The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 55 The Blue Moon Part 1

(Chapter song ‘You Really Got Me' by Van Halen, ‘Keep On Loving You' REO Speedwagon)


My heart is beating out my chest. You'd think it was a Luna ceremony or something. My hands are clammy. This damn suit is suffocating and I have a million things running through my head.

For the last 2 weeks, I've been carefully planning everything. I got the limo. The flowers. I planned dinner. All of it. This ball is going to be the best thing to happen to both of us.

As my stupid hands shake from nerves, I stare in the mirror trying to tie my tie. I'm really getting frustrated. I don't wear these things, but after seeing Alexi all prim and proper, I feel like I should at least try to compliment her. I've never had a lady so classy, so I’m kind of flying blind here. I wish my dad was here to help me.

I yank it off with a growl and hang my head trying to control my frustration. I whip it back around my neck when a knock came at my door. “Yeah!” I grit as I whip the thing around the other thing. Can you murder fabric?

Lucy stick her head in. "Hey, big bro. Everything alright?"

I roll my head to her with a frown on my face. My arms hang as my sides and the tie is balled under my chin.

She walks in and snickers.. "Can't do it, huh?"

"No. I don't get why we have to wear these stupid things." I undo the knot and rip it off.

She turns me to face her, lifts my collar all the way around and places the tie around my neck. I watch her adjust the length before tying the knot. "It just takes practice. You better get used it Mister council member."

"I'm not wearing a suit to the council meetings. No way." I arch a brow.

She carefully knots the tie. "You should. It shows responsibility. Dad always wore a suit."

"Yeah, well. This is one Alpha that doesn't need a stupid suit to prove he's good enough." I scowl.

She straightens the tie, folds my collar down then brushes off my shoulders. "There. You look good."

"I feel like I'm gonna puke." I run my fingers through my hair.

"It's just your nerves. You need to relax. The moon will come through. I feel it. Luke this is your night." She smiles, holding out my jacket.

I stuff my arms into it. "Is the limo here?"

She fixes my shoulders, spins me around and does one last check as I button the jacket. "Yes, and the flowers are inside like you asked. We've got this, big bro. Breathe."

I swallow. "Well?" I stand back. "Hot, right?" I smirk.

She laughs. "You clean up, I'll give you that."

I chuckle and lead her out of the room.

The guys are downstairs, having beers on the couch. Gavin whistles "Well, look at Mister smooth operator. Geez, I didn't even think you owned one of those."

"I didn't up until 2 weeks ago. But I need this to be as special as possible." I take his beer and down it.

Lucy takes the bottle. "Okay, if you feel like puking, this is probably not the best thing to be drinking."

"It calms my nerves." I snatch it back, glaring at her.

"Why so nervous?" Bobby asks. "She'll stand under the moon, man. Don't worry about it.'

"Fuck, I feel like I'm fucking 14 on a first date." I wipe my sweaty palms.

Gavin gets up and throws an arm around my shoulder. "Dude, relax. Alexi loves you, okay. She'd be nuts not to go under the moon with you."

"Okay, so you have everything? Wallet, keys, mints..." Lucy says.

I shove her. "Yes, mom."

"Speaking of which...Mom! Where are you?!" Lucy calls upstairs. She turns back to me. "She wanted pictures of you two before you leave."

My face twists as I whine. "Come on. Pictures?"

"Yes, pictures." Lucy snaps. "Never mind. This is important."

My mother rushes down. "Here...I'm here." She breathes. "Where's Alexi?"

"She's not ready yet. She should be soon." Lucy supplies.

My mom fixes her hair. "Oh, okay. Well, Luke stand over there with your sister."

"Mom..." I cringe.

"Stop the whining, young man and go stand there." My mom demands.

I blow out a breath and run my fingers through my hair.

I stand beside Lucy. "Ok, say cheese." My mother puts up her phone camera.

I make a goofy face and two fingers behind Lucy's head.

"Luke!" My mom shouts in frustration.

Lucy elbows me. "Behave!"

"Never" I snark at her.

