The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 45

(Chapter song ‘The Beginning is The End is The Beginning’ by Smashing Pumpkins)


“Nash.” I curl my lip as he smiles that sick smile Dragons always have.

He steps closer and lifts his chin to me. “Where’s the princess?” His voice is like some sort of psycho teacher. Cool, calm, demented.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s no princesses here.” I tick my head.

He smiles more then looks around to his men. He tilts his head back to me as he lifts two fingers in the air and crooks them.

I hear a car door open and my attention is drawn to the SUV behind Nash's. I hear whimpers and fighting. My arms drop and my wolf rises as I see Evan dragged by two huge Dragons. He’s gagged, hands tied and banged up, but otherwise alright. They pull him to Nash.

He sees me and panics. His eyes go wide and starts to yell behind his gag. Nash turns and delivers a punch to the kids head and he loses his knees. The guys hold him as his head hangs.

“MOTHER FUCKER!!” I jump the stairs and take a few steps before 50 plus guns all cock and aim at my head. Including the guy beside him. Nash pulls a gun and aims it Evans head. I stop and raise my hands to shoulder height as I scan all the handguns and semi autos.

Nash looks over Evan. He lifts his head and Evan looks terrified. He looks deep into Evan’s eyes and lays his gun barrel to his cheek. “Where…is Alexi?” He says as he pets Evan’s head then rolls his eyes to me.

“You’re sick fuck.” I growl.

“You don’t know what you’re saying. You hate. That’s fine. It’s normal to hate what you don’t understand.” He leaves Evan and stands in front of him, placing his gun behind his back. “You’re like children really. Like this cowering boy. Children only require to be taught. That’s all I want to do. I just want to open your mind to the evils that poison you. The creator…he was grossly misunderstood. I mean to correct that, but in order for me to do that, I need Alexi. I wish to not spill blood, but I will.”

I shake my head. “You’ve got a real screw loose. Even by Dragon standards.”

He huffs a chuckle. “Attacking my mental state is of no consequence to me, Alpha. I know who’s superior. I own the truth. I can share it with you or relieve you from your lies. You must know. Alexi is proof. Your Alliance destroys your mind. Your freedom still needs to be fought for. Just because you took our dear leader, doesn’t mean the message dies. Oh no, you just make us want to liberate you more. The Dragons will never die. We are beyond your capabilities of understanding.”

I scratch my temple. “Fuck, you’re long winded. How’s this? Give me Evan and I’ll make sure you have the funeral you deserve.” I tilt my head as I glare.

He cocks his gun and aims it between Evans eyes. “I have a counter offer. The boy for the princess. The choice is yours.”

“I DON’T HAVE HER!!” I roar at him as I lean forward. My chest is pounding as Evan shakes in terror.

“Do you think I don’t do my homework? I knew about the prison deal. I know everything, Alpha. I know she’s here.” He raises a brow then glances at Evan.

“How?” I narrow my eyes.

“There is no lock that can’t be opened with the right key.” He smirks.

“Fucking riddles.” I walk closer. “Give me the kid and I won’t rip your ass apart.”

“Alpha. You know you can’t.” He chuckles and his men do, too. “One. You’re not faster that a bullet on a modified hair trigger. Two. You’re severally outnumbered. Three. I have guns trained on all your friends as we speak. As well as several stationed on the rooves of the buildings downtown. One link, they open fire. It’s a busy night, Alpha.”

“You’re lying.” I growl.

His eyes cloud over, and in a second, a shot is fired in the distance somewhere. My head whips to it and it’s in the direction of downtown. I lick my lip and bite it as I turn back to him.

“I apologize for the loss of your pack member, but you did ask for a demonstration.” He nods. “Alexi…Now.”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Luke.” Bobby whispers behind me and throw up a hand.

“I have your city hostage. This poor boy will die for your ignorance. Tell me. Is one woman worth this much loss?” He furrows his brow as his eyes cloud over and another gunshot is heard. “That’s two.”

My mind is racing. Evan is begging me with his eyes. My guys are terrified and I don’t know what to do.

Sirens rise in the air.

“No. I won’t let you…” I shake my head.

“Shall I take out the men who are only serving you? The law enforcement that are only doing their jobs, but are utterly confused as to where the shots are coming from. They’ll never find them. They’ll just die.” He says in a sick, caring tone.

“You son of bitch.” I grit.

“Give her to me.” He whispers as he continues to hold his gun at Evans head.

I turn around and walk to the guys.


“Don’t say it, Bobby. I can't" I roll my eyes to him.

“Are you crazy? He has us by the balls, man.” Gavin leans to me.

I look around the huddle. “We can take them.”

“Luke, he’ll give the order to kill before we kill maybe 10.” Bobby quietly grinds.

