The Gamer's System

Chapter 226: After the First Run

Zeke's underground base had all sorts of upbeat and vibrant chatter resounding all around it as soon as Zeke returned. He figured that this was caused by the members who already returned which, would be on a room near the teleportation portal. One where they could relax after their missions while delighting themselves in the food provided in that same room.

Zeke figured that this was a need. Well, technically, it was also a want but it inclined more on the need side. After all, everybody deserves to be pampered after a job well done and, Zeke was not going to deprive the elites of this.

"Goodness I didn't expect them to finish this fast." Zeke thought to himself as he walked towards the area to see who was already there.contemporary romance

To the gamer's surprise however, it was not only a few members who were there. In fact, everybody was in the said area, waiting for him. All of them were accounted for and were taking their time enjoying themselves while they told their stories of the fights they needed to go through. 

"I seem to have underestimated them once again." Zeke thought as he finally stepped in.

As soon as he did, a certain level of silence crept all around the room. He knew why of course. They were waiting for him to tell updates on the search for Quinn, one which the gamer claimed that he could accomplish.

"Master Zeke…" Heron immediately approached the gamer to tell him of this but, Zeke raised his hand. Making Heron stop from what she was about to say.

"It's good to see that all of you are safe. We'll have a proper discussion of the updates in a few hours so be sure to get some decent rest until then." The gamer simply said to which everybody gave their approval as Zeke went back to his quarters.

Zeke retired to his bed soon after, closing his eyes and thinking if he should just play the quest rewards right there and then. He could just sleep and let the memory piece play because, time works slower when he is in his subconscious after all. Probably giving him enough time to finish it even before the meeting began. 

"Nah, it may take too long. There's no definite time on these memory pieces after all." Was all that Zeke said as he heard his stomach grumble. Telling him that there were matters that needed to come first before everything that was on the top of his mind. Food.

Hence Zeke got up from his bed, proceeding to the pantry in order to satisfy this basic bodily need. There he saw Morpheus digging in, eating on almost anything he could get his hands on. There were bones scattered everywhere and empty plates stacked up. Peelings of fruits were also all over the place.

"You look hungry." Zeke said which was an understatement on the amount of food that Mory was gobbling in. 

"Daddy!" The creature said as it swallowed the food on its mouth and hugged Zeke. 

The gamer couldn't remember when he began allowing Mory to refer to him as such but, overwriting this was so hard that Zeke simply let it pass. There was no harm to it. After all it was just a word. No more no less.

"You may just use up all of our reserves." Zeke said as he looked at the aftermath of Mory's eating spree. One which didn't seem to be finished quite yet.

"Can't be helped. I'm trying to take off the taste of all those creatures on my mouth." The [Chimera Morpher] simply said as the gamer figured how the lives of the opposing monsters ended. He then took Mory's hold off his body as he proceeded to getting some food himself.

"So what did you encounter on that place exactly? Was it any difficult for you?" 

"Nah. There was nothing about it that was troublesome. Well it was at first at least but then my body began adapting to it again and I got some pretty neat new skills and body modifications."

"Ohhh can you show me?" Zeke asked in wonder.

Mory began by showing of the scales which Zeke saw on Drakhal. Aside from this he also saw how Mory could even raise horns on his forehead identical to those of the [Chaos Monsters]. These weren't mere decorations as Zeke felt Mory's power go even higher.

This made Zeke think of the current predicament. How Morpheus seemed to be a wild card that he could use in order to shift things to his favor. Hence Zeke prodded further, thinking about this and all the possible applications to Morpheus' skills.

"How many of those could you raise exactly?" Zeke asked, pointing to the horns of his head.

"Oh this? Uhmmm… I could get at least three for now." Morpheus said who immediately did so. Adding two small horns on the sides of one big horn in the middle.

With this, Zeke felt the power of the creature rise even more. It was only three horns but Zeke could estimate that Morpheus was on a level that would allow him to square off evenly against Drakhal.

"I think I could get as much as those five horned guys. But I need to eat more of them for that. Plus. Those [Chaos Crystals] don't get full because of this so I also held back on eating them." Morpheus said, remembering Zeke's order of placing the [Chaos Energy] within the [Empty Chaos Crystal].

"I see. Can you stay still for a while, I'll just perform a quick check on your body." Zeke decided to get accurate information through [Analysis]. One which he immediately ran.

[Name: Morpheus]

[Species: Chimera]

[Specification: Morpher]

[Additional Specification: Chaos Horned Beast]

[Rank: SS+]

[Information: Due to the nature of the class of the beats, it could adapt even to entities that do not exist within Mythos. This includes the "Chaos Monster" which the chimera has devoured.]

[Information: Due to the nature of the creature, it could successfully incorporate the [Chaos] element within its body without suffering from the backlash. This is to a certain threshold which needs to be kept in check before the creature goes berserk.]

[Amount of Chaos Energy to be converted: 5,000/10,000]

[Duration: 1:54:36]

"What do you see?" Mory asked as Zeke had smile creep on his face.

"Well there's a lot of details here but, basically you're one strong kid Mory." Zeke said in reply as he patted the head of the Chimera.

"You need to eat as many as you can on the next area I deploy you to. That'd be your goal okay?" Zeke reminded the creature whose eyes seemed to shine with the instruction.

"You really mean it? So I don't need to hold back."

"Of course not! You can take as much as you want and I won't have any troubles with that. Now let's both eat because the meeting will begin soon."

With this the two continued to gobble down the food which they had. Zeke in particular ate a lot because, all the thinking he has done up to that point has made his body hungry. Then, he felt a presence outside the door. One which he was quite familiar with.

"Mory why don't you go help Heron in preparing the meeting hall?" 

"Uhmm okay I guess. I'm done with eating anyway." Mory simply said, leaving all the dirty dishes on the sink and pilling all the mess scattered on the floor to one aarea.

"Make sure to clean this all up later okay?"

"Yes daddy!" Mory simply said as the creature hop - skipped out of the pantry. Leaving Zeke alone which his next visitor seemed to want.

"You can come out now Allesiah." As soon as the gamer uttered these words, Allesiah entered the room.

He knew that, the elf wouldn't want to be left alone with him if it wasn't important. Thus his reason for sending off Morpheus right away. 

"You didn't need to send him off you know." Allesiah suggested which made Zek raise one of his eyebrows.

"Come on now. I know you better than that, the least you could do is be honest about it." Zeke simply said, getting a smile on the elf's face. The gamer then immediately followed up.

"So what's up?" 

"Well remember the last mission we went to? I kinda developed another skill while we were at it." Allesiah didn't go into details anymore. She knew that Zeke's [Analyze] would be able to work its magic on her [Sight] abilities so, she simply activated it.

A kind of heterochromia which made Allesiah's pupils have different colors. And with this differentiation came [Chaos Sight] and [Mana Sight] being activated at the same time. With Allesiah's left eye glowing a light blue color. While her other eye had nothing but darkness on it.

There was nothing but surprise on Zeke's face as he looked at it. In fact the gamer stood up and held Allesiah's cheek. With his own face getting closer. As if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"This is so beautiful." Allesiah knew that the words were directed to her skill. She was certain about this. Yet, she couldn't help but blush as Zeke was intently focused on gazing at her.


"Don't move." Zeke commanded. Making the elf clench both her fists as she tried her best to fight the butterflies on her stomach.

The magic left as swiftly as it arrived. With Zeke sitting back down as did Allesiah who seemed to lose all feeling on her legs. 

"Okay. Start explaining." With this, the two began the discussion. Giving the gamer more information on the possibilities of upgrades that could come in the future.

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