The Gamer's System

Chapter 201: Chaos System

"That's enough now Allesiah." Zeke said as the skill information finally came up.

"What? Really? So what does it say?" Allesiah said, seemingly forgetting the fact that her eyes were hurting.

"Well for starters we need to heal those eyes of yours so stay put." Zeke said, not getting carried away and using the [Phoenix Flames] to heal her.

"Good job Allesiah. I knew I could count on you." Zeke said, making the elf blush from his kind words.

The truth of the matter was that there were a bunch of notifications that popped up. Zeke decided to [Ignore and Archive] these things for the moment as he needed to deal with Allesiah's skill first. One which he showed her after healing the elf's eyes.

[Skill Name: Chaos Sight]

[Rank: SSS]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Mana Consumption: None]

[Chaos Energy Consumption: 3 per second]

[Information: The skill allows the caster to see Chaos Energy. A higher level of the skill usage will permit the user of the skill to identify the various types of Chaos Energy. At its highest form, the caster may also develop "Chaos Manipulation" allowing the caster to bend Chaos Energy to his or her will.]

"Basically it's like [Mana Sight] with the difference of Chaos energy being the thing I'd see." Allesiah said, being quick on the uptake.

"Yes but there's something here that you should've noticed first."

"The requirement for using the skill?" Allesiah mentioned. 

"Yup. It's not mana but [Chaos Energy]. My analysis is showing one more bar below your mana pool. You can take a look for yourself." With the [Party Function] Zeke was able to share the [Notification Window] containing the information she required.

Zeke also gave her the [Analysis] function. Through this, Allesiah was able to see as the gamer mentioned. A black bar with numbers on it:

[Chaos Energy: 1.000/2,780] 

This was the information it held. One which suggested the amount of [Chaos Energy] which Allesiah made use of.

"How come we've never depleted this before?" she asked in curiosity.

"Well I'm not entirely sure. The details on gaining [Chaos Energy] is still a mystery for me at this point."

"That's a bummer, although the skill may just cancel itself when the [Chaos Energy] is depleted." Allesiah commented.

"Yup but we have a bigger problem other than your capacity to maintain the skill. You can't seem to use both types of [Sight] skills at once." Zeke said, noticing how Allesiah has never tried this before which he thought to be because of the amount of concentration she needs in order to maintain [Chaos Sight].

"Even if you force it to happen, I'm guessing that the strain would be too much at your current level." Zeke furthered.

"Agreed. Just maintaining [Chaos Sight] is difficult enough in itself." Allesiah simply said.

"That's why you need to continue the training I suggested for you. Keep on using it the whole day through and I'm sure that we can make some kind of progress on the skill duration." Zeke furthered with Allesiah leaning her head on his shoulders.

"I'm not going to complain if you'd let me be pampered like this every once in a while." She said; with the gamer smiling at his utter defeat. Even the [Gamer's Mind] said that it was a logical bargain for the things that Zeke asked for since it did no harm for him while it also benefited Allesiah's mental wellbeing.

"Well I might as well give you what you want." He furthered, holding the elf's hand whose ears flushed red from the gesture.


"Calm down. You want to be pampered right?" Zeke said, not knowing how he'd do it exactly as it was a skill which he has yet to develop. Nor does he have any experience on the field.

"O-okay then." Allesiah simply said. Enjoying the moment which began calming her down.

The two of them stayed like that for a while longer. Zeke held her hand as best as he could, tightly enough to not let go but not too lose at the same time. This went on for a couple more minutes without any words being exchanged. Allesiah was satisfied with just this so there was no need for words.

With the duration increasing, Zeke decided that it was time to get back to work. So he nudged Allesiah's head, only to find her sleeping soundly.

"Dear me." He said with a smile on his face. Placing Allesiah's head on his lap, brushing the hair that covered her face as it showed the beautiful elf who seemed to have matured into a fine woman. 

Zeke decided to leave things as they were. Giving Allesiah a bonus for all her efforts as his lap was used as her pillow. With this being done with, Zeke finally moved on to the updates of the [System]; taking them off the [Ignore and Archive] interface. The notifications came up soon after, all being connected to the [Chaos] which Zeke unlocked.

[Information: You have unlocked the basic skills connected to the Chaos faction. The skill tree of Chaos is now opened.]

