The Forgotten Island





Soft cotton sheets. That was the first thing I felt as I slowly came awake. I stretched my body out slowly, relishing the softness of the bed underneath me. I opened my eyes a fraction at a time, the light filtering softly into the room. A breeze caressed my face, coming through a cracked window. I lay in a beautiful four poster bed, a sheer white canopy loosely tied to the posts. I sat up, looking around the space. The bedroom was decorated in a sort of farmhouse chic, distressed whites on all the furniture and soft gray accents throughout. Moving the heavy duvet, I threw my legs over the side of the bed. I loved the feeling of the rug under my feet, and I smiled a little as I wiggled my toes in the fibers. An oval floor mirror was in the corner of the room. I walked over to it, wanting to inspect my appearance in what was clearly a dream. Stepping up to the glass, I gasped a little at what I saw. My hair, which hadn’t been thoroughly washed in gods knows how long, trailed down my back in soft waves. I turned slightly to admire its shine, along with the soft glow of my skin. It looked like I had been in a spa all day, getting polished to perfection. I was wearing a white silk night dress, which hugged my curves like a second skin. I looked sexy, and I wasn’t hating it. An invisible tug pulled at me, compelling me to venture out and explore.

Leaving the room I entered a long hallway, with the same color scheme as the bedroom I came from. As I walked, four doors appeared, two on each side of the hallway. I had never had a dream like this before, but I didn’t mind the curious surroundings. Choosing to open the second door on the left, I turned its round knob and peeked carefully into the room. In the room was a plush living area, with deep cushioned couches surrounding a wood burning fireplace, a small fire crackling in welcome. It looked inviting, but I didn’t feel like this was the room I should be looking for. I turned and exited the room, closing the door softly behind me as I re-entered the hallway. Moving directly across, I walked into the next room. My heart figuratively smiled as I entered a substantial library, books from floor to ceiling practically calling my name.

I walked along, running my fingers along the spines of the books and reading their titles. Each book seemed to be one of my memories, and I opened one up to skim over a written version of my third birthday party, including pictures. Puzzled, I placed the book back onto the shelf. Why would I dream about a library of my own memories? A soft rustling came from one end of the library, and I rounded a corner to see a small sitting area where one could enjoy hours of reading in comfort. Standing and reading a book was the demon I had seen as a statue on the beach when we first found the island. I will say he was strikingly handsome, and I smiled at my wicked imagination. I wouldn’t mind having these dreams more often if he was going to be in them. I cleared my throat, making my presence known. He whipped around in search of the noise, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that had a blush creeping into my cheeks.

He watched me as I slowly approached him, feeling sexy under his hungry gaze. “Hello, mate” he spoke low, his deep baritone voice awakening something inside me. I closed my eyes at his words. Mate. It felt like butter on my tongue, the term caressing me like a lover. I opened my eyes to look at him again. His skin was a pale color, not quite blue but not quite gray. Veins two shades darker than his skin stood out, traveling all over his body almost like vines. His hair was longer than it had been as a statue, but I liked it. His hairstyle had a sort of Viking vibe with large and small braids keeping his dark hair back and out of his face. Horns curved from his forehead, complimenting the strong square of his jaw. I felt emboldened and walked up to him, reaching out softly to take the book from his hands and lay it on a nearby table. Turning back to him I stepped up close, his masculine scent enveloping me in a delicious way. I was short and was eye level with his chest, which I drank in with my eyes. To hell with it, this is my dream after all, and I wanted him. His eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t stop me when I took one of his large hands in mine and led him to one of the larger couches.

I turned his back to the couch and looked up into his eyes. They were a deep-sea blue, watching me with a mix of hunger and curiosity. “Put your wings away” I softly commanded. Obligingly me, he tucked his wings in, and they disappeared into his back. I nudged him into the couch, lifting my dress to straddle his lap. A sexy rumble came from his chest as I sat, causing a soft moan to escape my lips. Grabbing the ends of the tunic he wore, I lifted it over and off him, careful not to snag the garment on his horns. His hands ran possessively up my thighs, pushing the dress a little higher before he palmed my ass, moving my hips against him. I reached up and entwined my fingers in his hair, a deep heat growing between my legs. Gently pulling on his hair I leaned his face up towards me and dipped my own down. I claimed his lips aggressively, pulling slightly on his bottom lip with my teeth. He growled in appreciation, ripping another moan from me. I felt like I was on fire as we kissed, his hands roaming over my body and spreading the fire further. My head fell back in ecstasy at his touch, his mouth moving down my throat to my shoulder in smoldering kisses.

My hips moved of their own free will, grinding into him with an insatiable need, my dress bunching above my waist. I felt him growing between my thighs, feeding my heated frenzy. I felt consumed by this dream demon and overwhelmed by desire. With a hand against my back, he lifted my slightly, his other hand sliding down the top of my dress before he claimed one of my breasts with his mouth. I cried out in pleasure as his tongue swirled around my nipple, teasing it into a stiff peak. “Oh gods, it feels so good!” His chest seemed to vibrate as he growled in approval of my words, leaving my breast to take my mouth again. I felt his hand undoing the belt at his waist, and I quickly moved to help, both of us breathing heavy. A voice boomed into my thoughts, calling my name. No, not yet, I wasn’t ready to wake up. I needed him. The voice called again, calling me back to reality. This time he must have heard it as well, since his eyes started to turn red as he roared at the intruding calls. Too late, the dream faded, and I woke up still gasping for breath.

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