"Ok. A nice picture, Luke."

I straighten up and my mom takes the picture. She looks at it. "Oh, that's a lovely one."

I pull out my phone. "We're gonna be late. Luce?”

She pats my arm. "I'll see how's she's doing."

I sit on the couch and wait. "This moon can't come soon enough." I say as the butterflies have a fucking mosh party in my gut.

Bobby smiles. "It'll be fine. Just try to relax."

"She's ready." Lucy calls.

I get up and stand beside Gavin. Anna and Lucy come down the stairs looking beautiful, of course, then I see her. I'm about to pass out.

I grab Gavin’s arm and I bite my knuckle. "Damn." I growl.

She wearing a white silk dress that goes the floor. Open back and low cut in the front. Her hair is in big curls on her head and her makeup is soft. I swear, she's glowing like a fucking angel. I can't stand it. The butterflies were bad before, but now I can barely breathe.

She's so effortlessly beautiful. She glides down the stairs with the dress flowing around her. I lock her eyes with mine. They sparkle as she saunters in my direction with her hands behind her back.

I have a big toothy grin as she blushes and shies in front of me.

"Say something." She says softly.

I shake my head. "I got nothing. You're so beautiful, I have no words."

She smiles. "You look very handsome, too."

My mother breaks up the tunnel vision that I was getting.

"Alexi, you look gorgeous! Oh, you're going to be the prettiest girl at the Ball." She holds Alexi's hands out.

"Thank you, Luna." Alexi tilts her head to her.

"If things go good, you'll be Luna by the end of tonight." She chuckles.

I see her apprehension at my mother’s prediction. I'll make sure she won’t carry this alone.

River walks in from outside. "Alright. Cars are ready. Let's get this show on the road."

I give my mom a kiss. "Don't wait up."

"Bye. Have fun." She follows us to the door.

We pile into the limo and start for the Falcon Ridge sports arena.

It's the largest building that can hold at least 10000 people. Like Caledon, it too has a retractable roof for the moon. Almost all the packs have one. Except for Black Lake which I heard they're building since they host in two years.

We settle into the limo and I present Alexi with peach roses.

"Oh Luke. They're so pretty." She smells them.

"I remembered peach was your favorite color so." I smile nervously.

"Thank you." She kisses me.

"Tonight, it's just me and you. That's it. Just us under that moon and it will tell us what we already know." I lace my fingers in with hers as the limo driver drives us to our future together.

I kiss the back of her hand and feel her trembling. She must be as nervous as I am.



When I saw Luke in the common room, I fell in love with him all over again.

He looks so dashing in his suit and the way he looks at me with adoration. It melts my heart. Please let me survive this night without incident.

My heads been playing mind games with me all night. Anna's really been a dear friend. She's been trying so hard to keep me calm.

She thinks it's just the moon, but it's not.

I'm a Torrent walking into an Alliance event and everyone there will know who I am.

I may have won over Luke's family, but I can't say I've won over society as a whole. I'm scared something is going to happen that will ruin everything.

I'm terrified Luke will be judged on his association with the enemy. I'm trying so hard, but I can't shake these thoughts. They only get worse as the limo pulls into the parking lot.

It's full of dressed up people walking into the large arena building. Cars and limos are letting people out at the front then looking for a place to park.

I swallow the growing knot in my throat. I want to run, but I can't. I can't do that to Luke.

The driver stops the car and opens our door. Luke steps out and offers his hand. "Let's party." He smiles.

I smile back even though I feel like screaming. I kind of feel a little better when everyone joins us on the front walk. Surrounded by people that like me is easing the pressure a little.

River takes Anna’s hand. “Are we ready?”

The music is loud, but our shouts in agreement are louder.

As we enter, my eyes widen. It is the most gorgeous ball I’ve ever seen. The tables and wall are covered in silk drapes the roof is fitted with white and blue lights. There's food and a fully working bar.

My father never held balls. I think after my mother died, he lost the love for most things. Technically, even for me. He had love, but it was just disguised control.

