The First Evolution

Chapter 488: Success!

Chapter 488: Success!

Fang Linyan’s flying momentum also slowed down. He kept grabbing onto the passing meteorites, and he successfully slowed down and landed on a table-sized meteorite.

He immediately used mechanical arms to replace the SCI with a spare jet engine, then he successfully flew back.

Fortunately, Coles was voyaging at the lowest speed in order to cooperate with their maintenance. Otherwise, at the speed of the SCI, even if he maxed the jet engine output, it would be impossible to catch up.

Seeing Fang Linyan reappear like an immortal cockroach, Latvis and others were excited.

After Fang Linyan returned to the engineering ship, even though he had one foot in hell just now, he didn’t seem to have any big complaints.

After returning to the engineering ship, he didn’t say much. After resting for 5 minutes, he resupplied and entered the SCI to prepare for repair work.

Jha had planned all the words of intimidation and temptation, but he didn’t even have the chance to say them.

As Fang Linyasn was about to depart, he suddenly spoke in the communication channel,

“There was a natural disaster, so no one is to be blamed…”

“Coles is a merchant ship, not a warship. The detection radar has a blind spot for meteorites less than 1 meter in diameter.”

“But I happen to carry a drone that warns me in advance, so I have to make a request.”

Jha, Sanchez, and Latvis could hear in the communication channel. Instead of being embarrassed when they heard that Fang Linyan was about to make a request, they felt relieved.

Because of the current situation, they were not afraid of him making demands; they were afraid that he would give up on it!

So Latvis hurriedly said,

“Say it.”

Fang Linyan felt a slight pain in his chest, probably from being hit before.

After coughing twice, he felt better again, so he continued,

“The functions of my drone area quite good. It can transmit a large amount of information to me in advance.”

“In view of the fact that the Optical Brain’s defense program of the engineering ship was continuously breached, I request to have command authority over the engineering ship.”

After hearing what Fang Linyan said, Jha subconsciously wanted to object, because Fang Linyan obviously wanted to use the engineering ship as a shield.

However, Fang Linyan had already figured out his thoughts and added,

“In fact, the tedious operations of the engineering ship have been completed to the point where there is no need for Chief Electrician Jha to sit on it.”

“Send any android on board, then call my companion to the ship. He can operate according to my instructions.”

Upon hearing what Fang Linyan said, Jha immediately agreed. Of course, he would be happy to do this.

Only a fool would object to escaping from the dangerous engineering ship and returning to the safety of Coles for a cup of coffee!

As for the sacrificial engineering ship and android, they weren’t the responsibility of the Chief Electrician! Even if there was any problem, it was something Latvis and Sanchez should worry about!

So Fang Linyan’s request was soon met. Goat successfully boarded the engineering ship.

Fang Linyan continued to work, but after 2 minutes, he noticed another meteorite striking at high speed.

Fortunately, this time Fang Linyan found it in time with [Mechanical Gyrfalcon], then he asked the engineering ship to launch missiles to destroy it.

Why was Fang Linyan so desperate to take over this job?

Firstly, of course, it was to obtain a higher contribution to the main mission.

More importantly, he discovered that in such a crisis-ridden environment, he would be in a highly focus state.

Although this would consume his energy faster, it could boost his mechanical repair ability to a whole new level!

If mechanical repair ability was a quantifiable RPG upgrade method, then Fang Linyan would get tons of experience when repairing with SCI!

Such an event as experience grinding was a whole new experience for Fang Linyan.

Of course, he would not miss such a great opportunity, even though it would put him in an extremely dangerous situation. So, he of course needed his companion.

Not only that, Goat could gain contribution points in participating in this work. This was a mutual benefit.

Therefore, Fang Linyan devoted himself wholeheartedly to the repair.

In the captain’s room, Latvis stared intently at the repair progress shown by Optical Brain.

From 0% to 30% and then the current 98%!!

Below the repair progress was the lifespan bar of the spare engine calculated by Optical Brain.

The pointer had pointed to the end of the service life bar, and the color had turned from red to purple.

Prompts kept popping up,

“Warning: The backup engine has reached its limit. Please shut down in time for cooling and maintenance, otherwise it may explode at any time!”

However, if the backup engine was shut down before the second engine started to supply energy, this would lead to a serious shortage of energy supply for the entire ship. Optical Brain will take emergency measures on its own.

These measures included abandoning up to 5 cargo compartments while also turning off the protective shield cover at the front of the ship and the protective particle cannon used to destroy large meteorites…

In this case, it was almost equivalent to suicide.

As the welding gun in Fang Linyan’s hand on the screen sparkled with long sparks, the sparks finally extinguished.

The repair progress directly reached 100%!

Latvis immediately took a deep breath and pressed the button next to him. A mechanical female voice of Optical Brain came.

The second engine starts self-test…

If the self-test is completed, do you want to start the second engine immediately?

Latvis immediately yelled,


Then he pressed the intercom,

“Battery, Battery, please reply if you hear me.”

Fang Linyan quickly said,

“Battery is online.”

Latvis said,

“Time is running out. The second engine will restart in 2 minutes. Please quickly enter the engineering ship and return to the safe area.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Copy that, I’m already trying to dock with the engineering ship. Please prepare to open Entrance C. I will return to the ship from there.”

Jha, who was in charge of this aspect, immediately said,

“Copy that.”

As a result, a minute later, when Latvis saw that the second engine self-test program had reached 70% without any problem, he initiated it forcibly!

Suddenly, a large amount of mixed fuel poured into the second engine.

A thick tail flame that was more than a hundred meters long spurted out. A large piece of meteorite behind was incinerated into a semi-dissolved state. A strong and surging power was generated instantly!

And that thick tail flame barely brushed past the top of the rapidly turning engineering ship, almost scorching it!

Goat looked at the warning red light, and he took a breath, then blurted out a few curse words.

On the instrument panel in the captain’s room, the meter gauge showing the output power of the second engine immediately rose steadily!

Seeing this scene, Latvis stopped operating through Optical Brain and immediately punched the switch.

A separate control panel slide out from under the table, and Latvis immediately pressed the red button on the panel.

Suddenly, an announcement came from Optical Brain,

“Respectable Captain, you are directly performing an emergency shutdown operation on the backup engine. This operation may lead to a series of unpredictable consequences.”

“These consequences include sensor damage, rupture of energy output pipelines, forced entry into shipwide emergency response measures, etc.”

“According to the provisions of Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Basic Space Navigation Manual, your operation will also be recorded in the navigation manual and sent to the board of directors as soon as the ship enters the starport. You will have to explain the reason.”

“The backup engine has implemented forced shutdown measures, and the energy output of the backup engine will gradually decline within 1 minute, and finally reduce to zero.”

Latvis ignored these warnings and just focused on the other parameter next to him.

That was the energy power prompt table of the entire ship.

As the backup engine was shut down, the energy supply of the entire ship also began to decline rapidly.

If it dropped to more than 40%, the condition of “serious insufficient” energy supply for the entire ship had been reached… that is definitely not what Latvis wanted!




Looking at the rapidly declining parameters, Latvis was expressionless, but the white knuckles clenching the chair showed that he was not at ease mentally.

However, when it dropped to 49%, it seemed that some kind of boundary had been broken.

The energy supply of the entire ship began to remain stable, then it slowly climbed up bit by bit, returning to 50%.

Seeing this scene, Sanchez breathed out in relief,

“It’s perfect. The second engine is still in a preheating state and can only maintain no more than 30% of its power output.”contemporary romance

“If you want to achieve more than 60% power output, you have to wait for more than an hour.”

“So, old man, get out your OKUS rum! I think we should have a toast.”

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