The Gamer's System

Chapter 242: Face Off

While Zeke was busy destroying all of the enemies, Sylph and Allesiah also had their hands full from the heroes who seemed to have a never-ending number of questions. 

"What exactly is going on? What was that explosion earlier?" An axe user said. 

"Who are you working with?" Another one inquired.

Of course the Windsprites were expert in dealing with people. They were once part of the noble household after all. Meaning, they received training even on things such as this. However, the sheer number of questions flooding over them was just beyond what any of their training has ever prepared them for.

"Is this some kind of trap?"

"Yeah how do we even know that we can trust you? You seem to have come at a pretty convenient time don't you think?"

As time went by, the questions were beginning to raise more and more doubts about the Windsprites. In the first place, the only reason why the heroes believed was because of the elites. Yet even then, they didn't trust that a quick fix solution could be provided to an enemy that they themselves couldn't figure out. 

Yet Zeke dealt with this in not less than a minute, beating the five-minute allotment that these heroes gave.

"Did we not solve the problem? What are you even sounding suspicious about?" Sylph said, almost at the point of snapping.

"That's just the whole darn point! Some enemies would make you believe that they are allies in order to sabotage things from the inside out." Another hero commented.

"Whoah. Whoah. WHOOOAH! Don't you think that's going a bit out of line mister?" The heroes have done it. Sylph was finally angry and so, Allesiah took over. Telling her sister to step aside as Sylph decided to telepathically communicate.

"Hey did these guys rehearse? Why isn't there even any lag on the continuation of their questions?" Sylph asked, using [Voice Chat] and speaking through her mind. 

"I think that's just the normal response of these humans to such a situation sister." Allesiah answered. Smiling at the heroes as she tried settling them down first.

"Well we've got a reference and he's nothing like these guys are. What a bunch of whiners." Sylph furthered, giving them a stern gaze. Like he wanted to use them for target practice.

"If you guys could just calm down for one second, I'd be able to explain everything properly." Allesiah finally said. With a smile on her face as she tried to remain calm.

"Why should we listen to a bunch of elves? Do you think you are above the heroes who saved multiple worlds?" One of them proudly claimed.

"No. Of course we don't. That's why I'm asking nicely madam." Allesiah furthered. Still sounding polite despite the crude words offered by the heroes.

"Screw it! Your master must be one heck of a loser for not facing us." It was at this moment that they knew…they fucked up.

This comment struck Sylph immediately. She knew what would happen if such a provocation was made and, in fact, things were already beginning. They have roused the anger of Allesiah.

"You should've just listened when my sister was still asking nicely." Sylph commented, with Allesiah slowly freezing the air around them while also thinning it out; making it difficult for the heroes to breathe.

"That's actually a good question. Why should you listen to an elf right?" Allesiah furthered. Masterfully continuing the spell which even the heroes could not see. 

"I mean. I must be an elf must be nothing but a background character on your worlds, right?" Allesiah furthered as she poured out all of her mana all at once.

"Now you've done it." Sylph thought to herself. Smiling as she saw the heroes suffering in fear, dizziness, and lack of air combined.

Indeed they were individuals who saved worlds. All of them have in fact. However, none of the worlds which they saved was on the same level of difficulty as Mythos. This is proven by the fact that; Zeke was even facing a god as his main opponent this time around.

Due to this, all of the gamer's allies have been trained to an extent that, they would at least last a couple of rounds against the god of mischief and deceit. And on that moment, Allesiah was displaying this same level of power. One which went beyond any of the demon lords faced by the heroes.

"I'm known to be the calmer one from us sisters so, if you just do as I say, then we can resolve everything in much more peaceful manner." 

"And I guess you need to know your place before we continue…" Allesiah increased the gravity as she ordered:


The heroes dropped to their knees faster than one could blink. This didn't take much effort as their legs were already shaky from the fear they were instinctively feeling. 

"Let me get this straight. We are helping you because our leader told us to. If I were to decide, I'd let those [Chaos Plants] kill you. But you see, unlike you who want to horde all the fame and glory to yourselves, we just want to save this world. So zip those mouths of yours before I decide to personally do so myself."

