The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 42

(Chapter song ‘Everglow' by Coldplay)


Training with Luke is so therapeutic. I feel more at home here as the days go by. It also helps that since I have proved I can hold my own, the relationships with the others in the house seems to have improved. I don't feel like such an outcast. Though, I do try to not bring up my father around them as much as possible.

I've gotten close to some. Like Evan, for instance. I've almost taken him under my wing, sort of speak, since Luke seems to want to shield him from the world. I know from experience that sheltering people doesn’t do anyone any good. It’s better to prepare them and hope nothing happens.

Luke's stubborn in that regard, so I will volunteer to give Evan what he needs. Knowledge and skill.

He idolizes Luke, and wants to be like him, but Luke's always so busy, he never gets time with him.

"Well, that won't do at all.” I place my hands on my hips as I watch him clean up after running errands for the house.

He shrugs. "The Alpha has a lot on his plate. I learn what I can. Eventually, I'll get to a spot where I'm part of it more." He smiles.

"What about sparring?" I ask. "Luke loves to spar. You could train with him. That'll break the ice."

Evan shies away as he takes bags to the kitchen. "I train, but I'm not allowed to spar with the guys. They're too advanced."

"Poppycock.” I follow him to the kitchen and he passes the bags off to the chef. “Let's go." I grab his hand and pull him to the training room.

"Where are we going?” He asks from behind me.

I stop and turn. I eye him as I cross my arms. "If Luke won't train you, I will. Get your things." I step behind him and push him out of the common room.

"But I still have stuff to do for the Alpha..." He protests.

I stand with my hands on my hips. "I'll deal with the Alpha. You get changed." I wave my hands at him to shoo him up the stairs.

“Uh…Ok.” He walks up the stairs apprehensively.

A half hour later, Evan and I are in the training room. It's empty this morning, so it's the perfect time to show him how we trained as Dragons.

With the early afternoon sun shining trough the large windows, we sat cross-legged on mats in the middle of the training room floor. Evan is entirely too timid. I need to clear his mind of worry and fill him with confidence.

"How's this fighting?” He raises a brow.

"My dear boy. Not everything is about punching things. In order to be a fierce warrior, you must clear your head and call on your strength. You must mentally prepare yourself for the battle to come." I sit tall and talk with a touch of authority. I may be projecting a little of my father, but honestly, when it came to disciplined combat, my father had wisdom.

"Take a deep, cleansing breath and close your eyes. Think of nothing, but the strength your wolf gives you." I watch him do as instructed. He listens well

I lower the volume of my words. "Feel your power coursing through your veins. Feel your mind getting sharper. Call to your wolf inside. See your victory."

After a few minutes, I ask if he's ready.

Evan opens his eyes. "Let's do this." He grins.

"Ok. Simple offense." I giggle at his enthusiasm.

I check his stance and take my own position. He signals he's ready for my attack and I keep it very simple. This will be a test of his currently skills. I advance toward him with punches to his upper body. He blocks them easily.

"Good. Again." I bark.

I swing several times at him. Again, he blocks nicely. "Excellent. Look for an opportunity."

I swing at him with different moves. He finds one and punches my stomach.

“Oof…” I wrap my arm around my waist and lean my other hand on my knee. I take a second to correct myself. I assumed his punch would be lighter. I won’t be taking him for granted again.

"God...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it... please, don't tell Luke." He whines as he panics.

I wave him down. "Evan, relax. We're training. You're supposed to hit me. I'm fine. Stop worrying about Luke."

He swallows and nods nervously.

I stand. "Ok. Defense." I wave at him to advance.

He enters my space and forces me back as I defend against his blows. I find an opening and punch him in the face and he stumbles back.

“Ow...” He scowls and rubs his cheek.

I fold my arms and laugh. “A good skill to have is the ability to take a punch.

“Oh, I can take it. I just don’t like it.” He moves his jaw to check if it’s broken.

“The simplest solution is to not let yourself ger hit.” I smile.


"That was very good, Evan. A few more lessons and we'll have a new fighter for our ranks." I stand proud of his skill.

He shyly smiles. "Thanks, Alexi."

"What's going on?"

I turn and grin as Luke walks in.

"Alexi's training me." Evan smiles.

"She is? You are?" He arches a brow.

"Yes, as a matter of fact." I fold my arms with my chest puffed out. "Evan is a wonderful fighter. You don't give him enough credit." I wag my finger at his nose.

He grabs my finger and lowers it. He crosses his arms. "He's just a kid. I don't need him getting hurt."

"Evan. Do you feel like a child or a man?” I put my hands on my hips.

"Um...well...a man...I guess." He stumbles.

"Oh, come on, Evan. If you're going to be a fighter you must have confidence. Say it like a man." I curl my arm and flex my bicep in a show of power.

Luke shakes his head and snickers.

I point to him. “You shut up.”

This has him laughing more.

I take Evan by the shoulders. “Come on. Are you a man or a mouse?”

