energy] if he so wishes.

"Okay maybe you're right. He's probably in there." Quinn furthered. Barely dodging another set of attacks with two grazes hitting his skin.

"Told ya." Was the short answer of Vask who watched the fight carefully.

Quinn proceeded to taking one of the weapons left by the dead goblin rider. A spear to be exact which he immediately used to perform one strong thrust. Creating a wave of mana in the shape of a dragon that devoured all that was left in its path.

This cleaned out a lot of the monsters but things didn't end there as a more vicious downpour of projectiles immediately followed. Quinn dodged once again of course but in turn, this gave the monsters time to regroup. With reinforcements coming out of the thick fog of the forest in front of him.

"Okay this is definitely a bit tricky." Quinn commented, trying to figure out how to get out of the situation.

"That Zeke fellow could probably handle this quickly." The Monarch thought as he watched Quinn struggle.

Not only did the number of monsters increase but also, the four and five horned monsters added to the bunch. Raising the difficulty even higher.

"Should we switch?" Vask suggested. Ready to wipe out all the enemies immediately.

"You should trust me more you know. I can take out this many by myself." The human replied as he finally began making his move.

The area of the battle itself was not that big. Adding to this. The monsters were careful with their attacks, not wanting their allies to get hit along the way. This excluded the four and five horns who could care nothing less for bottom feeding creatures.

Yet all of this information served as a leverage to Quinn as he used a weaker variation of [Singularity]. Many of the monsters got wiped out in the process with only the stronger ones surviving. 

"Consume." Quinn furthered. Regenerating and recovering his lost [Chaos Energy] by taking in the monsters he has killed.

[Skill Acquired – Ground Spikes]

[Summons Acquired – Stone Gargoyles]

[Skill Acquired – Explosive Slash]

These notifications automatically registered on Quinn's head. He also knew how to use them like they have always been on his arsenal. 

"Ground Spikes!" 

The attack covered the area where his remaining enemies stood. They tried dodging this so Quinn followed up by summoning [Flicker Flies] which served as catalysts for the next move he used.

"Explosive Slash!" The whole area shook as explosions came one after the other. Damaging the remaining monsters while also stunning them long enough for Quinn to use another move.


Nothing was left after this combination. As always, Vask was impressed with the level of skill displayed by the human who recognized his own strength.

"These guys are getting weaker and weaker." Quinn commented, consuming the defeated creatures and gaining even more skills as well as attribute points.contemporary romance

"They're not getting weaker. You're just outgrowing them."

"It surely doesn't feel like it." Quinn said in reply, knowing that he was still nowhere near the level of both Vask and Zeke.

"Well it's purely up to you if you'd believe me or not. I'm not one to be generous with my words after all. In fact, I'm adding the fact that you used up too much [Chaos Energy] in that fight."

"You think I can't feel that firsthand?" Quinn said as the tips of his fingers were numb and his whole body felt like it was drained of its energy.

"It's difficult to naturally get accustomed to [Chaos Energy] and yet you kept on flushing out and taking in vast amounts." Vask commented. Knowing that he needed to swap with the human in order to prevent Quinn's body from completely getting destroyed.

"We'll swap. There would surely be monsters waiting for us inside and I'd be able to deal with them quicker…Oh and I won't be taking no for an answer mind you."

The swap began immediately. Markings of the [Monarch] appeared all over Quinn's body and, in a matter of seconds, it was an entirely different person standing in front of the forest.

"Let's make this quick since I have places to be." Vask began regulating all of the [Chaos Energy] taken in by Quinn, all while entering the forest which gave him a warm welcome. Literally.

Flames covered his path and everywhere he looked there was nothing but burning trees and plants surrounding him. The crackling produced, the burnt scent of plants, the heat and the smoke all felt real. But Vask was no fool to take it as such.

The Monarch snapped his fingers and, in an instant, space was removed in the whole area. Sucking up the mist and the distorting spell along with it.

"I've faced a trickier Monarch mind you and he isn't even awake in that body of yours." Vask mentioned as he finally saw the monsters which got him surrounded.

Just like with Quinn, they tried damaging the Monarch. But Vask didn't even need to dodge. He stood where he was as he began preparing his spell. Taking into consideration the total number of monsters and the reinforcement that may come afterwards.

"You aren't planning on destroying the whole forest are you?" Quinn asked in a worried tone.

"Don't be silly. I'm not a brute." The Monarch snapped his finger once again and, this time, what was removed was the space in the middle of the bodies of all the monsters. Even without a [Minimap] assisting them, Vask knew that he successfully took out all of the monsters nearby.

"I thought we were supposed to be reserving power until we come face to face with Pier?" Quinn asked, knowing that the move took away a lot of [Chaos Energy] from Vask.

"I did but you see, this place is also overflowing with [Energy] so there's no need to worry." Vask furthered, replenishing rapidly from the single strike that he did.

There was no stopping the Monarch. He flawlessly destroyed the illusions and the monsters that came with it. He took down every obstacle and dissolved every chunk of mist. He was getting close. He felt it. The energy of the Monarch sleeping within Pier's body told Vask where he needed to go.

Sooner of later they would collide. Vask was eager for this as it was his sole mission to rid of the traitor among the [Monarchs] for good. The will of all the [Monarchs] that have passed on were on his hands and, he didn't plan to sully their name.

But more than anything else, Pier was also aware of this. Within the safety and security of his base, the God of Mischief and Deceit was actually preparing to face the said Monarch. There was no rush nor fear on the face of the said god because, he had an ace up his sleeve after all – a being which entered the room at that moment.

"Master, you called for me?" Pier observed the elf from head to toe. He was finally in perfect condition. Well enough to go out into the field and fulfill his sole function.

"Glade there is an unexpected visitor outside." Pier commented, looking at the screen which Glade also directed his eyes to.

"Should I take care of him master?" The elf suggested in a calm and unbothered tone.

"Yes. Please make sure that he receives proper treatment." 


"Oh and, don't take too long. We still have that gamer kid to take care of today."

"Yes master." Was all that Glade said as he finally left the base.

All of the pieces were finally in place. Things didn't go exactly as Pier wanted them to but, the tides of battle were still in his favor. And as he looked at the screen for the last time, there was nothing but victory written all over the god's face as he said:


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