The First Evolution

Chapter 95: Negotiation

Chapter 95: Negotiation

Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, Markwen was shocked. Because as soon as he met his uncle, he either scolded him or forced him to work in the workshop. Unless he was short of money, he would never go to his uncle. But before his refuted, Fang Linyan had already preemptively thrown a platinum coin on the table and said,

“It doesn’t matter whether things happen or not, it’s your reward.”

Then he lowered his voice and said,

“Remember the modified car yesterday? Later we went out to perform the mission, and… something big happened! Because I have a new face, it is not easy to attract attention, so Lieutenant Lucan sent me back especially. This is a token he gave me. He said that there is a big business with more than 1000 platinum coins to talk to Colonel Gundom. If it succeeds, I can give you a bonus of 20% platinum coins!”

“2… 20%!?” Markwen trembled. He calculated in his mind, and his body trembled all over, “Isn’t that 2… 200 platinum coins?”

“Yes!” Fang Linyan said simply.

Markwen suddenly said,contemporary romance

“You, you can’t fool me!”

Fang Linyan shrugged helplessly,

“First, do I look like I’m free? I’ll use a platinum coin to fool you? Second, do I think I live long enough to joke about your uncle?”

Markwen thought for a while and thought it was right, and he said to Fang Linyan,

“You wait here, I’ll go and ask immediately.”

In less than 3 minutes, Markwen came back with a sad face,

“My uncle was very angry, he said he was not here.”

Fang Linyan sighed,

“You go to him again and say I’m carrying Blood Orchid flower. If I can’t bring out the Blood Orchid flower when I go in, your uncle can just shoot me to death.”

When such cruel remarks were said, Markwen, who was quite depressed, was also stunned, then he walked in again. Soon, he returned, beckoning to Fang Linyan.

Following in Markwen’s footsteps, Fang Linyan came to the outside of a rough office. 2 sturdy guards stood at the door. The guards had obvious black cross marks on their chests. They reached out to stop Fang Linyan.

Although at the entrance of the office, he could see a deer head specimen hanging on the opposite wall, a bear skin was spread beside the coffee table in the next living room, and the other wall was a firearms exhibition room. There were dozens of unique styles of firearms arranged on the wall. It can be seen that each one had been carefully taken care of.

Colonel Gundom sat arrogantly opposite the desk. The old man was taking a deep sip of a thick cigar, letting the faint blue smoke circulate in his respiratory system for more than 10 seconds before exhaling it comfortably, then he put the cigar on the ashtray beside.

He had a huge nose, a cold face, full of energy, and a burly body. Although his hair had mostly turned white, he was as domineering as a polar bear sitting in its lair. His eyes were even more fierce and greedy as if he would peel off people’s skins.

There was also a young and beautiful female secretary standing beside him; she had crooked eyebrows. Although this woman was wearing a military uniform, the first thing that people would think of in their minds was the bed…

Colonel Gundom took a careless look at Fang Linyan outside the door, then he continued to look at a yellowed photo in his hand. The content of the photo seemed to be a family portrait, then he was immersed in memories.

After a full 5 minutes, he picked up the cigar next to him. After seeing that it was finished, he beckoned Markwen, who was standing next to him, and Markwen trot over immediately.

But after Colonel Gundom grunted from his nose, Markwen slapped his head as he suddenly realized it. He took out a black box with the Iron Fist Brotherhood logo on it and gave it to his uncle directly.

Colonel Gundom nodded in satisfaction, opened the box, put the yellowed photo and the half of the cigar in it, and finally locked the box with a click.

During that short period of time, Fang Linyan had peeped that the box seemed to be quite heavy. A specific area was marked out to place the yellowed photo, and the rest were all long strips of dents. Most of them were empty. There were only 3 cigars plus the half cigar that had just been put in. The box was actually locked with a combination lock.

Colonel Gundom gently stroked the surface of the box, and he said seriously to Markwen,

“You must remember that this box contains my most precious treasure: the 2 favorite things in my life, cigar and family, are in it. If one day I die, you must bury it with me.”