With a full dance floor and a Dj playing records, I've never seen anything like it.

"This is an Alliance ball?" I lean to Luke.

"Yep. Red Rock's was better, but they try." He ticks his head. I giggle as my eyes travel around the room. There’s hundreds of people here already

As we walk through the crowds, I also notice something else.

The eyes on me. I can see them checking me out. I can almost taste their judgment. It's written in their faces as I walk by. Just like the trial, I try to use Luke as my protection.

River points to a table "That one." He yells back. There's a six-chair table off to the side of the dance floor. Luke sits me down and leans to my ear. "Wine?" He asks.

"Yes, please." Maybe a couple of glasses will calm the anxiety building in me.

"Alexi, you do look beautiful." Anna says.

I straighten myself. “Thank you. I'm just so nervous."

River chuckles. "Luke's worse."

Luke arrives with a beer and wine for me. "My lady." He kisses my cheek and sits down.

"Anna! Alexi!” I lean around Luke and see Sarah and Ashley pushing through the crowd.

"Hello!" I stand and hug the girls. "I thought you weren't coming."

"Well, I missed my first ball and I told Jayson if I miss this one, he's sleeping outside until next year." She laughs.

I laugh with her as I see Jayson and Hayden join the table. "I don't trust her, so I got Nate to babysit." Jayson says as he sits Sarah down.

Luke laughs. "God, Nate as a babysitter?"

"I know, but it's all I could do on short notice. Vic's here somewhere. Deacon and Cass, too." Jayson gets up and asks the girls if they want drinks. They say yes and he disappears into the crowd.

The music changes to a slow dance song and couples start to sway across the floor.

Luke grins. “Keep on Loving You?” He stands and holds out a hand to me. "Dance with me."

I take it and he leads me out to the floor and takes my hand in his. He softly sings the song in my ear as we sway back and forth. I'm really in love with this man. Everything he is what I need in my life.

We continue to dance through the song and I feel the eyes again. I rest my head on his chest. I feel safe, but not safe from their glares. I feel him rest his head on mine. I listen to his heart beat and feel his warmth. I can do this. I can do this. I try to slow my breath to a calm rate, but it's getting harder the longer I’m out here.

I feel the air become thick with anger and glares of daggers. There energy feels like they're attacking the Torrent that has invaded their event.

I swear I hear their words of 'how dare she' over the music. As my eyes come in contact with others, all their insults hit my ears. I see them wanting me dead. I see them wanting to tear me apart for stepping foot in here.

I can't… I can't breathe. My heart starts to flutter and I start to sweat.

I raise my head and try to concentrate on his chest, but my eyes constantly flick to the people around us. Luke leans to my eyes. "Are you ok?”

I try to hide my fear as much as I can. "I'm fine." I place a hand on his cheek.

But I'm not fine. I can feel myself to panic. I feel myself start to hyperventilate. The room is closing in on me. Their judgments are getting louder. I see the looks to Luke and I don’t know…

Alpha Andrews takes to the stage. He delivers a speech about the Blue Moon Ball traditions and its connection to the Alliance. I feel like an outcast among the crowd. They're taunting me.

My breath gets shallower. Everything I'm feeling is amplified a thousand times when Alpha Andrews orders the roof open.

I grasp my chest. My heart feels like it’s going to explode. My lungs hurt from my breathing as the room fills with deep blue light. I stop dancing and take a step away from him.

"Alexi? What is it?" Luke holds my arm.

I look into his eyes and push his hand off. "I can't do this."

A panic to save myself, I run through the crowd as they yell at me and curse my name. I burst into tears as I hit the doors to the outside.


I heard Luke call my name, but I had to escape. I ran across the parking as fast as could. As soon as I hit the trees, I shred my dress to pieces calling the wind. I shifted and screamed at my wolf to run.

Even as she barreled through the trunks, their hate filled words attacked me. I sobbed in my mind for even thinking I’m what Luke deserved.

I looked to the full Blue Moon and thought how stupid I was for thinking a Torrent could ever deserve something as special as this night.

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