"Yeah, I'm a man." He holds his chin up.

Luke laughs. "Evan, you're still scared of the dark."

He scowls. "Am not. I just don't like having my bathroom light off."

Luke laughs more. "Look, baby. I get it. We probably don't do enough for Evan, but he has time. No need to rush things."

I stand with authority in front of him and lock his eyes. "Where I come from, if you can walk, you train. You never know when you might have to defend yourself. Not one pack member should be left unarmed." I place my hands behind my back and glance at Evan. "Besides. Evan wants to learn from his Alpha and as Alpha, it's your responsibility to honor the request of your pack member."

Luke gazes at me and shakes his head. "You're gonna be trouble for me, aren't you?"

I grin. "Only if you don't listen."

"Fine. 6am. You and me, kid, right here. Bring your game face." He points to Evan.

"Yes." He pumps his fist. "Don't worry, I won't disappoint you. This is gonna be awesome!" He plants his hands on his hips with a big grin on his face, flicking his head between Luke and I.

"Alright, kid. Don't explode." Luke rolls his eyes.

Evan toned down his excitement. "Ok. I have to go. Oh, Alpha. You're bike's ready at the shop. Do you me to drive you over?"

"Yeah! Fuck, took them long enough. You did a number on my bike." He narrows his eyes at me.

"Sorry." My face flushes.

Luke and Evan leave and I go to change.

Just before I get to my room, I hear quiet sobbing. I look around the hall to find it and see the door to the room where Samuel was. It's partially open.

My brows pinch up and I hold myself as the crying got a little louder. My lips fall when I get to the door. I peak in the three inch crack and Krystal sitting on the edge of the bed crying. I scan the room around her. It’s so cold and empty. So full of sadness.

I pull away from the crack, lower my head and play with my fingers.

In all the events around Samuel’s death, Krystal and I haven’t had a chance to talk. It would be nice to get to know her, but she hides a lot and I don’t want to disturb her.

She's going through something very painful. Losing a loved one is painful enough. Losing a fated mate makes you want to die yourself so I’m told.

My father was devastated when my mother died. He was quiet for a very long time. He avoided me for quite awhile. Spending as little time with me as possible. I’m thinking he just didn’t want me to see him cry.

I turn and lean to peak through the crack again and my eyes meet hers. I suck in a breath in shock and embarrassment of getting caught spying and hide again.

"Come in, Alexi." I hear through the crack.

I try to not look guilty, fix my clothes and my hair and push open the door.

"I'm sorry, Luna. I-I... didn't mean." I fidget with my fingers and glance at her.

She wipes her eyes, sniffs and gives a tiny smile. "It's alright. Come in. Sit." She pats the bed. "We haven't had a chance to talk."

I slowly walk into the room. She's a beautiful woman. I can see Luke in her. Age is slightly creeping in, but that only makes her more beautiful. She reminds me of my mother, the way she carries herself. I’m humbled being with her right now.

She watches me slowly sit down beside her. "You look so much like your mother."

"You knew her?" Her brows raise as I fix my skirt.

"Yes. And your father. We were friends growing up. Your father was Red Rock pack. Your mother was from Deruse. She lived here while her father was on business. You didn’t know?” She has the tone of a mature, confident woman and that made me feel calm.

"No. I'm becoming more aware that there's so much I don't know." I mumble.

"Cecille was a sweet girl. She’d never hurt a fly. Always worried about her friends and she would console us when we got hurt." She played with her tissue. She looked out to the room. “I don’t know what happened from then until now. So much happened. I can’t…” She lowers her head.

I can tell she’s struggling with my mother for some reason. So I change the subject. “You were friends with my father.”

She rolls her eyes to me and smiles. “A little more than friends"

“What do you mean?” The corner of my lip ticks up.

She looks out to the room and looks like she's lost in a romantic memory. "Draco… He was so mesmerizing. He was wild and carefree. He could sweep you off your feet before you could blink. His words… like poetry. And he did sweep me off my feet. I was so lost in him. I would have followed him anywhere.”

“Why didn’t you?” I hand her a Kleenex and she wipes her eyes.

She smiles and picks at it. “He didn’t want me to. I was ready. Like Romeo and Juliet. We were going to run away, but when I went to meet up…” She turns to me. “He left without me.” She wipes her eyes. “That moon, I found Sam. It wasn’t meant to be.”

"A romantic tragedy." I mumble.

She huffs a little giggle. “It really was. Most of it was my fault. I didn’t listen to Draco. The world was so different then, and Sam didn’t help. He was always so jealous of our love. When Draco left, he asked my father for permission to take me and being the son of the Alpha, my father couldn’t turn down a courting invitation like that. As it turned out, the moon agreed anyway.”

“I'm sorry.” I say quietly.

She takes my hand in hers. “Don’t be. Really. As strange as it sounds, seeing you here…with Luke… It feels like… the world is trying to correct itself.”