Markwen shrugged and said helplessly,

“OK, OK, uncle, you repeat similar words every few days, I can already memorize them.”

When Markwen was speaking, he looked at Fang Linyan outside with an inquiring expression in his eyes.

Colonel Gundom snorted impatiently from inside his nostrils, sat up a little bit, and then pointed at the guards at the door and nodded.

The 2 guards saluted to Colonel Gundom silently, then they directly searched Fang Linyan up. Finally, they took out a fist-sized box from his arms and let him open it to see what was inside.

Fang Linyan simply opened the box and revealed the item inside. Colonel Gundom’s eyebrows immediately twitched,

“This is the Blood Orchid flower you are talking about?”

It turned out that in the box in Fang Linyan’s hand, it was a leaf of a crystal-clear and plump Blood Orchid flower!

Fang Linyan smiled slightly in the face of the questioning,

“This is just to prove that I didn’t lie. As for the rest, they are kept in a very safe place. As long as we make a deal, they can be delivered in minutes.”

Colonel Gundom beckoned, Markwen immediately handed the Blood Orchid flower leaf in Fang Linyan’s hand. Colonel Gundom looked at it carefully, then closed his eyes and thought for a while,

“Then what’s your intention?”

Fang Linyan sighed and began to fabricate his own story (oh no, it should be the story told after processing under real events). It was nothing more than they went to perform the mission, but the intelligence was wrong, so they encountered a Titan Python, killed it and got the Blood Orchid flower. However, they had to give up on the following mission.

At this time, they were chased by Reaper on the way back. Lieutenant Lucan was seriously injured. As a result, Deputy Captain Dolga became ill-intentioned. He led a few cronies to try to snatch the Blood Orchid flower. After the 2 sides fought, Dolga and the others had the upper hand, only Lieutenant Lucan and him managed to escape.

Because Dolga was very aware of Lieutenant Lucan’s interpersonal contacts, Lieutenant Lucan’s network of connections couldn’t be used. Dolga would probably closely monitor the exchange place and the people that Lieutenant Lucan may go to. Once he showed up, he would easily be set up. After this incident, Lieutenant Lucan was also discouraged and wanted to take a large sum of money and start a new life far away, so he could only entrust Fang Linyan to do this.

Fang Linyan hoped to exchange Blood Orchid flower for what they need. The 2 leaves of Blood Orchid flowers were the handling fee they gave to Captain Gundom.

In order to prove his words, Fang Linyan also took out Lieutenant Lucan’s dog tag as a token.

After listening to Fang Linyan’s words, Colonel Gundom tapped lightly on the table with his knuckles. After a while, he said,

“What do you want?”

Fang Linyan said,

“I need to look at the list of equipment/items that can be redeemed in Iron Fist Fortress today before I can tell you.”

Colonel Gundom said,

“Then what can I get?”

Fang Linyan said,

“Blood Orchid has six leaves, and you can get 2.”

Colonel Gundom said,

“Then the last leaf, you will only give me in the last trade?”

Fang Linyan said,

“Yes, I admit that you have a considerable amount of risk, but sir, you now have a leaf of the Blood Orchid flower, so it is already worth it.”

Colonel Gundom said coldly,

“But, I want more!”

Fang Linyan said,

“Of course you can, but you have to pay the contribution points for the things we need.”

Colonel Gundom said coldly,

“No, I prefer to pay the bill with bullets.”

Fang Linyan shrugged and said nonchalantly,

“Sir, you are our best choice, but it is definitely not the only choice. If I don’t go out in another half an hour, Lieutenant Lucan will go directly to Lieutenant Colonel Mavin. In his eyes, my life is worthless. Taking risks is better than losing everything. Of course, you can also take a bet to see if you can catch Lieutenant Lucan, but to be honest, your chances of winning the bet are not high.”

Colonel Gundom took out a cigar from the drawer beside, and he took a deep breath after lighting it. His eyes were as greedy and cold as a brown bear in winter seeing its prey,

“If you want me to help, in addition to the 2 Blood Orchid flower leaves as a handling fee, I also want the root of the Blood Orchid flower! And, you have to give it to me at the first trade!”