“3 seconds, Alpha!”

I stand and think. “No. No. I can’t.” I turn around as they groan behind me. I walk to Nash. “I’ll kill you before that order happens.”

“They also know that if I die, they fire.” He smirks.



I spin around and throw a finger. “ALEXI! GET BACK IN THE HOUSE!” I growl.

“You don’t control me, Alpha.” She sneers. As she runs down the steps and walks to me.

“You need to leave.” I glare at her.

“No.” She snarls and turns to Nash. “Let the boy go.” She demands.

He grins and shakes his head. “Princess. I’m so glad to see you alright. I was terribly worried.”

“Let him go, Nash.” She clenches.

He bows his head slightly. “I will as soon as you come with me where you belong.”

“I don’t belong to you.” She sneers

“No, she doesn’t.” I ball my fist.

“You do. As a child of the creator, your place is on your throne. A person of your righteous order doesn’t belong here.” He says gently. “You’ve just been misled. That’s all. I can correct you. I place you back on your path of true calling. You can continue the teachings of liberation.”

“HOLY FUCK! HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE THIS NUTS! She’s not going with you, dickhead! That’s all! Hand over the kid!” I throw my hands out.

“Luke. He’s right.” Alexi turns to me.

“WHAT?! HOW THE FUCK IS HE RIGHT?” I lean to her and flare my eyes.

“I don’t want any more bloodshed. To save your people I must go.” She holds herself and glances at Nash.

“No, Alexi! I’m not handing you over!” I scowl.

She gets close to me. “Alpha. He has control. He’s most likely gathered all the Dragons ready to fight. I’m sorry. Your Alliance… doesn’t stand a chance.”

Nash nods. “She’s right, Alpha. Do be smart.”

“Alexi…” My eyes flick between hers and Nash’s, then I see it. The slight wink. I study her face a minute longer. I chew my lip as it sinks in. “Ok.”

“The boy!” Alexi barks.

“You’re doing the right thing, princess.” He shoves Evan and he lands on the ground. Gavin and Bobby grab him and carry him away.

Nash reaches into his pocket and pulls out a collar. It’s deep purple and diamond studded. He tosses it to me and I catch it. “Put that on.”

“She’s already wearing one.” I look at him confuse

“This one cant be tracked.” He aims his gun at me. “Put it on.” He spits.

“Nash. I don’t need a collar.” Alexi says.

He laughs. “I know you better than that. You think I don’t know the level of brainwashing you’ve had? Put it on, now!” He yells and pushes the gun our way.

She turns to me. “Luke.”

Everything in my body is screaming don’t. I press my lips together, open the collar and put it around Alexi’s neck.

“Spin it to the front and show me you spinning the combination lock.” He instructs.

I pull the collar around and spin the four numbers, mixing them up.

“Take off the Alliance collar.” He stares me down.

I hold my hand out to Bobby and he slaps the key to Alexi’s collar in my hand. I pull the lock to the front and she faces me. She swallows and holds her chin up.

“I’m coming for you. Don’t think I won’t.” I say quietly.

I see her eyes glass over. “Please…don’t be stupid.”

I slightly smirk. “Too late.” I grab her head and kiss her.

“ALEXI!” Nash yells.

“I’m sorry.” She chokes on my lips.

“Don’t be. I’m finding you if I have to tear this world apart.” I hold her to my head and watch a tear fall from her eye.

“Call off your men, Nash!” She says as she turns. “Open the link.”

He bows his head and his eyes cloud over. Alexi’s does, too, then she turns to me. “It’s done. The men are retreating.” She walks to Nash. “If anyone in this town gets hurt you’ll be the first one I execute.”

“Yes, princess.” He bows.

She looks back at me and I shake my head. My eyes plead with her, but I can tell she’s still going.

“Don’t come for me. We both knew this was a fairytale. I told you, Alpha. You’re not a white knight on a horse. I’m not that kind of princess. If I was I would say…I love you.” She fought hard for that. “But I won’t.”

She turns to Nash and I watch her walk to the truck. The driver opens the door and she climbs in.

Nash stands at the door. “Don’t worry, Alpha. My magic may not be able to wipe you from her mind, but there are much…better ways to make her forget you even exist. Have a good night.” He gets in and the area fills with the roars of trucks and bikes.

They all drive around the circle of my driveway and leave. The streets rumble with high revving and accelerations.

I stood there staring at the empty driveway. I’m fighting my emotions as the smell of exhaust fills my nose.


I feel my rage. My lip trembles and my fists ball. I spin around and walk to the house.

“Wake everyone the fuck up.” I growl as I push through them.


A look of murder is on my face as I climb the steps into the house. “I’ve got a fucking war to plan.” I growl darkly.

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