I turn my head slightly. I feel my cheeks heat and I feel a bit confused. “What do you mean?”

“I mean…” She rubs the top of my hand with her other one. “It’s like seeing Draco and I all over again. Before he got sick.” Her tear filled eyes rise to mine as her breathe hitches. “Don’t get me wrong. I love Sam, with all my heart, but your father held a very special place that Sam couldn’t touch. I just wish he saw the same in me.”

I smile and fight tears myself. I wonder if I should tell her what I know. I don’t know if it would change anything for her, but I hate that she believes my father just abandoned her.

“Luna… I should tell you… My father didn’t abandon you.” I take the Kleenex and dry her eyes for her, making sure her makeup doesn’t smudge.

“He didn’t?” Her brow crinkles.

“No.” My lips shrink and my face fills with regret. “My father was kidnapped and held as a political prisoner for 20 years. He was tortured daily until his escape. He was near death when he did.”

Her eyes widen. “He what?”

“They…They experimented on him. Tortured his body to a point…” I take a deep, shaky breath. “To a point where they broke his mind.” I look down and grab my own Kleenex out of the box.

As much as I hated the truth. I can’t deny why that truth came to be. And it breaks my heart.

“Who did this?” She finds my eyes.

“The Alliance. They had a secret facility they held him in. It doesn’t exist anymore.” I inform as I dry my cheeks.

“Alexi… I don’t… Why didn’t he come back?” She asks

I shake my head. “I don’t know. I think he met my mother shortly after.”

She looks out to the room. “They fated.” She whispers. “She fought… with him.” She turns back to me.

“Yes. She died in battle when I was four.” I mutter.

“Seems we all paid the price for loving Draco.” She lowers her head and shakes it.

“I can only blame the Alliance for that. I hope the future will be brighter for all of us now that he’s gone. I miss him terribly, but he caused so much pain. A part me is glad he was stopped.” As I acknowledged that, I felt guilty for even thinking it.

“You can feel that way. Draco had a side that wasn’t shown just anyone. We both saw it. If what you say is true, the Alliance took that side away. But the fact that he spared you shows how much he really loved you. Unfortunately, we can’t ignore the truth either.” She pats my hand.

“No… I’m not. It just saddens me.” I glance at her then lower my head. “It’s hard.”

“I think that’s why my son found you. So it wouldn’t be so hard to deal with.” Krystal puts a finger on my chin. “Trust him. Let him ease your pain when you have it. He'll help you heal.” She smiles.

“I’m starting to see that.” I smile back.

I take a breath calm myself then take her hand like she did mine. “How are you holding up?”

She wipes her eyes. “As good as can be expected. Samuel was a hard man to get used to, but my heart was still so full of him. We many wonderful years in this house. It won’t be the same now.”

“You'll see him again. But I see how much Luke loves you. He can help me, and he can help you, too.” I lean to her. “I may be a scary Torrent, but I have a good listening ear.” I grin.

She laughs and places a hand on my cheek. “You not only have your mother’s looks, but you have her heart. Your mother would be proud of you. I’m sure of it.”

“Thank you. I see where Luke gets his heart from.” I softly smile.

We sat for a second of silence just holding hands and remembering the lives lost. It’s strange how the paths of people cross then diverge in another direction. But if the saying ‘Everything happens for a reason’ is true, there’s a reason why Krystal’s path and my path moved the way they did. This moment is only part of it. I think more reasons may present themselves in the future.

"I should leave you to your privacy." I break the silence, compose myself and stand.



“You’re not a scary Torrent. The Draco I knew wasn’t either.” She looks up at me with that motherly look. “I really do see you and Luke being Draco and I’s second chance. I hope…you believe that.”

I feel my cheeks heat again. “I think I do.” I whisper and turn to the door.

I walk out of the room and gently close the door behind me. I stood there for a moment, drying the last of my tears and thinking about what she said.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?"

I look up and smile as Luke strolls up the hall toward me. He stops, gives me a concerned look, lays a hand on my cheek and glances at his mother’s door. “Why are you crying?”

I sniff and wipe my face. “Nothing. Nothing happened. Your mother is a sweet lady.”

"My mother? Really?" He arches a brow and smirks.

I raise my chin to him and step close. “Yes, she is and I was telling her what a fine job she did raising a wonderful man.” I get close to his lips.

“Bullshit.” He chuckles.

“You’re right. We talked about your father.” I laugh then gaze into his hazel eyes. I don’t think it would do Luke any favors to know his mother was once in love with my father. That’s a talk for another time. “But I still think she’s the reason I care about you so much. You are wonderful, Luke.”

He smiles then kisses me gently. He breaks the kiss, rests his forehead on mine and traces my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "My bike's here. Want to go for a ride?" He bounces his brow.

"But I'm not allowed..." I start.

"I won't tell if you won't." He smirks and gives me another kiss.

"It's a date." I laugh.

He laces his fingers with mine. “Let’s go, beautiful.”

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