Fang Linyan shook his head and said,

“I can’t decide on this. I have to discuss with the Lieutenant. Can you first give me the list of equipment/items that can be exchanged today? Also, Colonel Gundom, although we are asking you now as a weaker party, we also have our own bottom line. Once we realize someone is following us, then this trade will simply fail.”

Colonel Gundom stared at Fang Linyan tightly with his gray pupils,

“Boy, you are really courageous, you dare to speak like this in front of me.”

Fang Linyan said calmly,

“That’s because I know that before you get the root of the Blood Orchid flower and the remaining leaves, I am safe! I am the one who can bring you wealth! And this wealth is enough to make the devil be jealous that its eyes fall out.”

Colonel Gundom snorted coldly. He first reached out and fetched the box containing the Blood Orchid flower leaf in Fang Linyan’s hand, then he handed it to his confidant, asking him to check the authenticity of the Blood Orchid flower immediately.

Then Colonel Gundom rang the summoning bell on the desk and called in a guard waiting outside. Colonel Gundom whispered a few words to him, and this person also went out to do errands.

After waiting for less than 10 minutes, the guard returned and brought back a handwritten list, which he handed to Fang Linyan,

“This is what you want.”

Fang Linyan opened it and looked at it, and found that only a few lines of scribbled fonts were written on it, and he suddenly said in amazement,

“Why is there only so little?”

Colonel Gundom sneered at his question. He pointed at his nephew Markwen with his carrot-like fat finger,

“You even ask such a stupid question!? Tell him!”

Markwen explained the key to Fang Linyan. It turned out that in the contribution point exchange office of Iron Fist Brotherhood, E and D items and equipment were all fixed mass production systems. This part of the list was very clear to Lucan himself and they were not expensive, so they were excluded.

Items and equipment starting from type C could be understood as a limited edition. After being bought, the replenishment process was complicated and the interval was long.

Therefore, what was listed on this list was a list of type C and B items.

As for why there was no category A, the explanation was very simple and straightforward. After deducting the rewards, the remaining Blood Orchid flowers were not enough to exchange for equipment and items above type B. Fang Linyan was speechless. After all, contribution points were needed to exchange items. This was something that was difficult to buy with money.

After knowing the cause and effect, Fang Linyan excused that he could not decide on his own and had to discuss with Lieutenant, so he went straight out and went into a cafe called “Desert Camel” beside. It was a coffee shop. In fact, there was only 1 type of coffee and it was surprisingly expensive. The 2 main drinks sold were cactus fruit tea, and the herbal tea “Jiji Sang” made from a common herb that could be found nearby.

Cactus fruit tea was considered a mid-to-high-end beverage. There were crystal clear ice cubes and purple-red cactus fruits in it, and it looked tasty.

“Jiji Sang” was aimed at the low-end crowd. A copper coin could buy 1 big cup, and it could be refilled for free. It was directly scooped out in the boiling pot next to it. It was yellow-green in color, and there were many muddy grass roots in it. Some people drank it directly as vegetable soup or traditional Chinese medicine. The sweet after taste made it very popular.

After arriving in the cafe, Fang Linyan went directly to the 2nd floor where the environment was good and quiet. Then he ordered cactus fruit tea, He tilted his legs and began to slowly look at the exchange list:

Type C Items (the cost of contribution points was between 50-100 points) was as follows:

5 PPK hybrid engines (2 remainings)

40 tons of diesel oil, need to be picked up (6 tons were exchanged)

10 nickel-iron alloy ingots (10 remainings)

20 Bee Sting Variable Frequency Directional Rockets (0 remaining)

3 all-terrain armored motorcycles 500CC (1 remaining)

5 battlefield first aid medical kits (contains cardiotonic needle X5, anesthetic X2, medical alcohol X1, stimulant X3, 2 rolls of bandages) (3 remainings)

Peiling mustard tuber (1 package left)

The contribution points were as follows…


TL: What are the items in type B?

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