The Forbidden Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven – Battle


Just as Mike’s claws punched out to rip into her legs, I was on him. I pulled him back and threw him to the ground. My rage now matched his. I knew that my eyes had turned black and as I issued a ferocious snarl I saw the fear on his face when he realised who it was that had confronted him.

He was a strong warrior, but he had seen enough of my fighting skills in the last few months since I had been back with the pack to know that I could take him.

Suddenly he lunged forward in a desperate challenge. His claws ripping into my left arm leaving a deep scratch. It starts to bleed, but he hasn’t done any serious damage. I ignore the pain as I push him back, my claws digging into his chest. He starts to lose his balance and I launch myself on top of him. We both land on the ground, he is momentarily winded from the fall and the weight of my body on his. He soon starts to struggle, trying to use his claws and teeth to injure me, but his attempt is futile, I have him pinned down. I grab his head and bite down hard, my fangs are embedded deep in his neck, as I tear out his throat, and partially sever his head. I throw his body aside.

I rush to Katy to check that she is OK. I pull her into my arms, now I have her I never want to let her go. She smiles at me, and whispers for me to go, to return to the fight. I am torn, I don’t want to leave her she is not out of danger yet, but I need to finish off Carl. He cannot be allowed to escape.

Jane suddenly appears at my side.

“Go” she says. “I will protect our Luna.”

I look at her, I am surprised that she has worked out who Katy is to me, my behaviour must be becoming more obvious. She is a strong warrior, and her offer to look after my mate, calms me and my wolf. At the same time three royal pack wolves make their way towards us, they are here to help Jane protect their future queen. I finally feel reassured enough to return to the fight.

I scan the battlefield, looking for Carl. My pack members are now fighting viciously with Carl’s remaining warriors, relishing the opportunity to exact revenge. I see Euan his claws deep in the stomach of one of the older warriors, tearing his intestines to shreds. This man had been an old and close friend of his father’s and I knew that his betrayal had cut deep and was fuelling Euan’s savagery.

All but three of Carl’s warriors were desperately fighting for their lives, all thought of tactics and working as a team had escaped them as they faced the fierce onslaught from their old pack mates and the warriors of the Royal pack.

The final three wolves surrounded Carl and my brother, acting as bodyguards to keep them safe.

I chuckled darkly. They would provide a flimsy defence against me. I relished the thought of ripping them to shreds as I made my way to Carl. I was going to end Carl today, only I had the right to do that, and I was going to make it a slow and very painful death.

I noticed that other members of my pack were starting to make their way towards them. Intent on bringing them in to the fight.

I give them a warning growl and say to them “No one help me, these wolves are mine to kill.”

I watched Carl shiver as he watches me get closer, my eyes must have turned black by now, my fangs are bared, and I know that bits of flesh and blood covered my body from my fight with Mike. I know I must be a fearsome sight, and I was coming for him.

His bodyguards stood motionless terrified looks on their faces, they knew that they didn’t stand a chance against me. As I reached the first one, I recognised him as someone I had went to school with. He had a look of abject horror on his face I drew closer, my bloodstained fangs bared at him. As if already resigned to his fate, he barely put up a fight, it was easy for me to launch myself at him drag him to the ground. I ripped his left arm from his body with my teeth and left deep claw marks down his chest. I didn’t have time to finish him off before I was on to the next one.

Seeing what had happened to his friend he had started to walk slowly backwards, trying to increase the distance between us. I grin evilly at him, enjoying the terror that I have created. There will be no escape for this wolf, and he knows it. I launched myself at him, and finding no resistance managed to rip out his throat with my first attempt. I notice my brother and the remaining warrior running away, but I don’t care, they can be dealt with later. In front of me now was Carl, no more warriors surrounded him. It was just me and him.

I could see the fear in his eyes but he didn’t try and run, he didn’t attempt to say anything, he knew it would be futile. He was prepared to fight.

We started to circle each other.

“I will end you today” I tell him. “And I am going to take my time. I am going to enjoy getting my revenge for my pack, for my father your Alpha and supposed friend, you traitor.”

“I am not a traitor,” he declares. This is not my pack, and your idiot of father was never my Alpha. I could never follow him, a man so weak and gullible that I could persuade him to do anything I wanted.

My pack is the Black Moon Pack and my Alpha is Lucius the greatest of all the Alphas. The wolf who destroyed the royals, and those pathetic packs who are loyal to them. The man who will soon be king of all of you. I have served him well” Carl declared proudly.

And there it was, as we had suspected Carl was the spy, the traitor the one who had organised this uprising for Lucius his true master. I ignored his words about my father. I knew his weaknesses, but he hadn’t deserved to be killed by this man, the man he had trusted above all others.

“Do you think that absolves you from being a traitor?” I ask him. “We welcomed you into our pack, we trusted you and you used that trust to work against us to betray us. You pretended to be loyal to my father and then used your influence over him destroy his and our packs reputation. Weakening us so we could be picked off by Lucius.”

I have done talking with this excuse for a wolf. I spring forward, my paws land firmly on his chest pushing him to the ground. My claws rip into his stomach pulling out part of his entrails. I could finish him now, he is helpless, but I am not going to let him off so easily. I move back, I give him chance to try and recover.

He stumbles, but manages to rise to his feet, he sways from side to side clutching his wounded stomach, trying to push his guts back inside his body. I circle him. I move against him again feinting as if I am going to attack his neck and he moves to the side to protect his throat. Instead, I use my claws to attack his shoulder, I gouge deep cuts into his flesh enough to damage muscle and tendons. His right arm now hangs uselessly at his side.

He knows he is finished, that he is too wounded to be able to protect himself, but he lunges forward recklessly, one final time, in a desperate attempt to bite into my chest with his teeth. I am too quick for him and seize him by the neck, I rip out his throat, but keep biting down until I have separated his head from his body.

It is over, I have protected my mate, we have destroyed the rebels. Now I can feel all the emotions that I have been keeping in check, the overwhelming love and fear that I feel for my mate. I rush towards her desperate to hold her in my arms. All other thoughts leave me except for the need to be with her, to make sure that she is safe and unhurt.

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