The Forgotten World 2: Slavery of the Wolves

Chapter The Monster

A tall man with dark hair and dark skin sits alone on the beach. His blood red eyes are fixed on a location in the ocean and in his hand, he holds a fishing rod made from reeds. At his left side is a bucket of bait and on his right side is an ice chest with some silvery fish he caught already.

A young human boy of around 6 years of age arrives and sits by the grown man’s side. This boy has light skin and has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

The fishing man doesn’t notice him at first. He feels a tug on the end of his line and flicks his wrist, pulling in a good sized fish.

“Wow! Good catch!” the boy says, clapping his hands excitedly.

The man with the fish jumps in surprise and grabs up his fish in case the boy is to try and steal it. The boy tilts his head in confusion.

“My fish,” the man declares.

“I wasn’t going to take your fish... I was just saying that your catch was good... I’m not any good at fishing,” the boy says.

“You are human, aren’t you?” the man asks.

The little boy nods and smiles.

“Aren’t you?” the boy then asks.

“Nope. Humans killed my wife,” the man says grumpily.

“Huh...? If you aren’t human, what are you? You don’t have the ears and tail of the Wolf People so you must be human!” the boy insists.

“I am a monster,” the man grumbles.

“You don’t look like one to me!” the boy says, stomping his foot.

“Ah, but I am,” the man says.

“I think you’re cool!” the boy says.

“In my monster form, I eat little boys like you,” the man says, he tries to go back to fishing, but keeps an eye on the human boy.

“You’re just saying that to make me go away!” the boy argues.

“You’re pretty strange,” the man comments.

“What is your name?” the boy asks.

“I am known as The Monster, nothing else. I’ve never been given a name,” the man says. “Your kind just calls me The Monster.”

“Can you teach me how to fish?” the boy asks.

He holds up a flimsy rod made from a twig.

“Is that the best rod you have?” The Monster asks.

“Yep,” the boy says.

“Don’t expect to get anything good, then,” The Monster says.

“One day, I’ll buy a better rod. First, I want to see how fishing is supposed to work,” the boy says.

The Monster holds back a purr. Purring is reserved for prey and a few non-humans. Humans are unworthy of The Monster’s purr.

“The first thing you want to do is attach a bait to the end of your line. For yours I’d suggest a cricket or a small earthworm,” The Monster says.

The boy runs back to the grassy area nearby and digs for a worm. He finds one and returns.

“Tie it around the hook so the fish don’t see the hook,” The Monster instructs.

The boy obediently does as he is told and soon has the worm attached.

“The next step is to relax and keep quiet,” The Monster says. “Fish won’t come to you if you are impatient or loud.”

The boy takes a few deep breaths.

“Now, still being quiet, flick the pole to cast the line into the ocean,” The Monster says.

The boy messes up a few times before managing to flick the rod just right so the line casts into the ocean.

“Right, so if you fish with others, make absolutely sure you aren’t going to hook them while flicking your rod around. The next thing you must do is wait. Keep an eye on the line and if you feel a tugging, flick towards yourself to get the fish out of the water,” The Monster says.

They both wait and eventually, the boy manages to make his very first catch. It is a small fish, but he’s still proud of himself.

“The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Also, upgrade your rod when you get the chance...” The Monster says.

“For being named The Monster, you sure are gentle and patient!” the boy says.

“I cannot delay my death for long... I am to return to Fairwood Kingdom one day. Just when it seems like I’m about to win, the heroes will slay me. There is no way to avoid this fate...” The Monster says.

“Why must you die?” the boy asks.

“I am a monster. I terrorize people, I murder, I steal... I feed on fear...” The Monster says.

“Can’t you just stay here forever?” the boy asks.

“I already said, there is no way to avoid my fate...” The Monster says.

“That sucks...” the boy says.

“What do they call you?” The Monster asks the boy.

“Pete,” the boy replies.

The Monster lets out a purr despite all his efforts not to. Pete stares at him and laughs.

“Now that is the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while!” Pete says.

“Can’t believe you’ve regenerated!” The Monster says, he is clearly happy to find out who the boy is and who he was.

“Huh?” Pete asks, he tilts his head to the side.

“I heard they murdered you!” The Monster says, grinning.

“I honestly don’t know. I just showed up one day as a baby and someone took care of me,” Pete says, he has one finger on his forehead.

“Have you any memory of the past?” The Monster asks.

There is a moment of silence before a response comes.

“Nope. None at all. Just that my name is Pete Brian,” Pete says.

“I’d like to reteach you before I die,” The Monster says.

“Okay,” Pete says, he smiles at The Monster.

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