"So it actually begins with a new skill tree which could be used." Zeke opened the interface right away which had a division made between [Chaos Skills] and [Mana Skills]. He then clicked on the former, revealing the complete set of [Chaos Skills which could be unlocked. He tried clicking one on the middle level of the tree and the information came up immediately.

[Skill unavailable.] 

[The skill which comes before this must be activated first.]

[A certain amount of Chaos Points is required in order to unlock the skill.]

[The gamer's level does not meet the requirement.]

"So it's like a real [Skill Tree] this time around." 

Zeke thought of how time consuming it would be to gain all the skills within the tree. There were at least a hundred there. With some being active and the others being passive. He needed to study the skills this time around because he couldn't risk making mistakes on choosing. After all, he doesn't know if the skill tree could be reset nor is there any information revealed about it.

There were basically three starting skills to choose from. 

[Chaos Slash]

[Chaos Sight]

[Chaos Resistance]

Zeke decided to leave the skills for the moment. There were still a lot of notifications that were on hold and, he couldn't decide without going through all of them.

[Information: You have unlocked the basic items connected to the Chaos faction. The items will be available in the shop.]

This was the next thing that came up. Just like the [Chaos Skills], the newly added items needed a certain currency called [Desderio]. Zeke tried selling one of the [Chaos Shards] on the store and, just as he expected, he got the currency required. Aside from this, some items from his inventory also gave [Desderio] as the payout on the [Sell Preview].

Specifically, it was the items that came from the generals and the counts which had this property. Making Zeke realize that, Glade was already meddling with [Chaos] even before Zeke discovered it.

"Things are finally fitting into place." He said, getting the information on his true enemy bit by bit just from the things which he already obtained. He then moved to the next notification.

[Information: Analysis has upgraded. Everything related to the Chaos faction can now be identified. The skill "Chaos Sight" is not integrated with the System function.]

"I figured as much." Zeke said feeling that something like this has also occurred. Noting the fact that he had already identified some things connected to [Chaos] already. It was only natural that his [Analysis] updated to include this feature.

[Information: Due to the upgrade done to the System, [10%] has been added to the [Ancient Spell] completion].

"My my. Now this is a surprise." Zeke said, not counting on a reward that wasn't in line with the training he performed with Allesiah. The gamer accepted it gladly of course, needing only [20%] in order to claim the ultimate spell he would use.

[Information: You have received a crucial memory fragment. Play the fragment now?]

"No, let's do that later." Zeke mentioned, thinking of the other things that should come after he claimed the rewards.

[Understood.]contemporary romance

There was still one notification left. Zeke wasn't planning to play the [Memory Piece] without having seen everything. 

"The decisions come after this." Zeke declared as if he was speaking to the [System] as he clicked the final notification. One which he was correct in guessing the contents as the [Notification Window] popped up.

[Information: The forging function has upgraded. Chaos Forging is now added to its features.]

[Information: Forging may only occur is there is a Chaos item added to the crafting. The quality of anything crafted will rely on other factors such as the compatibility of materials and the grade of the Chaos item used.]

This was exactly what Zeke was waiting for. Without the said upgrade on his forging, he wouldn't be able to make equipment that would aide Allesiah in using her newfound power. Through the forging upgrade, Zeke can create contact lenses that would lessen the strain while also amplifying Allesiah's ability to see [Chaos Energy]. 

Also, with this Zeke could upgrade [Death's Void] even further. Adding the [Chaos] element which would greatly increase his chances of winning against the new enemies that may come.

Excited as he was, he didn't forget to leave reminders for his team before he began forging. Hence he finally woke Allesiah up who was flustered after realizing what position she was in. Zeke then gave her the instructions which was to be rallied to everyone else. That is, to not disturb him for a few hours as he performed the forging.

"Okay I'll do that right away." Allesiah said in reply as she finally left the room.

Zeke began as soon as the door slammed shut. He made a checklist, putting into account the amount of materials he had and the number of individuals and [Conjures] which needed to benefit from what he was about to do. He looked at the bag of [Chaos Shards] that would be used and this excited him more than anything else. After all, it was a new factor added which allows the number of things he could forge to exponentially increase.

"Let's get started." The gamer said. Not knowing that it was the [Monarchs] which he was preparing for.

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