The Gamer's System

Chapter 212: Samael Vs. The Elites

Kaguya wasn't able to disable Samael for long. In fact it took only minutes for Samael to overpower the elite. The creature let go of its hold of [Oblivion] and activated [Grand Chariot]. Kaguya didn't know that Samael had such a skill however so, as she closed the skill, she thought that it was all over.

Yet the same chilling sensation came back, telling Kaguya that the fight was far from done. Samael's hand came out of nowhere, from a seeming crack in the dimension. The creature then choked Kaguya as it walked out the dimensional crack. Perfectly fine without any sign of getting damaged.

The creature then threw Kaguya who slammed to a nearby tree; breaking it in the process with the elite thankful that she was able to raise a defensive skill just in time for the impact. She then activated [Darkness Veil] placing all the remainder of the mana that was stored in her ring. 

It's the same equipment that Zeke made for her before. There was never any instance for her to actually use it so there was a lot of dark mana within it. Even more than what her own body could store. Hence, Kaguya oozed in power. In fact, she was much stronger than before as the stored mana went beyond what her body could handle.

"You're not going anywhere." She declared; with her opponent finally taking out its sword and raising its shield. 

Kaguya was barely able to dodge as Samael began with a shield bash. She ducked down but realized how flawed the move was as the [Conjure] chained this attack by swinging its sword. The elite wasn't going to let it hit her that easily. Not with all the training she went through at least.

With the quick decision making she developed, Kaguya was able place a [Shadow Bind] on Samael's elbow, slowing down the swing as she placed the same bind on the creature's leg. She then pulled on the latter, moving her body just outside the range of the slash which created a large crack on the ground.

"I knew I couldn't pull you down." She said as the elite got up and away. Placing more binders on Samael to ensure that the [Conjure] wouldn't be able to catch up to her anytime soon.

With the distance created, Kaguya formed a halberd using the overflow of [Dark Mana]. This removed some of the strain on her body as she placed a significant amount of it on the weapon. Another trick which she learned during their training. 

"You're done for." She commented as a fury of strikes soon followed.

Samael didn't take this beating without fighting back. The creature got out of the bind without much effort, something which Kaguya already anticipated. Then, with its target locked on sight, it swung its blade again. This time empowered by the same slash skill it used on the elites before. The only difference was that it was smaller.

Kaguya dodged by slamming her halberd to the ground, raising her up even more. She then followed quickly by a series of thrusts which rained down on Samael. The [Conjure] could do nothing at that point but to raise its shield as the attack was too quick to even evade.

Kaguya then followed up by condensing the dark mana on the tip of her weapon. This halted the series of trusts and enabled Samael to move once again. However, Kaguya still had some spare mana left so she used it up in creating more [Shadow Binders]. Forcing Samael to stay in place for another couple of seconds. Enough time for Kaguya to finish charging her skill as she casted:

"Oblivion's Wrath!" It was a made-up skill. After all she couldn't use two darkness skills at the same time anymore. Hence everything she executed only stripped portions of mana away from her [Darkness Veil].

The attack created a large explosion one which assured Kaguya that some damage was at least made. Smoke rose and covered the whole area, with Kaguya nearing exhaustion as even her reserves was running low. 

This was when horror truly struck her as, Samael came out of the attack with [50%] of its health still intact. It was a decent damage of course but it wasn't enough. Especially with all the mana that was poured on the attack.

With this being said, Kaguya focused whatever mana she had left on one thing, restraining Samael as she waited for backup. The creature was already weakened so the binders were able to hold it for much longer. 

Samael tried getting away from her many times over. Beating up Kaguya. Slamming her to the ground. Throwing her body crashing to more trees. Yet Kaguya would activate [Shadow Bind] over and over again. As if an [NPC] who couldn't be hurt and had a single function it played on repeat.

Kaguya didn't even notice the length of time passing by. There were times when she momentarily blacked out, only to activate the skill yet again just to stop Samael. She struggled much and in the last moments of her conscious state, she heard a familiar voice call out to her.

"Kaguya!" Lizzie shouted as Zane immediately released the last of his mana to create a smaller version of the freezing spell he used. This wasn't as powerful as before but it bought them enough time to retrieve Kaguya who was only conscious due to sheer willpower.contemporary romance

"W-what took you so long?" She asked, smiling as their presence meant that every other opponent was already defeated.

Amare bit her lips at the sight of Kaguya. It was her decisions that led their leader to be in that state yet, she also knew that there was no other choice. In order to win, they needed to leave the strongest [Conjure] for last and thus, with those that were still able to move, the elites finally battled Samael.

Explosions greeted the creature as it escaped the ice enclosure. From the moment they began, Amare could see that their enemy was weakened. She didn't let this opportunity pass them by as the rapid succession of attacks followed.

Through Samael's [Grand Chariot] he would've been able to escape it and place the elites in its pocket dimension. Yet it could only cast the skill once per day; depleting it when the creature escaped [Oblivion]

"This won't be anything like the last time!" A barrage of bullets greeted Samael. This came from Eerie's last gun core as she switched back to using regular crossbows. 

Next up was Curio who came together with his clones. The assassin made multiple slashes as Merlin charged his final spell, releasing a fury of light blades that continually hit the [Conjure].

Samael tried fighting back but the defenders would hinder its movements with the barriers. Adding to this was the fact that two defenders stood at the frontlines, limiting Samael's movement as more attacks came.

The creature had no choice but to focus on defense at that point just as Amare expected. Hence it was Mirio's turn, dashing to the blind spot of the heavily defending enemy. Although there was a delay, he was able to respond successfully to Mirio. Yet his sword was blocked by both Mordred and Gerard. Enabling Mirio to execute his attack as he punched Samael's shield up. Breaking some of his bones in the process but nevertheless succeeding.

This small opening was not in vain as five arrows coming from Gawain continually hit Samael, pushing the creature back as Jake charged his most powerful single target technique.

"You're done for." He said, releasing the attack that created a shockwave as he threw the spear towards the enemy. The spear pierced through Samael's' body flinging the creature further away from the group.

"We need more distance!" Amare commanded with both Merlin and Gawain exhausting all their mana to cast both a lightning and a wind spell. This sent the [Conjure] flying towards a thick group of trees. With Zeke hearing all the commotion even though there was a fair amount of distance between him and the elites.

Even after such a combination, Samael was still alive. However, this was also part of the masterful planning of Amare. The reason why she focused more on creating distance between them and Samael was because of the spell contained on Jake's spear. Within it was all of Zilg's mana placed on one explosive spell. One which Zilg activated, casting:


A huge explosion came after, destroying the whole area where Samael was. This attack inevitable shredded away every percentage of health which the creature still had left. This was how strong the attack was. In fact, the explosion was so strong even the elites were in a pinch as the light rapidly came towards their location.

"Brace yourselves guys!" Amare began.

"Lizzie place every ounce of enhancement you have left on the barriers. Defenders you know what to do!"

They couldn't run away anymore. Every member was exhausted at that point with most members depleting their mana pool. The only thing they could rely on were the barriers of the defenders. Hoping that it would be enough to shield them from the full impact of the explosion.

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