Allesiah then took back all of the mana. With the heroes beginning to breathe properly once again. Sylph was getting teary eyed at the scene. Seeing herself in the actions taken by her sister. Yet just as quickly as Allesiah showed her frightening side, she instantly returned to her clam demeanor.

"Okay, let's continue, shall we?" She suggested. This time, getting the approval of the heroes.

…contemporary romance

While the Windsprites and the elites were busy organizing all of this, Zeke was just about finished with all of the areas that needed to be cleared. In fact, he was already on the last area. Stabbing the last enemy with the [Blood King's Halberd] and clearing half of the conditions for the mission.

"Man that was such a rush." Zeke thought to himself, looking at the timer which only had [00:48:56] minutes remaining. 

"This is more than enough time for the other conditions to be cleared." Zeke thought to himself, opening the [Voice Chat] and making the necessary calls.

"Kaguya. How is the absorption of the [Chaos Energy] going?"

"We've finished with half of the continent already Mister Zeke." She casually said; like this was a feat that could normally be done by normal citizens. When in fact, it was only due to Zeke's [Teleportation Scrolls] and marked locations that they were able to speed things up to this extent.

"Perfect. Just remember to be careful with enemies that could possibly come. Don't face them because I'm sure that things whatever would come after those plants would be far worse."

"Understood." Zeke was just about to close the [Voice Chat] when Kaguya followed through.

"Oh and, mister Zeke…"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Please forgive us for failing this mission. As the leader of the elites I take full responsibility for this."

"What do you mean?" Zeke said, unsure of the nature of Kaguya's apology.

"You trusted us with taking down the monsters on the said areas yet, we were stopped by mere plants." Kaguya was ready to receive some proper scolding at this point. But instead, all he got was Zeke's laughter; speaking right after.

"Come on now. This isn't such a bad thing. I mean we got Pier to leave some traces of his activities on the continent and, now we know that he is actively tracking us down. Both of which are big steps for the mission."

"Yes but, we still didn't perform that well." Kaguya wanted to be reprimanded no matter what. An eagerness that Zeke didn't find reasonable.

"Nonsense. You did what you could with the limited resources you had."

"Does that mean that there was really no way around the situations?" Allesiah furthered. Finally sounding hopeful.

"Nope. I could've done better myself." At this point Kaguya was ready to apologize once again. Yet Zeke immediately followed through.

"But what I'm saying is, you did your best and that's all that matters right now. I didn't bring you to the fights expecting you to produce miracles. I brought you to give the results based on the statistics and, you did not only deliver but went beyond the numbers on the charts."

Everything that Zeke said was true. These were only facts and, because they were such, the comforted Kaguya even more. 

"Of course the variables could change within the battlefield. The numbers of the opponents may increase. They may even be incompatible with your fighting style. But putting all of that into consideration is my job as the head of these operations. I can't scold you for defeating something you couldn't handle on a single try. That would just be plain stupid of me."

"Thank you mister Zeke." Kaguya said, finally feeling at ease.

"Don't sweat it. Plus, don't be so stiff when you talk to me. I'm not your master. I'm your ally."

"Yes mister Zeke. I understand."

"No you didn't." Zeke thought to himself, hearing the same politeness and stiffness on Kaguya's voice.

"I'll be continuing my mission then." 

"Okay. Keep it up." Zeke simply said, closing the [Voice Chat] as he noticed a presence approaching.

"I was hopping for something to come up but, you're an even bigger catch than I thought." He said, feeling the aura that was similar to what he experienced on the [Memory Piece]. 

"Who are you? And how do you have his form?" The voice said, not sounding like any of the [Monarchs] which Zeke had already encountered. 

"Is that even relevant right now? I mean I should at least reprimand you for running away you know." Zeke tuned around and, sure enough the familiar face was there. The only difference was that. He had the same markings which Sylph reported about. It was Quinn.

"I'm taking cheeky brat back."

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